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Thread: advice please

  1. #1

    advice please

    at the moment i am 21yrs of age,and currently weigh in at around 17stone12pound! with around 25% body fat! i av started a cycle of igf cycle of 50mcg per day (split over twice a day) and also 1mil of winstrol

    i was gona run it for 6 week.

    my aim is to put on some good quality muscle but also have a reducing of body fat

    my intentions are to train twice a day 5days a week,first of all a free weights training session in the morning around morning lasting around a hour and after lunch a good half hours cardio training with my sweat jacket on.

    with this info,how do you guys think il fair?

    some contructive advice please and some predictions on some potential results!

    thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Welcome to AR.

    It seems you're relying on these hormones to help you cut fat and gain muscle. I'm sorry to say, that just isn't going to happen. You will be very dissappointed with the results.

    I suggest you take a look into our diet forum. A top notch diet and cardio regime will provide much better results than a low dosage of IGF and winny.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    new york nj
    possibly i dont know how many lbs is stones can u give ur weight in kg maybe anyways 25% body fat is kindof alot for a man

    how are u going to be eating?? did u plan your diet?? how much winny you gonna do in six weeks ?

    most of these people on here are beleivers in volume training training 2wise a day u need to CUT THAT OUT u need to be training couple times a week say 3 concentrating on compound excersizes like benches dips pull ups pushdowns barbell curls and squats u need squats
    this belive it or not burns more lard then a ****in torch not some ****in cardio that shit is for ppl that take it in the bum u get me ..

    all u need is that a decent diet and no ****in junk food whole food eggs tuna rice potaoes meat kick in a salad did u know it takes more energy to burn off a salad then what it has in it??? here u go ur burning fat drink green tea that burns fat get some pussy that burns fat

    that igf i have no clue on i prefer the growth but ur 21 u shud have the hormone running crazy through you wheres my 21 im 31 now feel 18

    i took winny its pretty good every other day 50 mgs for 60 days it was okay i guess but pretty mild at ur age u shouldnt be taking anything but liftin heavy to get strong and eatin right throw that shit away get a good creatine powder some pussy and another sneaky girl u can **** on tuesdays and youll be allright

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    new york nj
    here so u dont think im talkin shit i train 2wise a week and **** alot 2wise or more daily maximum 12 times with 2 hours sleep inbetwwen
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