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I know you want to stay away from AAS...but Test Propionate is a great stack with HGH. You really need the extra test. Read the sticky "Everything you need to know about hgh" or something like that. I suggest propionate, only for the fact that it is fast acting, and only detectable for about 2 weeks. HGH is not detectable at all, but they claim that they are working on that. I would stay away from Insulin if I were you...at least untill you see how the HGH is going to respond in your body. Also...I am sure you know this, but an HGH cycle is not cheap, and will not work at great speeds. It takes months to see the results from HGH. Most people cant afford to stay on it. Also, one last thing, I am no expert or anything, but if you do decide to cycle with HGH, its important that you start at a low dose. Let your body adjust to it. If you kick in a strong dose (5iu area) then you will get joint pain, bloating, and you will feel sick all the time...like a flu kinda sick. It sucks man. I did that. Start with 2 iu for the first few weeks...then 3, then 4 ect. I hope this helps buddy!