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Thread: Blood Igf Levels

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Blood Igf Levels

    Any of you guys on LR3 or hgh been tracking your blood IGF levels?

    I've been on Jin for about 5.5 months and mine went from around 200
    to 350 in the first month and is now at 483.

    I'm wondering what kind of pop others have seen, and how long it took.

    I'm also curious what you LR3 users have seen in terms of IGF levels, since IGF is supposedly a quicker ticket to enhanced IGF levels.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    albuquerque, nm
    Wonderful results from lowly Jin. Sounds like great stuff for the long haul.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    LOL It puts me at normal levels -- for like a 15 year old
    I was off the chart for my age group. For the 483 I had not done an injection since 18 hours earlier.

    Still miss the "wood" that a good Test E cycle gives though

    Quote Originally Posted by comradebillyboy
    Wonderful results from lowly Jin. Sounds like great stuff for the long haul.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    albuquerque, nm
    What dose do you use? I will finish my first kit in a couple of weeks. I feel good, but I need to do another kit or two to see substantial physical results, as I understand the stuff. I am 58 an just about any dose will be a big step up from natural production for me. I bought 5 kits to make sure I give the stuff a fair trial.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I was using 4iu/dy....but based upon the lab results I've dropped it to 3iu. I'm going to get another blood test next week, and see how I stand.

    The really stunning insight is HOW fast my IGF levels rose once I started.

    I'm really interested in what kind of test results LR3 users get.

    You are right though I'd bet at age 58 even 2iu/day puts you in the normal range for a 30 year old.

    BTW the normal range for my age group is 94 to 252 -- they pretty much expect us to be in heavy decay LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by comradebillyboy
    What dose do you use? I will finish my first kit in a couple of weeks. I feel good, but I need to do another kit or two to see substantial physical results, as I understand the stuff. I am 58 an just about any dose will be a big step up from natural production for me. I bought 5 kits to make sure I give the stuff a fair trial.

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