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Thread: ** Got a Question about simple carbs late night **

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In the field, hunting for poonany

    ** Got a Question about simple carbs late night **

    Whats up everyone...My question is if it is ok to take in like 30grams of dextrose with my 40gram protein shake during break time at work. I workout from 2-3 and have my simple carbs at like 3:10, then I usually have some form of carbs around 4 or so with my meal. Then I start work at 5 O'clock (I work at UPS so my HR is usually up all the time and its a workout in itself), Then breaktime is like 7 o'clock and thats when I have the shake. I amw ondering if this is cool because I am trying to cut down? I myself think I need some carbs because in essence I am working out and I want that protein to go to my muscles not for energy. ANY response will be appreciated thanks bros!!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Grab a shaker, throw in some blended protein and 1-2 servings of oatmeal instead of having dextrose as the carb. Break time comes, toss some water in and your good to go.
    1.The oatmeal will give you some good energy and is an excellent slow digesting carb
    2. It wont cause an insulin spike
    3. Gets some good fibre intake for you.

    When I'm cutting down, oatmeal is the only carb I intake besides post workout dextrose.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In the field, hunting for poonany
    coo, ill try it, I just throw it in the shaker and kinda chew up the oatmeal that'll be in the water??? Its gonna be nasty but its function not taste.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In the field, hunting for poonany
    oh 1 more thing, would grape nuts be alright??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    without having a box in front of me to see the nutritional facts, i would still say no because i am pretty sure it has a lot of sugar in it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Grape nuts are pretty high on the GI index. 74 if I remember correctly.
    The sugar is not real bad, and they are great for bulking. 250 calories per serving with 2% milk.
    Don't sweat the taste of the raw oatmeal. Actually, in chocalate flavored protein powder it adds a pretty good taste.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In the field, hunting for poonany
    Obviously you can't tell how something is just because it doesn't say sugar under the carb categorys. What are some other ways to tell?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Well, if it says no sugar but has Xamount of carbs. Make sure to look in the ingredients to see if those carbs are maltodextrin, dextrose, sucrose, fructrose which are all forms of sugar.
    If it's a MRP, unless its VPX brand the carbs are maltodextrin which you should stay away from besides post workout. VPX makes an MRP that has carbs from wheat and oats but its like $65.00 a box, thus justifying the purchase of oatmeal to mix in with a cheaper zero carb protein.

    Personally I buy Isopure Packs for post workout(adding dextrose)and for any other time I drink Optimum Pro Blend(this is what I put the oatmeal in) for a blend of proteins for slower absorbtion. Find a protein powder that has close to zero carbs and then you can add oats. This way, you carbs are good slow digesting carbs and the sugar is kept to a minimum.

    Does this answer your Q?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In the field, hunting for poonany
    yeah bro, im gonna throw 1/2 a cup of oats in my protein shake during break at work tonight...I get stares all the time from people about the stuff I eat during break..I LOVE IT!!!

    thanks bro.


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