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Thread: Strength cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Question Strength cycle

    I am considering my first cycle and have read and studied for sometime now. Could you please critique this cycle based on following stats and goals:
    Ht. 5'10", wt. 180. novice cycle. Age 42.
    My goal is no more than a 20 lb. increase in bdywt. and interested in strength mainly.

    proposed cycle would be wk 1-12 500 mg of test enthanate
    1-12 400 mg of equipose
    5-12 40-50 mg of anavar
    10 mg of nolva daily and clomid PCT at end.

    Comments, criticisms are welcome. This is my first post so cut me some slack. Thanks for your help in advance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Welcome pwrlftr2. So do you need this gain in strength to be permanent?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    For strenght gains there are to steroids that remains supreme, Trenbolone and Halotestin.

    If you want to go with the cycle you have set up, run the var from the start as a kick start. From the test e and eq you want start to feel the increased strenght until week-4, roughly...

  4. #4
    you should really look into halo or anadrol for strength but if you are not willing to have some weight gain then drol is out of the question. halo will not put weight on you but it will shoot your strength through the roof.

    i have not had good experiences personally with tren but i have heard from many others that it is fantastic for lean muscle mass gain and strength gain.

    ps i juice for the strength too. not for the size.. wrestler

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    Welcome pwrlftr2. So do you need this gain in strength to be permanent?
    Ime glad you removed your avatar, think we have seen enough of Ross lolol...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    central gerzy
    i only really do suspension and tren anymore, mainly because it is cheap. but i know the tren is great for strength.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Of course I would like the strength to be permanent but I'm pretty sure that is not possible. In the past I have used all orals such as dianabol, winny, tbol and of course anavar. I had serious sides with dianabol only using 20mg per day. I of course was stupid and did not use PCT. Started using .5 mg of arimidex and problems went away. The best strength gains came from anavar at 50mg/winnie at 30mg per day for 8 weeks. I did not loose most of gains and kept upper body strength for over a year. The more I read the less I want to do all orals and I have a friend who will help me with injections. I was looking for a cycle that would yield mainly strength gains with a small weight gain of 20 pounds and would be retainable or at least mostly retainable. Halo's side effects scare me. I also seem very sensative to steroids. With Anavar and Winnie I had to keep my diet 60% protein, 30% carbs, and 10% fat at less than 2000 calories a day to maintain bodywt. If I upped that to 3500 calories I could easily have gained 20 pounds. At 180 my fat level was 9% so the Anavar kept me very lean.

    From what I have read Trenbolone is not recommended for a first injectible cycle and the combination of equipoise/test/anavar is recommended from the research I did for a good first cycle, easy on the body and some lasting strength and lean muscle gains. I figured on using tren/prop somewhere later on in a future cycle.

    Please give me your thoughts, your information is invaluable to a novice. Thanks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    If its your first cycle asside from orals I would stick with just a single ester test. Maybe next cycle you can add tren, halo, or a bombs.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Yes, the more I think about it I might just run test/anavar for 10-12 weeks with nolva and proper PCT at end. I think since I seem to respond well to the orals that the test should really do it. I figure the first cycle is an experiment anyway and I should be conservative. I do like the strength gains from Anavar. It is a great drug for a strength athlete who must maintain weight.

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