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Thread: Help me with gyno, plz!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Unhappy Help me with gyno, plz!

    I am at cycle now.
    - Andropen 550 mg weekly
    - Metandienone 25 mg per day
    - HCG 500 e3d
    It is about 1 week I feel my gyno. It grows so quick. Now it is about 3 cm diameter. It is 5 day I use Letro 2,5 mg per day + Nolva 40 mg per day. Nothing doesn't help. It is enlarging anyway.
    They say HCG can cause gyno and nothing help so. Is it true? Or maybe my prolactine is much more than normal. Do I need to try using Dostinex or Cabergoline? Please, guys, advise me anything!

  2. #2
    Letro might take a while to actually kick in, thats why people take it 2 weeks prior to starting a cycle to get blood levels stable.

    GIve me the whole cycel in detail.

    Have you read cbinos gyno thread?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Letro might take a while to actually kick in, thats why people take it 2 weeks prior to starting a cycle to get blood levels stable.

    GIve me the whole cycel in detail.

    Have you read cbinos gyno thread?
    Yes, something I have understand from there

    1-10 Andropen 550 mg weekly
    1-6 Anabol 25 mg dayly
    7-12 Nandrolone Phenylepropionate 400 mg weekly
    4-12 HCG 500 e3d
    1-12 Aromasin 10 mg e4d (I know that I need use it at least 10 mg e2d, but it is so expensive for me)
    So do I need just to wait when Letro will start to work?

  4. #4
    Well man, You werent using enough aromasin IMO. Better to spend the extra cash then to have this happen right? If you cant afford all the necessary items then yer not ready.

    Yea, letro would be the way to go at this point. Just give it time and follow binos guide.

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