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Thread: 1st competition, gear question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ont, CAN

    1st competition, gear question

    I am planning on competing this Nov. in a competition where gear is used but frowned upon if it is obvious you're on it. I am 5'8", 160lbs., 7.5%bf, and 23 years old. This will be my 3rd cycle and first stack, I'm looking to stay lean and add a hard 10lbs. from an 8 week cycle.

    I'm thinking...
    -20 ml of test e 250mg/ml
    -5ml of either deca 250mg/ml or 5ml of tren a 75mg/ml
    -I have 50 50mg tabs of winny.

    What do you guys thing, more of what less of what and how much per week? What about post cycle, I've never done this much before?
    I am gonna run arimidex at .25mg a day during cycle and then I was thinking 100mg of clomid and 20mg of nolva for 4 weeks post cycle?
    I am not doing a cycle longer than 8 weeks, since I have the timing all figured out and don't wanna get to big.

    Gear and Dosage help please!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    switch test e to test prop 100mg ed...sub tren a 75mg ed for deca, and you can run the winny to the day of the show...drop all oils 10 days out, and the reason you dont wanna run test e or deca that close to a comp is water retention...hope this helps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    deffinitly no deca...test prop is preffered as stated above...winny is fine at 50mg ed...arimidex will help at .25-.5mg ed, test at 500mg/week...tren to much for 3rd cycle in my opinion...good luck...are you doing westerns of Londons?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Learnin from the best...
    listen to these guys, Mike_XXL got me into the best shape and the biggest i have ever been on stage and he never even seen me in person...the man is a genius...

    Wolfey knows his shit too...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ont, CAN
    First off thanx for the info, this forum can be a lot more helpful than others. I have a few question from the above that u may be able to clarify.

    I agree I'm a bit puzzled as to what to add to my test (which will now be prop) and winny. Tren a is what I want and I agree may be too much, this is why I have read to add about only 5 amps of tren a at 75mg. stopping 2 weeks out. What do ya think, Even a little benefit is good for me? Also I was thinking50mg of winny eod?

    Thanx for the encouragement, and no its not the westerns of londons, small competition but I gotta start somewhere!! Thanks

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