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Thread: i have proof Anasom is a 191aa!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1

    i have proof Anasom is a 191aa!!!!!!!!!

    OK guys there has been much speculation over what anasom from anki bio is a 191aa or a 192aa so I decided to ask them. Below is the email of reply I received from them (the lower part is my email to them its self explanatory)

    Hi, dear Graeme,

    Thank you for your e-mail!

    2. Our HGH/ANSOMONE is 191 amino acids, and we AnkeBio guarantee our
    HGH/ANSOMONE qualified to EP, BP, USP, CP and WHO standards.

    3. Yes, in fact, one of HGH/ANSOMONE therapy is for treatment of GHD in

    Thank you for your time!

    Yours Sincerely,
    Nancy Zhao

    > PS i have heard mixed opinions on your products and would like to know is
    > your hgh a 191aa or a 192aa? also can it be used medical to treat children
    > of short stature with growth hormone deficiancy to grow taller?
    > thank you and best regards
    > graeme madden

    You may notice I have deleted part of my email to them and part “1.” Of there reply this is only because it was regarding prices and I did not what to post that as it is irrelevant and I’m not sure if it’s against the rules.

    As you can see they clearly state it as a 191aa. However they do also say it is suitable for treatment of GHD in children which to me says it is good enough for us to use.

    So now we have cleared up the speculation regarding is a 191aa or a 192aa. Now all that is left to debate is does it deliver the results of a 192aa?, that sadly is a matter of opinion and if you want mine. Yes it is equally as good as a 192aa and the up side is it is cheaper too. so yes it is a 191aa but so fcuk its still very good stuff.

  2. #2
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    I dont blame them for claiming it to be 191aa, doesnt mean its accurate. I dont doubt it by any means but dont beleive it unless it was an actual lab test with a definite final answer........

    I have a couple of reasons for the above statement. One, when S O M A T O R M came out a few years ago they had 192aa on thier website. Everyone and their mother bashed them against it claiming more sides then gains. Suddenly for the past 1-2 years they changed it to 191 on their site but people tend to get the same sides. Do you really think they changed the GH or the label???????????????

    Two, I have heard mixed reviews about Ansomone. Some claim to like it and others still get the same sides as they always did. IMO, it may be another case like Somatorm or maybe it is 191. I'll stick with what I know is a definite 191..........

  3. #3
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    I have to agree with Jay on this one. You can't trust anything that they say. I'm not saying that Ankie Bio is dishonest, I've never used there product, but they have a direct interest in their product being 191aa.

    Just for the record, what in involved in having it tested? How much does it cost? Let me know, maybe we can make something happen.

  4. #4
    That doesnt prove anything, your just taking there word for it, and they have a financial interest in it.

    The only real proof would be an independent lab test.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deal Me In
    Just for the record, what in involved in having it tested? How much does it cost?
    Seems difficult to get GH tested these days........................

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I have to agree with Jahova, unless I see lab tests stating its 191aa, I don't buy it.


  7. #7
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    Well they have me sucked in, cause I belive its 191aa. No indpentant tests or nothing just my experence with there product Ansomone.

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Bapper
    Well they have me sucked in, cause I belive its 191aa. No indpentant tests or nothing just my experence with there product Ansomone.
    At the end of the day bro, whatever it may be, if it works well and gives you minimal sides then stick with it.


  9. #9
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    I wouldn't use it, I've read an article where they tested it and it was a 192aa


  10. #10
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    I Love the stuff.

    I've been on it for 1 year. No issues at all. I got veins popping out everywhere and my skin is super thin...GH is the bomb!

  11. #11
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    here's the deal with 192aa, it's an individual thing, it can cause anti-bodies. What that means is the body see it as an invading HGH, because the sequence isn't the same as the HGH produced by the body, so it makes anti-bodies to fight it off. Once the anti-bodies are built up the HGH becomes useless and in some cases can cause your own HGH to be rendered useless. But like I said it happens to some people or maybe the process is just prolonged and it takes longer to happen for those people.

    That's why for me I would use an HGH that has the 192aa sequence


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    That's why for me I would use an HGH that has the 192aa sequence
    Did you mean 191?

    Have to say that I know some that have and still use it with great success. Some that are even lurking at the bottom of the page . Its cheap and seems to be giving them great gains so go with it. IMO it seems somewhat detrimental to ones long term health so I'd have to stay away.

    I would never use 192 for the reasons you listed Johnny plus some other sides that are associated with it........

  13. #13
    May good points guys. You really know your s**t. This boar has some of the most erudite member of any steroid/performance enhancing drug boar I have ever been on. Those of you who say anki bio could be making false claims do have a fair point and nothing will every truly be resolved until we see some independent lab test. I just though I’d share the answer I was given directly from anki bio with you guys and let you consider it. If you chose to believe it or not is up to you, personally I do but to be truthful half of that belief is down to the fact I have tried it and liked the results. I stand by it because it is effective for me and is cheap. However it is hard to argue with the strong points made by the VET’s, MOD’s and more experienced member of the site as well as those who have had bad experiences with it.

    The conclusion we have to come to is we don’t really have one yet. It appears that for some people it works and for some it doesn’t. Personally I am glad I decided to try it because it has saved me a fortune and would recommend you try it out because I’m sure you can fell the blood trickling down the back of you leg when you pay for your growth hormone.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    At the end of the day bro, whatever it may be, if it works well and gives you minimal sides then stick with it.

    Thats why I continue to use there product, even though I have acces to other brands. I have used Russian and lituhunan and got the whole red welt things with both these brands.
    Last edited by Gear; 03-03-2006 at 05:23 PM.

  15. #15

  16. #16
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Bapper
    Thats why I continue to use there product, even though I have acces to other brands. I have used Russian and lituhunan and got the whole red welt things with both these brands.

    You don't want to be using Russian GH. That's something I can be a 100% on.

    P.S. I accidently edited your last post, I meant to click on "quote" not "edit". Just incase you are wondering why it says "Last edited by Gear" at the bottom. My mistake.


  17. #17
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    this debate has been going on for ever,it pretty much proves its 192.Never seenthis much propaganda over humatrope

  18. #18
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    Did you mean 191?

    Have to say that I know some that have and still use it with great success. Some that are even lurking at the bottom of the page . Its cheap and seems to be giving them great gains so go with it. IMO it seems somewhat detrimental to ones long term health so I'd have to stay away.

    I would never use 192 for the reasons you listed Johnny plus some other sides that are associated with it........
    That was a typo, I meant I would never use 192aa HGH, not I would use a 192aa. I don't see taking a chance over a couple of bucks.


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by john30
    this debate has been going on for ever,it pretty much proves its 192.Never seenthis much propaganda over humatrope
    The only Chinese company that is licensed to use the method to make 191aa HGH is Gen-Sci. As far as I'm comcerned the debate can go on forever I won't use it. If you can get American made even better.


  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by john30
    this debate has been going on for ever,it pretty much proves its 192.Never seenthis much propaganda over humatrope

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    That was a typo, I meant I would never use 192aa HGH
    I knew that and I"m sure most did as well but just wanted some clarification for those that read along.

    I'm with you all the way on that one Johnny..............

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    You don't want to be using Russian GH. That's something I can be a 100% on.

    P.S. I accidently edited your last post, I meant to click on "quote" not "edit". Just incase you are wondering why it says "Last edited by Gear" at the bottom. My mistake.

    No worries Big guy, Agreed the Russian GH is some nasty stuff. Had a bad experence with Russian GH.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    I knew that and I"m sure most did as well but just wanted some clarification for those that read along.

    I'm with you all the way on that one Johnny..............
    Thanks for having my back Bro


  25. #25
    dont beleieve a word of it, why does ansomone give you red welt like spots and jin dont ?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I love this thread...I have proof it is 191...because the maker says it is! PT Barnum sure was right.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultimate muscle
    dont beleieve a word of it, why does ansomone give you red welt like spots and jin dont ?
    ansomone does not give me red welts mate and none of the people i know who takes it gets them either.............

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    ansomone does not give me red welts mate and none of the people i know who takes it gets them either.............
    Last edited by ultimate muscle; 03-12-2006 at 10:05 AM.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by ultimate muscle
    and i take it your dont source and sell it either
    who the fvck are you to say that you twattt.................i am not a source iam just sayin how it affects are an idiot...

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultimate muscle
    and i take it your dont source and sell it either

    Can you elaborate on this for me UM?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ultimate muscle
    and i take it your dont source and sell it either
    I'd refrain from accusing people unless you can prove it.

    That's dangerous should never label people.


  32. #32
    listen guys accept my appologies please, i was out of order there, i have emailed booz, i thought he had jumped to their defense and called me a lair hence the silly and quite frankly stupid reply by myself,

    sorry bro..
    Last edited by ultimate muscle; 03-11-2006 at 07:15 PM.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Glad that is straight.


  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultimate muscle
    listen guys accept my appologies please, i was out of order there, i have emailed booz, i thought he had jumped to their defense and called me a lair hence the silly and quite frankly stupid reply by myself,

    sorry bro..

    I swear to god my banning finger was right over your name. Booz is a friend of mine, I stand behind him 110%. He's an honerable man. What you said was despicable. But you did apologise, however mud sticks so don't fling it around again without concrete proof.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    I swear to god my banning finger was right over your name. Booz is a friend of mine, I stand behind him 110%. He's an honerable man. What you said was despicable. But you did apologise, however mud sticks so don't fling it around again without concrete proof.


  36. #36
    wish id gone to bed an hour earlie now,

  37. #37

    Cool http://www.************.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-367984.html

    No doubts now, guys, ansomone hgh is surely 191 amino acids.
    you can get the answer on this website: Ansomone is real 191 aa. http://www.elitefi tness.

    ansomone manufacturer has had its HGH tested by top biochemistry and cell biology authority-Chinese Academy of Science in China, the test report vertifies its rhgh/somatropin is surely 191 amino acids; you can get the report from the following link:
    Last edited by moppie; 09-03-2006 at 09:05 PM.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The BodyofScience information is tainted as they are very very closely linked to GenSci...

    I have found that the only ones to really knock Ansomone are the ones that have something to gain from doing so.

    I have seen the new Lab Test that Ankobia have on their website it was done at a Lab and is the real deal imo but i am sure there will be those that say it is faked guess you cannot please everyone..

    Ansomone Lab test attached
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	191_amino_Certificate_Translation.jpg 
Views:	395 
Size:	130.8 KB 
ID:	72823  

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    This thread is old

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