Alright, I've never gotten a massage before because I'm such a ticklish person. But a very good friend of mine bought me a 1 hour massage and my appt was this morning. Now, I'm going to tell you about it... it was incredible... also want to be sure this is normal..haha
It was a full body massage, so I stripped down to my undies and got under the towel. The woman came in, a svelte swedish (or something) lady of about 40-45 years old. The lights were dimmed, the music was soft.. I had not trouble relaxing. This womans hands were so warm and so soft I immediatley "warmed up to them".. haha, if you know what I mean.
1) no one has ever touched me like that and 2) no woman has ever set me on edge like that... haha. Let's just say I was glad I left my undies on and that there was a towel over my butt for the most part... I had shivers down my spine for the entire time, and thought for sure if I relaxed any more this poor massage therapist was going to hear a side of me not many
It felt sooooo good!!! Dammit,... haha, I'm going back every month. Thank God for benefits. Hm, perhap I'll request a man..they have strong hands..haha.
Next time, I'll be sure to satisfy myself a few times before I go though.. haha, just in case I like it even more the next go around... Alright.. I gotta go shower...
If anyone hasn't ever gone for a massage... go!!!