I am planning on competing this Nov. in a competition where gear is used but frowned upon if it is obvious you're on it. I am 5'8", 160lbs., 7.5%bf, and 23 years old. This will be my 3rd cycle and first stack, I'm looking to stay lean and add a hard 10lbs. from an 8 week cycle.
I'm thinking...
-20 ml of test e 250mg/ml
-5ml of either deca 250mg/ml or 5ml of tren a 75mg/ml
-I have 50 50mg tabs of winny.
What do you guys thing, more of what less of what and how much per week? What about post cycle, I've never done this much before?
I am gonna run arimidex at .25mg a day during cycle and then I was thinking 100mg of clomid and 20mg of nolva for 4 weeks post cycle?
I am not doing a cycle longer than 8 weeks, since I have the timing all figured out and don't wanna get to big.
Gear and Dosage help please!!!!!!!!!
Thanks in advance!