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Thread: Novolog and Lantus questions...

  1. #1
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    Question Novolog and Lantus questions...

    I already used the search button to find out information on either one of these insulins. Didn;t get great results. Im wanting to know what either ones purpose would serve for someone who is not diabetic? How would you take either of them? Also they are 100 units/ml both 10ml bottles. Thank you in advance. Sorry for all the newbie questions

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
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    It's defenitly beneficial if used properly and if combined with a proper diet. It will shuttle nutrients into cells faster than usual, and it will also allow your body to absorb more nutrients than usual. This however is beneficial as advantages as such can lead to strength and weight gain. You will find that you probably won't even feel anything while you are on insulin, but this doesn't mean it's not working.

    If you do end up giving insulin ago be aware of the side effects it can cause and how easy it is to hurt yourself while using it. Also, take into consideration that insulin is very diet dependant, so if you are going to use insulin you must time your meals and amount of nutrients you consume with every meal. Anyway, I won't go on any further in regards to that as there is a lot of information here about how one should eat while using insulin.

    You are defenitly on the right track so far by choosing Novolog insulin. Novolog is one of the types that works fast, and that's excatly what you want. Stay away from the insulins that act slow and have a long on-set time.

    On the other hand, Lantus insulin is what you don't want. It is a long acting inuslin that will bring nothing but issues for yourself, so cross of Lantus on your list and put a big tick next to the Novolog.

    All the best.


  3. #3
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    Thanks for your help my uncle takes that stuff. Im wanting to help him take it properly, and of course eat the right things. Hes a recovering drug user who doesnt really take care of his health. I took him in to my house, so I could help him do everything correctly and get him off the streets to where he could possibly go back to doing the same crap he used to do which was just killing him self seriously. It hurts me to see him in the condition he is in and just want to help him get back up to the weight he used to be and also his health. let me just say he is 40 something and weighs 118lbs with little to no body fat. He use to way 195+ or so couple yrs ago. He never took care of him self from when he first got diagnosed with diabeties. Any suggestions to get him back up on his feet? Thanks in advance.

  4. #4
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    Get him to a Dr. or a free clinic. They can set him up with diabetic education classes.

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  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
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    It's very nice of you to do that for your uncle, hopefully he'll only get better.

    Now that I know the full story, I wouldn't recomend him using insulin, or any other drugs. I would get him to train regularly, and eat as much as possible. If he is really skinny and wants to put a lot of weight on, then he probably wouldn't even have to watch his diet that much. Fatty foods every now and then would be fine IMO, but eating is the key for him at this stage. However, he should always be aware of the foods he canot eat because he is diabetic, so keep that in mind.

    He is more than likely not to put on much weight or any at all if he used insulin anyway, so as I said, I highly don't recomend him using that type of drug.

    We do have a diet forum also, there you can find asnwers in regards to how to gain weight. Perhaps you want to check that out.

    Good luck to you and your uncle.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z06
    He never took care of him self from when he first got diagnosed with diabeties. Any suggestions to get him back up on his feet? Thanks in advance.

    Check with hospitals in your your area . If he is diabetic, he should attend the classes offered on his condition. Many hospitals offer this type of training for free.

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    Get him to a Dr. or a free clinic. They can set him up with diabetic education classes.

    He knows how to take it and what not and has a doctor. I just want to educate my self because I want to know if what he's doing is correct etc... You know baby sit.

  8. #8
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    just an fyi this stuff was perscribed to him

  9. #9
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z06
    He knows how to take it and what not and has a doctor. I just want to educate my self because I want to know if what he's doing is correct etc... You know baby sit.
    Are you sure you're not having a shot with him

    Just type in insulin in the search tab and you will get all the info you need. If you further don't understand something, let us know and we'll go from there.


  10. #10
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z06
    just an fyi this stuff was perscribed to him
    I don't know why I never mentioned this but I have never agreed with diabatics taking excess insulin for enhancing purposes. I just don't think it's a good idea for him to play around with drugs as such if he is a diabetic.

    Bump for this one.


  11. #11
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    There are several methods of treating diabeted depending on the severity of the condition. Sometimes proper diet will take care the problem, sometimes an oral medicine such as Actos is necessary, and then sometimes an injectable type of insulin is also needed.
    Bottom line, his dietary intake (kcal, protein, carbs) has to be strict and maintained to keep the diabetes from getting worse. Also, if his macros are off, he could experience hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. Hopefully, he monitors his glucose levels.
    A health professional should really be involved in this situation.

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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    I don't know why I never mentioned this but I have never agreed with diabatics taking excess insulin for enhancing purposes. I just don't think it's a good idea for him to play around with drugs as such if he is a diabetic.

    Bump for this one.

    Definitely not for a diabetic, their blood glucose levels fluctuate too much as it is.

    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  13. #13
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    So then why did the doctor give him these two things as a Rx? haha no Im not taking a shot with him.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z06
    So then why did the doctor give him these two things as a Rx? haha no Im not taking a shot with him.
    Apparently his pancreas doesn't produce insulin or insufficient insulin. It can be dangerous for diabetics to use excessive amounts of insulin/ the amounts required to facilitate growth. The reasoning behind this is that it is very easy to get hypoglycemic when using insulin and it is especially true for diabetics.

    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
    A minimum of 100 posts and 45 days membership required for source checks. Source checks are performed at my discretion.

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