Hey guys. I am cycling 10wks of 500mg of test en with 1-4 wks of dbol 50 mg. I am 23 yo, 5'8. This is my second cycle. The first was the same but with 30mg dbol for weeks 1-4.
My question actully regards my weight. I started at 308 lbs and in this the 6th wk I am 357 lbs. The dbol made me bloat. At first just my muscle were swollen, but now everthing, including my ankles are a little swollen. I noticed that since I have been off the dbol a week now and I am exceting alot more, so I think it is coming off. Has anyone had this problem. I am inclined to think it is a genetic thing that I am prone to gaininng water weight easily. I say that because in carb loading for my most recent competition I sucked down all sorts of fluid and gained 55-60 pounds in 36 hours. Then it just came off over the following week.
The second question is whether I should move up the dosage of test en. I experience no side effects besides a hard weener. No gyno, no agression or anything. I plan on adding some other things my next cycle in the winter, maybe deca or something and swithing something for dbol. Should I just continue at 500mg of test en with the addition of say 200mg of deca a wk or should I move to 750mg of test en. A buddy of mine suggested that the complete lack of side effects might mean that my body is just eating the test up and adding more test en next time is ok.