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Thread: Insulin Abuse

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Exclamation Insulin Abuse

    Some kid came to me in the gym the other day, he must be around 17/18 and told me he was taking insulin PWO! He assured me he knew what he was doing and seemed to know his stuff when it came to slin use.

    I spent half an hour trying to adivse him against this and telling him to wait until he is older and more experienced with training, diet, AAS etc. Against my adivce he said he would continue using it as he is making good gains.

    Seriously though, how much damage is this kid going to do to himself using insulin at such a young age?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    could kill himself... could go int acoma...could become slin dependent

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by big daddy k de
    could kill himself... could go int acoma...could become slin dependent
    I told him this, but he said that everyone runs these risks when taking slin! (fair point IMO)

    Surely messing with any hormones at such a young age will be detremental to his health and there will be higher risks than if a fully developed man took them.


  4. #4
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    He'll be fine as long as he knows what he is doing (ie: using enough carbs per iu). At his age and maturity level I can't see his diet being disciplined and refined enough for him to get much benefit out fo the slin use, much less without getting fat. He'll probably jsut put on some fat and bloat and then say fuc* it. His sides shouldnt range much beyond that.

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Unlike HGH and AAS, insulin is different when it comes to age. As long as he is carefull and uses it properly, he will be fine. Let's not forget no matter how carefull we are, all these drugs are not good for anybody period.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIG_T_MC06
    Seriously though, how much damage is this kid going to do to himself using insulin at such a young age?

    There is no more risk for a 17 year old than a 30 year old.
    Still its a stupid thing for him to do.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by spound
    He'll be fine as long as he knows what he is doing
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    As long as he is carefull and uses it properly, he will be fine.

    I'd agree with the above.

    As Gear stated Slin is much different then AAS. As long as he is careful I would predict that he would do his body less harm then with AAS.

    Either way we all need to take precautions when dealing with any of these products.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    I'd agree with the above.

    As Gear stated Slin is much different then AAS. As long as he is careful I would predict that he would do his body less harm then with AAS.

    Either way we all need to take precautions when dealing with any of these products.

    So would you consider AAS more dangerous than HGH for someone his age to take?

    I thought insulin would be more dangerous than AAS....

  9. #9
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    So would you consider AAS more dangerous than HGH for someone his age to take?

    I thought insulin would be more dangerous than AAS....
    I know this question was directed at Jay, but I'll state my opinion anyway. Jay has too many posts under his belt anyway

    When we use the term "dangerous", this could refer to many things. For example, AAS use has been found to have links with liver and kiddney damage. I'm unsure how dangerous HGH is when it comes to liver and kiddnies, but I do know excessive HGH doses for extended period of time can lead to abnormal organ growth. So every drug has its dangers as you can see, and like Jay said, no mater what we use we should always be carefull.

    Also, there are many people out there that are just about side effect free. I don't know why that is, but I would say its because everyone reacts differently. For exmaple, I know a guy that has been taking test at high doses for at least 10yrs. He has never used any anti estrogen drugs, yet he has never had any issues when it comes to gyno. On the other hand, I know another guy that did his first cycle of test, he took about 500mgs of Enanthate per week for about 10 - 12 weeks. This was about 1 year ago, and about 3 months ago he just came out of hospital due to gyno removal. So as you can see, it's very hard to say what's dangerous for who and at what age, we can only give "general" advice, we can never give spot on answers, I don't believe we can, well I can't anyway.

    Now back to insulin. In temrs of serious side effects, IMO insulin would be the most dangerous drug to use out of any other drugs. I know AAS can cause some serious damage too, but for most perople to get serious side efects usually they would have to use it a long time and at high doses. Insulin is different. You can screw up with insulin the first time you use it and end up in a diabetic coma. But wait it gets worse than that. Insulin can actually leave you in that coma for as long as it feels like it, and if you do come out of it, in most cases, people will end up with brain damage due to lack of oxygen to the brain. This my friend, can happen to anyone that uses insulin the first time. Can you damage your insides from AAS the first time you use it? I would say more than likely not. So that's why I believe insulin is the most dangerous drug to use.

    Hope that explained a few things.


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