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Thread: Help on Test E Cycle

  1. #1

    Help on Test E Cycle

    i am taking my first cycle which will be 500mgs of Test E a week for ten weeks. so far i have clomid, nolva and clenbuterol. this is how i had it set up but i dont know if i need more or need to change it up. wk 13 100mg of clomid daily and 40 mgs of nolva...wk 14 50mg of clomid and 30 of nolva...wk 15 50mg of clomid and 20 mg of nolva. and clenbuterol but i dont know exactly how much or when to take that

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Way out there

    I ran a similar cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by big_jake102
    i am taking my first cycle which will be 500mgs of Test E a week for ten weeks. so far i have clomid, nolva and clenbuterol. this is how i had it set up but i dont know if i need more or need to change it up. wk 13 100mg of clomid daily and 40 mgs of nolva...wk 14 50mg of clomid and 30 of nolva...wk 15 50mg of clomid and 20 mg of nolva. and clenbuterol but i dont know exactly how much or when to take that
    Don't know about the clen but it is my opinion that you run your nolva @ 10mg/ed during cycle to avoid gyno. With test-e, you will start PCT between 17-19 days after your last injection. For PCT, standard seems to be Nolva @ 20gm/ed and Clomid @300mg the 1st day, 100 for the next week, and then 50 till your back to normal. I ran that PCT for a month and was right back to normal after a test-e and dbol cycle. Good luck and read Pheeno's PCT sticky.

  3. #3
    thanks for the info. but i have yet another question, when is the best time to take the dosage during the day. morning..night?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Way out there

    Twice a Week

    Quote Originally Posted by big_jake102
    thanks for the info. but i have yet another question, when is the best time to take the dosage during the day. morning..night?
    Seems that the general rule for test-e is Monday Morning and Thursday Evening.

  5. #5
    i actually mean't for the clomid and nolva, next time i will be more specific

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    Don't know about the clen but it is my opinion that you run your nolva @ 10mg/ed during cycle to avoid gyno. With test-e, you will start PCT between 17-19 days after your last injection. For PCT, standard seems to be Nolva @ 20gm/ed and Clomid @300mg the 1st day, 100 for the next week, and then 50 till your back to normal. I ran that PCT for a month and was right back to normal after a test-e and dbol cycle. Good luck and read Pheeno's PCT sticky.
    sorry...its 2 weeks 2 weeks=14 days...anyways i say run nolva 40mg/ed first two weeks of pct...nolva 20mg/ed last 2 weeks and clomid @ 100mg/ed can do the frontloading thing but some get vision problems with clomid
    grappler..i agree with nolva @ 10mg/ed during cycle maybe even 20 prob. just getting e mixed up with c...c is more 18 days for pct

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