Im doing my first contest this november, Im 43 years old. 4 years ago I looked like crap, by that I mean I had a big big beer belly, I weighed 200 and a wiast that measured 37" I was grossly unfit. 2nd I have bad genes in my family. my Dad weighs about 130 lbs and looks very much like Barnney Fiffe. I do beleive that I have reached my potential. My question is: I know somewhere on this site you can find a diet routine that should be followed when training and you get closer to your day of competing. Somthing that tells you calorie consumption, carb intake week by week. Also maybe somthing that teaches training as you get closer to the date like how many sets you should, reps. I know that as you approach your contest date alot of your diet and training changes as you get closer. I just need somthing to teach me this. Thanks