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Thread: help me please

  1. #1

    Wink help me please

    Hi there i just want some help regarding my first cycle - i want to do test ethenate for 12 weeks and d-bol ran alongside it for 6 weeks @ 30mg per day. can anyone help me - i need to know bcos the test eth vial i will be getting is 10ml - I would need 2-3 of these right? and is it ok to inject in the outer quadrant part of the glute every week? also, cos i want to do 500mg of test per week do i have to do injections 2 per week or can I do 1 injection per week with 500? what size needles and syringes would i need? my stats are - age: 26 height 5'10 weight 184lbs and have been training since i was 19, but cant seem to put on any more noticeable mass - can u peeps shed some light on what i asked

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by parminder
    Hi there i just want some help regarding my first cycle - i want to do test ethenate for 12 weeks and d-bol ran alongside it for 6 weeks @ 30mg per day. can anyone help me - i need to know bcos the test eth vial i will be getting is 10ml - I would need 2-3 of these right?
    Well i suppose the test E is doses at 250mg/ml, right? You wanna run 500mg per week, right? So that is 2ml a week. For 12 Weeks that is 24ml. So yes you would need 3 10ml Vials.

    Quote Originally Posted by parminder
    and is it ok to inject in the outer quadrant part of the glute every week?
    I would alternate injection sites. But you could get away with using only one injection site, if you would only inject once a week.

    Quote Originally Posted by parminder
    also, cos i want to do 500mg of test per week do i have to do injections 2 per week or can I do 1 injection per week with 500?
    2 Injections are preferable, due to more stable hormone levels, but 1 Injection a week is still possible - even though i would not advise it.

    Quote Originally Posted by parminder
    what size needles and syringes would i need?
    2ml Sryinges, Needle length depends on injection site. For glute i would go with 23G 1 1/4 AT LEAST for quads and delts 25G 1" is sufficient.

    Quote Originally Posted by parminder
    my stats are - age: 26 height 5'10 weight 184lbs and have been training since i was 19, but cant seem to put on any more noticeable mass - can u peeps shed some light on what i asked
    Well I think you could gain some more weight naturally - maybe your diet is lacking a bit. I would first make sure your diet is as good as it gets b4 juming into a cycle. But the choice is up to you basically, you are old enough at least .. An thanks for your stats, finally someone who got it right on his first attempt.


  3. #3
    thanks mate much appreciated

  4. #4
    i dont really want to inject twice a week - do you think 250 of test a week for twelve weeks would be sufficient with d-bol @ 30mg per day for six weeks would yeild good results - between 25-35 pounds?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by parminder
    i dont really want to inject twice a week - do you think 250 of test a week for twelve weeks would be sufficient with d-bol @ 30mg per day for six weeks would yeild good results - between 25-35 pounds?
    IF this is your first cycle I would leave the dbol out and just do test only. dbol will give you strength, but is mostly water weight that will lose when done with it. Test E should be injected every 3.5 days, if you are not ready to do twice a week injections, maybe AAS is not for you. I would go with a 3cc syringe 23g 1.5 inch for glute shots and you can go to to get the specifics on how to do it.

    You mentioned nothing of what you have for PCT. I would never start a cycle without having everything for PCT already in hand.

    Also if you feel you are at a sticking point in training, you may need to change it up. Go check out the training forum, that may help you get through your wall. You also need to visit the diet forum as well. I do not think you have enough weight for your height to be starting AAS yet. AAS will not make up for a bad diet or training routine.

    hope this helps

  6. #6
    yeah your right forgot to mention that I know for pct i shall use nolvadex and hgc.. just got to find a way to incorporate it with my cycle - im not stupid and i wont start till i have ALL pct gear at hand - i know that for pct you must also continue with diet and training intensity - so ok, if i inject twice weekly, say mondays and thursdays, monday - outer quadrant of left glute thursdays outer quadrant of right glute - would this be ok for the 12 week cycle ie, what i mean is will it be ok to just inject into the glutes every week as this way i will be injecting each site no more than once per week

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Yes, that is fine, you should give each muscle at least 6-7 days between injections so you don't build up scar tissue.
    There is a PCT forum you can check out to see the best way to run it for your cycle needs

  8. #8
    hey can anyone help i have read the PCT forums but there are so many answers and ways that i cant figure it out - I want to do this cycle:

    BD testabol enanthate week 1-12
    paperbol weeks 1-6 @30 mg per day

    can someone suggest good pct with nolva only or mixed with chlomid - on this thread for my desired cycle?

    - (cheers, my stats are above)

  9. #9
    erm.. any1??

  10. #10
    erm.. any1??

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    My last cycle i did 20mg Nolva ED, with Clomid used at the end for the last 3 weeks at 300/100/50. I also stopped the nolva when i reached the start of the clomid but i see that alot on here run that through the complete end of the cycle, so my upcoming run will include Nolva through out the cycle. Hope that helps.

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