I just finished the second week of
700 andropen 275
600 eq
50 mg dbol ed
.5 liquidex
400 b6 ( I have a prolactin issue from last deca cycle trying to cure)
Up about 7-10lbs and the liquidex is keeping most the bloat off.
My question is My cuz was also running a cycle with me of andropen and deca but wont be finishing his cycle. I have his bottle of deca 300 with only .5 cc's out of it and was wondering if I could just add about 250mg per week just so the bottle wont go to waste. I am running the test and eq for a long time and when I am done will probaly be taking 6 months off. If anything I thought it might help with my joints.
what do you think?
Also as for my prolactin issue from last cycle was 750 test and 500 deca for 13 weeks with anadrol kickstart. Everything went good, no gyno, pct went well and got me back to normal quick. However my wife was playing around with me ( 3 months after cycle) and squeezed my nipple and it did lactate a clear substance. If she would of never did that I would of never knew about the issue. I do not have gyno as their is no lump and my chest looks nice and tight and hard. so I started another cycle and just have been taking b6 at 400mg aday. seems to be lactaing less but any advice will be appreciated. I also have novadex but dont think it will help at all. It only lactates if squeezed really hard. Kind of freaks me out though.