Hi all,
I'm on my first cycle in the beginning of the 5th week of:
1-4 » Dbol @ 30mg/day (on the 1st week was 20mg)
1-10 » Test.E. @ 250mg x 2 /week
The problem....:
I have a good diet, drink lots of water, etc. etc. etc. and I'm sure the AAS I'm taking are from good quality, but until now I didn't see any gains...
I know Test.E. should kick later, like on 6 week so it's normal ok but the Dbol should kick a long time ago!
Well, that's not the reason of my writting... The real problem is that I feel really down, I don't know if I can explain right what I feel but it's weird... Sometimes I'm OK and 2 hours later I feel like sh*t... Then I'm OK again
and sh*t again...! Something like depressed, I don't know...
Anyone has this symptoms when on cycle?
I read that using Test.E you should feel very good, very powefull etc. but that's not true for me...!
Maybe it's the Dbol? Mmmm maybe I will quit the Dbol today and go on with Test. only... AAS are not for everyone, maybe I'm one of those...!
I've 25 years, 84Kg and 1.80m and train for about 2 years.
And sorry about my english... I'm Portuguese!
Thanks to all in advance..