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Thread: me natty 20inch arm 2part

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    me natty 20inch arm 2part

    Hi bros. I was away for a while and i wasnt able to read the forum for two days. The other topic - was closed so i am gonna write here. First of all i would like to thank for the comments. Now i will answer some of the questions you asked. If i missed some of them just remind me. If you like i can post more photos, it is no problem for me. I can post any pose you like(except abs and thigh-i don't think its worth doing it on my bf%). Btw i have never measured my bf%. I suppose it is in the high teens. This just hasnt been the aim of my training - to be lean. I just wanted to become bigger and bigger. So here is my comment on your comments

    My current weigh is 231lb at 6'2. At most i have gone up to 240.

    About cutting. This year i didn't have time to cut(the year was the busiest in my life). But from my experience from the past years i lost something of the sort of 10lb or even more and my arm was not much smaller. Something of the sort b/n 1/4 and 1/2 inch. The thing is that when you are natty, you lose harder muscle(when you cut for the summer) and it is easier to reach your off-season shape(in the winter).

    To the ones who suggest to cut(the friendly ones). I would like to get even bigger and then to cut. I will try to reach 250lb this winter.

    To the ones who suggest to cut(the ones that are not friendly). 14.5 inch arms(as they post) and wicked soul is bad combination. For me it will be easy to cut, but you will always remain small.

    About Arnold. He has reached 22 1/2 in his best shape. I think for the Olympia 1974. This was the year when he was the heaviest in his career.

    To the ones who doubt that i am natural. What do i win by lying to you? Do i get bigger? Do i get more ripped? There are gyus who lie, but i am not one of them. You are only flattering me by saying this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    St. Paul, MN
    Quote Originally Posted by balu4e
    Hi bros. I was away for a while and i wasnt able to read the forum for two days. The other topic - was closed so i am gonna write here. First of all i would like to thank for the comments. Now i will answer some of the questions you asked. If i missed some of them just remind me. If you like i can post more photos, it is no problem for me. I can post any pose you like(except abs and thigh-i don't think its worth doing it on my bf%). Btw i have never measured my bf%. I suppose it is in the high teens. This just hasnt been the aim of my training - to be lean. I just wanted to become bigger and bigger. So here is my comment on your comments

    My current weigh is 231lb at 6'2. At most i have gone up to 240.

    About cutting. This year i didn't have time to cut(the year was the busiest in my life). But from my experience from the past years i lost something of the sort of 10lb or even more and my arm was not much smaller. Something of the sort b/n 1/4 and 1/2 inch. The thing is that when you are natty, you lose harder muscle(when you cut for the summer) and it is easier to reach your off-season shape(in the winter).

    To the ones who suggest to cut(the friendly ones). I would like to get even bigger and then to cut. I will try to reach 250lb this winter.

    To the ones who suggest to cut(the ones that are not friendly). 14.5 inch arms(as they post) and wicked soul is bad combination. For me it will be easy to cut, but you will always remain small.

    About Arnold. He has reached 22 1/2 in his best shape. I think for the Olympia 1974. This was the year when he was the heaviest in his career.

    To the ones who doubt that i am natural. What do i win by lying to you? Do i get bigger? Do i get more ripped? There are gyus who lie, but i am not one of them. You are only flattering me by saying this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by balu4e
    Hi bros. I was away for a while and i wasnt able to read the forum for two days. The other topic - was closed so i am gonna write here. First of all i would like to thank for the comments. Now i will answer some of the questions you asked. If i missed some of them just remind me. If you like i can post more photos, it is no problem for me. I can post any pose you like(except abs and thigh-i don't think its worth doing it on my bf%). Btw i have never measured my bf%. I suppose it is in the high teens. This just hasnt been the aim of my training - to be lean. I just wanted to become bigger and bigger. So here is my comment on your comments

    My current weigh is 231lb at 6'2. At most i have gone up to 240..
    Thanks for posting again. I was curious, in those pictures do you weigh 231 or 240lbs? Have any pics of your legs? To get a better impression of your size it would be great to see a front double bi pose.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I will try to post leg shots and double bi's today or tomorrow.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Here are the pics

    i made a whole gallery. On the pic with the side chest you can see my thigh(to be honest i don't like this pic ). Someone said that my arm didnt look as big as it is on the lat spread so i added another one lat spread. For the back double bi's it's my mistake because i flip too much my arms when i hit the pose. These are amateur pics - i mean the light is not good, i might be cut somewhere from the pic, it might be blur and so on. There might be slight differences due to the pumped muscle. On all the pics i am in the range 230-235lb(105-107kg).

  6. #6
    Big kid, keep it up you'll be huge.. what are your goals? Btw, may want to get that BF under control a bit and start cleaning up the diet, even a lean bulk would be better than what you're doing.. Even just for your health.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Lookin' big, man! Before I said you looked heavier than 230lbs but in these last pics I can see how you only weigh 230. You should really start cleaning up your diet. If your BF% was a little bit lower you would look much bigger.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    This dude is a freak... 20 years old!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Your other thread was closed because you made 1 post and disappeared like Arsenio Hall while people tore you apart.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Are you really sure you are all natty like you clam. Looks like you have used alot of A bombs.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bench Machine
    Are you really sure you are all natty like you clam. Looks like you have used alot of A bombs.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Bench Machine
    Are you really sure you are all natty like you clam. Looks like you have used alot of A bombs.

    I dont think hes confused on what hes used.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    thanks for the comments. there were some questions so i am gonna answer them.

    about the goals. i understand this question in two ways so there will be two answers. the first one is goals in measurements. i will strive for 21 1/2 arm and 56 chest. i know this sounds very ambitious but there must be a goal that keeps you alive and makes you train like hell. the other way i understand the question is if i am gonna try some kind of competitions. i am thinking of competing on natty level after 4-5 years may be. talking about natty competitions i think that there is one in Hamburg(Scriptfactory i saw that you live in Germany do you know anything more?)

    about cutting. this summer it would be impossible. i have some work to do and i won't be able to go on diet for more than 15days. in my opinion it is no worth to go on diet for 15days then to stop and then to continue for another 15. these are the circumstances for the moment and i can't avoid them.

    yes i am all natty. as i said i have never used even creatine and glutamine. i have heard they give good results. hopefully i will be able to get something of the sort 15-20lb out of them.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    lookin thick bro

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Isnt thr name of the thread about being (natty) natural 20 inch arms. Im just saying no way or am i missing something.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bench Machine
    Isnt thr name of the thread about being (natty) natural 20 inch arms. Im just saying no way or am i missing something.

    I think you are, because Natty doesn't mean Has used Anadrol.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    somewhere in HELL !!!
    ...bull $hit,i work in dermatology and you back is full of acne/fuliculitis same that i had when i run Anadrol..... kiss my @$$...i recomend to take Dorix (doxycycline hyclate) 100mg for 14 days...yeah right natty,whatever.!


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    i have never used steroids. what acne? i have never had acne. have a close look. you are gonna see that 60-70 percent of what you think is acne, is actually strechmarks. i have them on my lower back and my lats.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I don't want to come off as a dick but your back is covered in acne, not stretchmarks. I had the same thing naturally, my back was covered in acne for like 3 years but then it just went away. Back acne isn't proof that someone is juicing.

    The GNBF is a newer German natural bodybuilding organization, but they actually test the people that participate in the contests. The competition is very tough for taller men because it's so much harder to retain muscle mass when cutting down to 4-5%BF. If you aren't conditioned you aren't going to win because Germans love their conditioning.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    here is another pic. as i said i flip too much my arms when i hit this pose but they are not the matter of the question. this is the normal state of my back(i mean about the acne thing). to be honest i have never thought over the acne thing. if it werent you i would not have even noticed it. what i think of acne is something very strong not only on the back but on the arms as well. but never mind.

    about the natty federation. i have no problem being tested. i have heard that their tests catch steroids taken even 5 years ago. i don't have problem with this either. nobody has said that it will be an easy competition. i think the guys will be very well prepared. i think it is almost impossible for natty to reach 4-5%bf. 6-7% sounds more plausible. do i have to be a german citizen in order to participate? i think there is international category or i am wrong?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by balu4e
    here is another pic. as i said i flip too much my arms when i hit this pose but they are not the matter of the question. this is the normal state of my back(i mean about the acne thing). to be honest i have never thought over the acne thing. if it werent you i would not have even noticed it. what i think of acne is something very strong not only on the back but on the arms as well. but never mind.
    I was agreeing with you! Many guys have back acne. I used to as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by balu4e
    about the natty federation. i have no problem being tested. i have heard that their tests catch steroids taken even 5 years ago. i don't have problem with this either. nobody has said that it will be an easy competition. i think the guys will be very well prepared. i think it is almost impossible for natty to reach 4-5%bf. 6-7% sounds more plausible. do i have to be a german citizen in order to participate? i think there is international category or i am wrong?
    You can compete if you are not a German. All you need is a GNBF, INBF, BNBF, SNBF or NBBF membership card. The entry form is here:

    Pics of some of the international competitors. Pretty tough competition!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    very thick bro, i don't know why everyone is always saying guys are lying about being natural. you have some good genetics. i wish i could get that big natty. lean down to 10% bf and you will probably look even bigger.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by LatinoPR
    ...bull $hit,i work in dermatology and you back is full of acne/fuliculitis same that i had when i run Anadrol..... kiss my @$$...i recomend to take Dorix (doxycycline hyclate) 100mg for 14 days...yeah right natty,whatever.!

    Enjoy your 3 week vacation from posting. This is not a location to cuss @ other members and showcase your immaturity.

    Grow up.


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    looking very thick man, nice work. Hey folks, let's not just hate because somebody on the board actually posts pics of 20" arms.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    hey bro, I am your same height AND weight, 6'2" 240lbs. I'm @ about 8% bodyfat right now, will cut down to at leat 4% by september. I am also 19 years old. My arms hover around 18in, how the HELL are your arms 20in if you weigh the same as me @ the same height and have over twice the bodyfat %??

    You do look thick though, I'll give you that. You actually look like you some good mass. Like everyone has said though, how are your legs?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    if you have chicken legs and all your weight is in your upper body, THEN I could understand how you weigh 240

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Last edited by Bench Machine; 07-14-2006 at 01:27 PM.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    laval quebec canada
    Like I Firts Said On Your Firts Picture
    Good Genetic My Friend Know They Tell Me Shit After I Write That....but Still A Bit Of Cardio And You Will Be On The Right Track
    Happy To See You Back ...dont Worry There Is A Lot Of Litle Wannabe That Think They Are All That...

  29. #29
    I love it, Everyone is harping on his BF%, Its high, but it isnt even that high, that dude carries alot of Muscle on him and has a crazy Build for being all natty. When he does decide to cut, He will be a freak!

  30. #30
    damn thats some crazy mass..get some knowledge about diet and you could carry that natty frame a longgg way

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by QUEBECBIGMAN
    Like I Firts Said On Your Firts Picture
    Good Genetic My Friend Know They Tell Me Shit After I Write That....but Still A Bit Of Cardio And You Will Be On The Right Track
    Happy To See You Back ...dont Worry There Is A Lot Of Litle Wannabe That Think They Are All That...
    And your pictures are located where?

    Your offering makes no sense with the mis-spells and run-on sentences, etc., and you need to turn OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK, as it's capitalizing the first letter of every word.

    Slow down when you type, reading your posts gives me a migraine.


  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    And your pictures are located where?

    Your offering makes no sense with the mis-spells and run-on sentences, etc., and you need to turn OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK, as it's capitalizing the first letter of every word.

    Slow down when you type, reading your posts gives me a migraine.


  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    laval quebec canada
    Sorry Big Cat For My English But Usually A Speak French
    If You Whant To See My Pict. Go To (news From Up North)
    It Is A Pleasir Talking To You , Its Been 3 Years That Im Reading ......

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    laval quebec canada

    enreponse a ta marde votre majeste de mon petit trou

    j'voulait juste te dire tabarnark de t'i criss de pretentieu de trouducu de criss de fraime de chatque ca fa 20 an tu t'entraine pis tu peise encore esti juste 220 lives criss de tapet...tu peut benavoir un surnon de p'y chatfif et fier de l'etre
    c'e st ben le fun grosse tapette que tu jase pas ma langue criss de tabarnack de fif dechat

    i love this site is the best bodybuilding site you can find

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by QUEBECBIGMAN
    Sorry Big Cat For My English...
    Hahaha! He called you Big Cat!

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    thank you bros for the comments. i really appreciate it. it is always good to hear something encouraging from people who train like hell and understand what you are doing.

    to superhuman. bro i don't know how is it possible for me to have 20'' at the same weight as yours. as i said my legs are 28 3/4. may be i just have found what excercises and rest work best for my arms and have used this fact. not to mention all the sacrifices which i have been doing(all the missed parties, discos, relationships meetings and so on). here is one even more interesting fact. one week before i turned 18(so i was still 17) i was like 224 and measured my arm at 18 7/8 at even higher bf%. so then i was even lighter than you and with bigger arm and higher bf. i just don't know. maybe my bones are lighter. have a look at my waist on the lat spreads...

    to sum up i would like to thank you bros for encouraging me once again. i will keep you informed about my shape. maybe i will post new pics after a few months.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Act as if...
    Quote Originally Posted by LatinoPR
    ...bull $hit,i work in dermatology and you back is full of acne/fuliculitis same that i had when i run Anadrol..... kiss my @$$...i recomend to take Dorix (doxycycline hyclate) 100mg for 14 days...yeah right natty,whatever.!

    Thats A BS point ..... NEWSFLASH.....20yrs olds GET ACNE from time to time.... im 21, never done a steroid or PH and i still get that shit from time to time .... yes it sucks... no it doesnt mean steroid use!

    btw to the original poster.... i def believe hes natty if he says so.... youve got some thickness goin on dude.... good work
    Last edited by daytrader; 07-15-2006 at 10:17 AM.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Bro, I think the pics are great. I just can't believe you are only 230 lbs. I mean I'm an inch shorter, arms 1 inch+ smaller, legs 2 inches smaller and I weigh 240 with less BF! Not saying your are lying, it's just odd! keep up the hard work.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Hahaha! He called you Big Cat!

    That should be his new name

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DutchCowboy
    Bro, I think the pics are great. I just can't believe you are only 230 lbs. I mean I'm an inch shorter, arms 1 inch+ smaller, legs 2 inches smaller and I weigh 240 with less BF! Not saying your are lying, it's just odd! keep up the hard work.
    thanks bro. my current weigh is 230. on most of the pics i am 235-6.

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