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Thread: first cycle a month away

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006
    not were I want to be,YET

    first cycle a month away

    Hi guys just lookin for some opinions on cycle ill be starting in a month.
    Not a very conventional first cycle, i d love to do test e, but all i can gat my hands on is, sust, deca, naplon s.
    I know some may say low amounts, but mates have run it and gained about 24 lbs, the idea is less sides easier to recover.

    So anyway hear it goes,

    injection every 5 days, lasting a period of 8 weeks of

    250 mg deca.
    250 mg sust.
    (mixed together so it dont feel like i been kicked by a donkey)

    With nolva as anti e taken through cycle, and clomid for 3 weeks a pct.

  2. #2
    sust isn't to bad, but if i were you i would inject it EOD due to the prop ester in it. + i would keep the deca a little lower than the test. Moreover i would extend the on period to 10 weeks for your first cylce; running the sust for 10 weeks and Deca for 8 weeks.

    So this is how i would lay out your cycle.

    Sust 250: 0,4ml EOD (this equals 100mg per injection and 350mg over the course of one week) for 10 weeks.
    Deca: 300mg /week preferably split in 2 injections. for 8 weeks

    If you don#t want the EOD shots you will still do good if you only shoot every 5 days.

    PCT starts 2 weeks after last Sust injection.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    not were I want to be,YET
    Thanks for that alex, ill prob stick with the every 5 days, less injections the better at the moment.

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