weigh 180, rep 235, would test pro and dbol be a good first cycle? or maybe dbol and winny. any input would help, thanks.
weigh 180, rep 235, would test pro and dbol be a good first cycle? or maybe dbol and winny. any input would help, thanks.
dbol and winny? Whaat? I would look around the board for a lot longer before thinking about a cycle
How old are you? rep 235???? what is that????
Sounds like you need more research as neither things you suggest would be good for you.
give us your complete stats,
AGE, height, weight, BF%, food intake, training experience, GOALS
Yeah bro. we need a lot more stats than you're weight and what you "rep"
say goodbye to your liver running those two.
AGE, height, weight, BF%, food intake, training experience, GOALS
20, 6'1", 180, dont know for sure, lean muscular, High protein diet with with berlin chem 50 cytomels to add to it(when my cycle begins), goals are a 20-30lbs increase in muscle/weight, training for 3 1/2 years on and off. clomid and novaldex also in hand.
what about oral dbol and injectable winny.
Originally Posted by odix
Well I may as well be the one to tell you , you are too young and NO way ready to do AAS with "ON AND OFF" training.
At your age, you still have plenty of natural hormones running in your system to make the gains you want naturally. IF your diet and training are in line.
That is where you need to start. NO AAS will take the place of a bad diet or on and off training. sorry it doens't work that way.
Read this thread and then stick around and research and check out the diet forum for bulking diets.
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Click here: http://forums.steroid.com/showthread.php?t=243772
Okay how many calories do you consume a day and what foods do you eat?
about 4,000, lots of meat, lots of foreman grill.
i train full time now each muscle two times a week with fridays off, 6 months strong, 5 exercises a muscle 10reps@3sets.
Well I agree with SMAN12B.... But if you have it stuck in your head you want to do a cycle forget about the two compounds your thinking about. Do more research, and I'd suggest sticking to a test only cycle.
ya thats the thing its going to happen, so what about a kickstart with dbol @ 20mgs/day for 3 weeks and then testprop for 2 months, with cyto and 100 mg clomid first 2 weeeks after cycle then 50 next 2
sounds like you may be over training, i would say 5 days a week should be good, your body needs time to recoop, If this is your first cycle i would say run a test only cycle to get a feel for how you react to steroidsOriginally Posted by odix
I'm not too fond of orals and with dbol you'll carry a lot of bloat and water weight. But if you insist:
1-4 20mg ed DBOL
1-12 500mg Test Enanthate
your pct looks good. Start one week after last test injection. Keep some nolva on hand incase your gyno prone. Good luck, eat right and clean!! and lift hard
Too young, too small, too little training experience to do a cycle.Originally Posted by odix
Did I cover everything?
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
Why offer advice to someone who has no business doing a cycle?Originally Posted by IXISiDiuSIXI
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
well its better to receive decent advice then rely on my own inexperience, right? you can't stop me from doing a cycle, but you can point me in the right way so i dont **** it up to bad. thanks man.
Originally Posted by odix
But why would we waste our time giving goo dadvice to someone who has NO concern for doing things the right way?
There are too many others on here that WANT to do things the right way and actually appreciate and listen to the advice given instead of just waiting to hear the answers they want to hear
you just dont see thats its rather better i receive active advice then try and make a decision on my own and **** my body more up. i respect everyones comments, but the choice to run a cycle has already been made, your advice may be the best, but its something i will find out for myself. thanks guys. im done with this.
and pct starts 2 weeks after last enanthate injection...as carlos said why give advice when hes not ready...and second..why give WRONG advice..that could potentially mess up someones pct if they took the advice literallyOriginally Posted by IXISiDiuSIXI
Originally Posted by Carlos_E
....100%... im agree...
LPR ...dermatology.
like i said all your opinions are considered, but the choice has been made, so theres no point in continuing on with this thread, thanks to all who helped, positive or not.
and carlos, bro, its not your business if i do a cycle, right? take it easy.
Last edited by odix; 07-09-2006 at 09:15 PM.
Originally Posted by odix
...so WTF your are doing here?.....go and do what ever the fvck you want....you should have more respect for the ppl how is trying to help you,special for ppl like Carlos and othres Vet's and Mod's....
It's not my business? You made it our business by coming here asking for advice. You just don't like the advice given.Originally Posted by odix
Your attitude and immaturity shows you're too young. You have to little training experience and 6' 180?? You can make plenty of gains naturally.
Go ahead and do the cycle. Months from now when you've lost your gains because you do not know how to eat and train properly you'll regret the decision. I'm not going to help you make a mistake.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
Originally Posted by LatinoPR
Especially when his first posts were asking for a SOURCE...![]()
well i did my pct one week after last injection, that may be wrong advice to you but I've kept damn near all of my gains and I've been in the same boat as this guy. As for giving him advice it's better I give him the right advice than the advice he was already given with the winny and dbol....He's already stated he's going to do a cycle whether or not we agree. But me giving him the right advice is atleast going to save his liver. I'm not here to bash someone for doing a cycle whether there ready for it or not but rather help them with the knowledge they need so incase they do one there atleast gonna do it right.Originally Posted by Anabolios
its not wrong advice to me its wrong advice period going by how the enanthate ester works...and i think liver toxicity of orals is very overrated....granted a dbol winny cycle would be pointless even if it was not toxic to the liver either way..check your facts man..im not comin at you because im sure you have the best of intentions just informing you...im actually trying to work at the way i address people because maybe i sound like an arrogant prick when in fact i make mistakes tooOriginally Posted by IXISiDiuSIXI
don't make me challenge you in the arcade... : o
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