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Thread: steroids for sports injury

  1. #1

    steroids for sports injury

    im 20 years old have been lifting, dieting, and supplementing for about 2 years. about 5 months ago i strained my arm im guessing due to overuse(boxing, weightlifting, everyday lifting at work). the day it happened i was lifting a barbell over my head to do 20 rep squats and straineds my left bicep. never saw a doctor for it but researched it a lot and mostly just seemed like a arm strain. i tried taking time with it doing rehab excercises and have had a little sucess but due to lifting heavy furniture and things at work i always seem to injure it again, not lifting at work is out of the question.. so now im thinking about steroid or prohormone cycle. most likeley one of the cycles from the stickied post. here are my questions.

    1. i prefer not messing my liver up so im most likely going with steroid over prohormone, BUT if i did choose prohormone with all support supps and pct would i still have a good shot at my arm healing?

    2. anything wrong with just test cycle with nolva PCT(and maybe some trib). if thats cool should i take the nolva in small dose during cycle too?

    3. has anyone had a similiar situation and any suggestions?

    i understand my age is probably a couple years before i should be thinking about a cycle, but i didnt come here to lie about my age i just would appreciate some answers to my questions.

  2. #2
    i did a test and deca cycle as i was recovering from my knee surgery and it was fantastic i feel that it helped me greatly i was walking in 2 weeks afterwards and they told me i wouldnt be able to for 8 weeks

    the cycle you stated looks great what are your stats

    a lot of people will say you are too young when they reply i think, but i think its a good idea if you think you are ready

    (i hope we dont get into the same conversation as last night guys )

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    On top
    1-8-9, something about that chicks legs, the way her calf separates and stuff just looks like huge vagina lips to me...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Huckster
    1-8-9, something about that chicks legs, the way her calf separates and stuff just looks like huge vagina lips to me...
    sry for the hijack but she looks so sexy MMmmMMMmm i want to !@#$and @#@# then maybe @#%$ and if she is lucky

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpd4lif
    sry for the hijack but she looks so sexy MMmmMMMmm i want to !@#$and @#@# then maybe @#%$ and if she is lucky
    you want to kiss her ass?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine
    i did a test and deca cycle as i was recovering from my knee surgery and it was fantastic i feel that it helped me greatly i was walking in 2 weeks afterwards and they told me i wouldnt be able to for 8 weeks

    the cycle you stated looks great what are your stats

    a lot of people will say you are too young when they reply i think, but i think its a good idea if you think you are ready

    (i hope we dont get into the same conversation as last night guys )
    150 lbs 5'7 around 12% bf. before my arm got messed up i was going 4x10 sets 155-160lbs benchpress. i am up from 130 lbs a year and a half ago. my goals are to get bigger and leaner.. in the next couple years i would like to be 180 and 10% bf. it is all recreational though so it doesnt matter how long it takes me i just work hard everytime i work out and eat right.

    i honestly do feel like i could put one some more muscle naturally but im limited to few excercises now. i can workout legs no problem but other than that my arms have to stabilize for the lift. even lifting at 60 to 75% it hurts bad, aspirin numbs the pain a little but for the next couple days my arm will feel like shit. juice seems to be the perfect cure for this problem and a way to get add on a few more lbs of muscle while im at it.

    anyways... i am going to do a little bit more research and then post a cycle up for suggestions. thanks for the help.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Samson7
    you want to kiss her ass?
    spfttt!!! HELLZ YEA

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Settle down fellas....Its Just a PIC! Even though it is quite nice.....

    Steroids will not help your problem. Rest/Ice maybe an anti-inflammatory...

    You won't even rest your arm and your looking into steroids to heal it!? insane in the membrane.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheNatural
    150 lbs 5'7 around 12% bf. before my arm got messed up i was going 4x10 sets 155-160lbs benchpress. i am up from 130 lbs a year and a half ago.[COLOR="Red"][/Nice gains keep it up!COLOR] my goals are to get bigger and leaner..Eat right/train right and you will! in the next couple years i would like to be 180 and 10% bf. it is all recreational though so it doesnt matter how long it takes me i just work hard everytime i work out and eat right.

    i honestly do feel like i could put one some more muscle naturallyOk, obviously you can! but im limited to few excercises now. i can workout legs no problem but other than that my arms have to stabilize for the lift. even lifting at 60 to 75% it hurts bad, aspirin numbs the pain a little but for the next couple days my arm will feel like shit.It's feeling like shit because your not giving it rest so it can heal! juice seems to be the perfect cure for this problem and a way to get add on a few more lbs of muscle while im at it.Juice is not the cure! Rest/Ice is!

    anyways... i am going to do a little bit more research and then post a cycle up for suggestions. Big mistake! thanks for the help.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    West Coast
    Ok.....deca and test are good for a knee injury because it's lubricating the joints and has nothing to do with the muscle. Besides, your only benching 160 and you wanna juice? Bad idea. Too little experience in the gym also. AAS is a no no for you.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by pdog80
    Ok.....deca and test are good for a knee injury because it's lubricating the joints and has nothing to do with the muscle. Besides, your only benching 160 and you wanna juice? Bad idea. Too little experience in the gym also. AAS is a no no for you.
    benching 160 4 sets of 10. never went for anything less than sets of 10. for a 150 lb guy who isnt trying to be a powerlifter or anything i would consider that pretty good... in fact it took a lot of dedication to get it there. 3 years ago i wouldntve been able to put it up once.

    anyways, you are telling me aas is NOT going to help me get back in action? i cant stand not being able to lift. ive rested, ive iced, tryed various supplements. all while keeping diet in check to make sure it gets its nutrients. i want to know if aas will help, if so how much it will help, how long it will take till i can lift etc. thanks

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    NO AAS will not help you injury recover any faster...infact you may injure it worse!!!...Your training and diet may be right for you right now but at 20 and at 160...I would try get and get better base(put some more size on natty)....I'm not ruling out AAS at your age bro...but under the circumstances with the injury and all it may be a good idea for you to get healthy first.

  13. #13
    thanks i think my next stop is to the doctor to see what he thinks i should do

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    There you go bro...see what he says about your injury...I seriously doubt that he will give you the green light on doing AAS though.

  15. #15
    i mostly just want him to find out exactly what the injury is how i need to go about fixing it. i wouldnt bring up AAS with him.

    im a little bit confused though... ive always heard AAS helped people recover from injuries faster. even broken bones and things, how could it not help a muscle strain?

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