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Thread: Weird Feelings...

  1. #1

    Red face Weird Feelings...

    Hi all,

    I'm on my first cycle in the beginning of the 5th week of:

    1-4 » Dbol @ 30mg/day (on the 1st week was 20mg)
    1-10 » Test.E. @ 250mg x 2 /week

    The problem....:

    I have a good diet, drink lots of water, etc. etc. etc. and I'm sure the AAS I'm taking are from good quality, but until now I didn't see any gains...

    I know Test.E. should kick later, like on 6 week so it's normal ok but the Dbol should kick a long time ago!
    Well, that's not the reason of my writting... The real problem is that I feel really down, I don't know if I can explain right what I feel but it's weird... Sometimes I'm OK and 2 hours later I feel like sh*t... Then I'm OK again
    and sh*t again...! Something like depressed, I don't know...

    Anyone has this symptoms when on cycle?
    I read that using Test.E you should feel very good, very powefull etc. but that's not true for me...!

    Maybe it's the Dbol? Mmmm maybe I will quit the Dbol today and go on with Test. only... AAS are not for everyone, maybe I'm one of those...!

    I've 25 years, 84Kg and 1.80m and train for about 2 years.

    And sorry about my english... I'm Portuguese!

    Thanks to all in advance..

  2. #2
    buddy that is normal, it happens to some people... they feel down... u will be back to normal after your pct

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Dbol can make you feel tired and down. Just remember that and mentaly beat it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    901 N 2nd St Philadelphia
    No gains?

    Are you taking any AI's or Nolvadex? Dbol and Test E have a high water retention rate and 90% of dbol gains is just water anyways and the Test E should start working any minute now for you. An AI or SERM will block most of the water weight if you are taking one.

    What's your diet like? I know that dbol can kill an appetite for most. Maybe you are not eating enough. It is easy to fall off track and think we are eating enough when in fact we don't sometimes. So just recheck your diet and make sure you are on track. You should be eating 7-9 meals a day for bulking.

    What's your workout like. Test E usually makes me feel extremely lethargic (tired) all the time while on it. It can be hard to complete workouts or even get them started at times. Make sure your workout routine is on track.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    live!!, im dead
    unstable blood levels

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    yup, dbol will give you mood swings... if the mood swings interuupt with your ability to have a good and intense work out, then it's not the gear for cycle, try prop or var (or other short acting gear) and see how you feel on them...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Lavinco
    No gains?

    Are you taking any AI's or Nolvadex? Dbol and Test E have a high water retention rate and 90% of dbol gains is just water anyways and the Test E should start working any minute now for you. An AI or SERM will block most of the water weight if you are taking one.

    What's your diet like? I know that dbol can kill an appetite for most. Maybe you are not eating enough. It is easy to fall off track and think we are eating enough when in fact we don't sometimes. So just recheck your diet and make sure you are on track. You should be eating 7-9 meals a day for bulking.

    What's your workout like. Test E usually makes me feel extremely lethargic (tired) all the time while on it. It can be hard to complete workouts or even get them started at times. Make sure your workout routine is on track.
    Yes I'm taking Nolvadex 20mg EOD since the beginning of the cycle...

    About my diet I'm sure it's OK.. and yes the Dbol killl my appetite and I eat a little less sometimes but for that I've add 1 more meal... Now I eat 7 meals a day...

    About the workout, I feel no difference at all... still all the same.. I have no more strengh, I didn't feel more tired or less tired.... just the same...

    Maybe Dbol just no for me (I mean.. if it's a Dbol problem...)

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by _Primo_
    Yes I'm taking Nolvadex 20mg EOD since the beginning of the cycle...

    About my diet I'm sure it's OK.. and yes the Dbol killl my appetite and I eat a little less sometimes but for that I've add 1 more meal... Now I eat 7 meals a day...

    About the workout, I feel no difference at all... still all the same.. I have no more strengh, I didn't feel more tired or less tired.... just the same...

    Maybe Dbol just no for me (I mean.. if it's a Dbol problem...)
    pretty strange, are the numbers going up on the scale at least??? Are you 100% sure you have real stuff?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
    yup, dbol will give you mood swings... if the mood swings interuupt with your ability to have a good and intense work out, then it's not the gear for cycle, try prop or var (or other short acting gear) and see how you feel on them...
    Yes "mood swings" I found a lot info about that on some searches but I didn't found the real meaning for that 2 words.. I mean... what do you really want to say with "mood swings"? Can you give some examples?

    Like, now I can be happy ok... 2 hours later I'm sad... Ok, that's a kind of mood swing but what did cause that? That info I didn't found anywhere...

    Sorry if I'm being too much "(just forget the word!)" but I'm just trying to get some answer and maybe there are/will be other bro's with the same situation..

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