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Thread: durabolin. muscle swelling

  1. #1

    durabolin. muscle swelling

    yo. it would be great if someone could help me on this one. i injected 1.5 ml of durabolin 25 in each shoulder. we all know the shoulder contains 4 muscles the actuall individual 1 out of 4 part muscle i injected into is a bit swollen. its not painfull or anything but its a bit soft and when i flex its obvious that its bigger than the other 3 (it stands out quite a bit). in previous experiences when i have injected into the biceps this has happened but it usually goes back down to normal in maximum a week. it has been 16 days now and no change. does anyone know whats happened?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    central gerzy
    how often have you injected in the same site? how long was the needle? did you go all the way in? is it red? is it at all painful? i don't think you would really notice too much difference in the shoulder with 1.5cc's. i do 3 cc's and sometimes i can't see a difference. which head of the muscle was it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Wait, durabolin 25? What ester of nandrolone is that? I hope you meant 250 because to get at least 400mg nandrolone per weeks you'd have to inject 16cc's.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    central gerzy
    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    Wait, durabolin 25? What ester of nandrolone is that? I hope you meant 250 because to get at least 400mg nandrolone per weeks you'd have to inject 16cc's.
    i hope he meant 250

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