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Thread: lying about getting hurt on the job!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Question lying about getting hurt on the job!

    I recently got this job and today is the 7th day i have put in! what i have to do is lift 500 boxes an hour to make rate that range anywhere from 25lbs-100lbs in weight, on a ten hour shift! lifting them off pallets and putting labels on them and then lifting them on to a conveor belt non stop for ten hours ( fun i know NOT) I cant take this work its redicoulus what they expect from a person i mean come on 500 boxes an hour get real... anyway i am planning on quiting but i have had this sports hernia for about a year now that keeps getting bigger so today i reported getting hurt on the job and now i have this hernia, so tommarow i am going to the doc for them to check it out, so maybe i can get it fixed on them before i quit because i have no insurance and its going to cost at least $5,000 im sure. anything advice on what i need to know for tommarow would be a big help guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    i dont think its very ethical what comes around goes around.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Beefbody
    I recently got this job and today is the 7th day i have put in! what i have to do is lift 500 boxes an hour to make rate that range anywhere from 25lbs-100lbs in weight, on a ten hour shift! lifting them off pallets and putting labels on them and then lifting them on to a conveor belt non stop for ten hours ( fun i know NOT) I cant take this work its redicoulus what they expect from a person i mean come on 500 boxes an hour get real... anyway i am planning on quiting but i have had this sports hernia for about a year now that keeps getting bigger so today i reported getting hurt on the job and now i have this hernia, so tommarow i am going to the doc for them to check it out, so maybe i can get it fixed on them before i quit because i have no insurance and its going to cost at least $5,000 im sure. anything advice on what i need to know for tommarow would be a big help guys.
    sounds like my old job at UPS when I was in college. I ythink you can get away with it by saying you lifted a box and felt some thing give in you ABS. But if they find out about a pre-existing condition your screwd. Dont give them the Docs name who told you about your hernia just act like it just happened and that you havent seen a Doc for this problem before. good luck do you feel at all creepy for lying, i might have a high moral code because i have insurance and could afford the operation but if i didnt, well dont know how I would fell again good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Beefbody
    I recently got this job and today is the 7th day i have put in! what i have to do is lift 500 boxes an hour to make rate that range anywhere from 25lbs-100lbs in weight, on a ten hour shift! lifting them off pallets and putting labels on them and then lifting them on to a conveor belt non stop for ten hours ( fun i know NOT) I cant take this work its redicoulus what they expect from a person i mean come on 500 boxes an hour get real... anyway i am planning on quiting but i have had this sports hernia for about a year now that keeps getting bigger so today i reported getting hurt on the job and now i have this hernia, so tommarow i am going to the doc for them to check it out, so maybe i can get it fixed on them before i quit because i have no insurance and its going to cost at least $5,000 im sure. anything advice on what i need to know for tommarow would be a big help guys.
    Dude thats 8.3 boxes a minute, at that weight how is that humanly possible ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    psss. over here! ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    i dont think its very ethical what comes around goes around.
    I agree. Karma is a bitch.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Dude thats 8.3 boxes a minute, at that weight how is that humanly possible ?
    i think at ups it used to be any where from 1 to 75 lbs

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by cj1capp
    sounds like my old job at UPS when I was in college. I ythink you can get away with it by saying you lifted a box and felt some thing give in you ABS. But if they find out about a pre-existing condition your screwd. Dont give them the Docs name who told you about your hernia just act like it just happened and that you havent seen a Doc for this problem before. good luck do you feel at all creepy for lying, i might have a high moral code because i have insurance and could afford the operation but if i didnt, well dont know how I would fell again good luck

    well what i did today is there is a camera down every aisle pallet racks etc. so when i got done with unloading this one pallet you have to lift it up and throw it on top of the pile of more pallets so when i lifted it up i acted like something tore and i was in pain because i knew it was being recorded, then i reported the injury to my supervisor and i had to fill out papers and tommarow there sending me to the doc to get checked out and they will find a hernia that is.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Beefbody
    well what i did today is there is a camera down every aisle pallet racks etc. so when i got done with unloading this one pallet you have to lift it up and throw it on top of the pile of more pallets so when i lifted it up i acted like something tore and i was in pain because i knew it was being recorded, then i reported the injury to my supervisor and i had to fill out papers and tommarow there sending me to the doc to get checked out and they will find a hernia that is.
    oh also i have never been to the doc about this hernia so its not on record anywhere. its something i have had from weight lifting but can not afford to go to the doc.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    i dont think its very ethical what comes around goes around.
    hey man feel free to pay for my bill, believe me i dont like it either, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do to survive.

  10. #10
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Beefbody
    oh also i have never been to the doc about this hernia so its not on record anywhere. its something i have had from weight lifting but can not afford to go to the doc.
    How big is the hole dude. You need to be real carefull with that if you continue lifting. If you get intestine constriction you are going to be in a bad way real fast !!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    How big is the hole dude. You need to be real carefull with that if you continue lifting. If you get intestine constriction you are going to be in a bad way real fast !!!
    its on the left side and about the size of the top of an egg! and sticks out about 3/4 of an inch its twice the size from a year ago! and i believ there is a second one starting on the right side too now... so being i am going to quit this job i thought i might as well try i dont have nothing to lose.. and besides i cant do this job with a hernia anyhow lifting crap like that for ten hours it would probally bust open.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    what is a hernia?

    if i couldnt afford it i would do the same thing its your health were tlaking about

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    in the gym
    Your only gonna invite a bigger possible problem in the future,insurance fraud is a serious charge and not to taken lightly.Just quit man there's easier jobs out there get you ins from that and stop looking for easy money.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    im not sure about where you guys are at but we have a law you cannot carry anything over about 32lb in the workforce how about you guys?

    as the claim that you got this happen to you at work its possible but the thing is im pretty sure they can tell how long you have had the hernia by its size and so on...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I have a doc whos my friend(never went to him, just got to know him) gave me a lil tips on how to get pain killers, free shit at work, have insruance companies pay for you, what to say etc....

    Read a bit, cause if u get caught....ur FVCKED

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1
    Your only gonna invite a bigger possible problem in the future,insurance fraud is a serious charge and not to taken lightly.Just quit man there's easier jobs out there get you ins from that and stop looking for easy money.
    If he is not looking for money, I agree with him. My only problem would arise if he tried to get a settlement of monetary value. I have a real problem with our current Health Care in this Country.

  17. #17
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by collar
    as the claim that you got this happen to you at work its possible but the thing is im pretty sure they can tell how long you have had the hernia by its size and so on...
    also wondering this myself

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    some where in the USA
    Well My 2 cents Is that people have to what they have 2.. Its not like he took the job and started with the intent to do it... and the health care system does suck .. So this is somthing that should be taken care of.. also it dont matter if it was pre excisting ... you can work a job with a previous condition and re injuir it and it would be coverd under workers comp ... and if he did not have a doctor before look at it that's fine nothing for them to dig up .. it could have been there from before But the fact of lifting the boxes made it worse

    Also fraud is somthing that is a problem someone stubbing there toe and taking 10 weeks off and than say they cant return to work ... but they are out dancing at the club on fri night is one thing .... but he has a problem and I say do what you must .. and if it was me I would do the same

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Southside Jamaican Queens
    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    i dont think its very ethical what comes around goes around.
    I understand its alot of money bro - but I have lived my entire life by this quote myself.

  20. #20
    [QUOTE=D3m3nt3d]IWhat goes around comes aroundQUOTE]

    **** that! Look out for number 1. To make it in life you have to be aggressive, and take chances. No one should be more important to you than you.

    This is just like Gyno surgery. When someone here says they have gyno and want it removed but dont want to pay for it everyone here tells them to go to the doc and complain of pains and what not. How is this different than that?

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    i dont think its very ethical what comes around goes around.
    i dont know any morals.. just do it.. what goes arround comes arround.. most likely true.. but whos to say when its going to come arround?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Southside Jamaican Queens
    Quote Originally Posted by Aztec Warrior
    **** that! Look out for number 1. No one should be more important to you than you.
    That's the most selfish sh!t I have ever heard in my life. I have a low tolerance for people who have no compassion or consideration for other people or how you affect them. Great view on life there.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    toronto, canada
    this is my immoral point of view -

    just think of what could go wrong - can you get caught for insurance fraud in this case? In that case how cna you cover it up?
    once you cover and tie up all loose ends you should be fine

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    toronto, canada
    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    what is a hernia?

    if i couldnt afford it i would do the same thing its your health were tlaking about
    im going to use the analogy that wikipedia gave

    think of a tire and a part of the sidewall suddenly became weak. Then a bulge would form in the tire. That's what a hernia is. Basically too much pressure on some part of your body and stuff sticks out.

    This is making the food in my stomach unsettle!

  25. #25
    Fvck karma, just do it.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Insurance fraud bro, trust me, trust me, my best friend is a P.I. and nails people every day. You think the insurance company is just going to hand you a check without putting you under survelliance? If you were going to do it, a good P.I. could nail you for what you just posted. There are smarter ways to do it, and people who are very good at getting away with it, but I think you need to seek advice or think about what you are getting into first. Goodluck either way though..

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by kman
    Insurance fraud bro, trust me, trust me, my best friend is a P.I. and nails people every day. You think the insurance company is just going to hand you a check without putting you under survelliance? If you were going to do it, a good P.I. could nail you for what you just posted. There are smarter ways to do it, and people who are very good at getting away with it, but I think you need to seek advice or think about what you are getting into first. Goodluck either way though..
    I dont think he is trying to get a payday. He just wants his hernia fixed.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    has the fact that you've had the hernia been documented at a doctor or insurance

  29. #29
    Yeah insurance company always gets you, that's why some knuckle head at work burned his 06 truck, cause he didn't wanna pay for it no more, and the damn insurance paid for it, go figure.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    i'm thinking that if they have any doubt at all - a doctor can verify that the hernia has been there longer than a week or two.

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