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Thread: OK, LR3 prior to AAS thread. And I'm old.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    West Coast

    OK, LR3 prior to AAS thread. And I'm old.

    OK, I'm 43 and have started my very first cycle. Only 40mg of lr3, from our sponsor.

    I've gotten minor numbness from sight injection.

    My goal is to start an AAS cycle after the LR3 cycle. From what I've read here, the LR3 will help the AAS cycle.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Opinion? You aren't old !

    Seriously 40mcg is pretty light - I'd try 60 first, then maybe even go to 80 always Postworkout.

    Good luck - and please keep us posted on your results.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dos

  3. #3
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    Well, I'm thinking a month at 40 to just see how it goes. I'm on day five (weekends off) and I am noticing bigger pumps after workouts.

    I'm alternating quads for the injections and yesterday I got a lot of numbness in my left quad right after administration. It's still a little numb. No such problem on the right leg.

  4. #4
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    I am digging this. I've had an active, physical life and have a ton of minor injuries that really started to nag as I've gotten older. Not quite as bad a scene as Nick Nolte in that old football movie, but pretty creaky. Really, really bad feet.

    I'm at week 4 and my overall feeling of wellness is incredible. I was out for my cardio walk and was able to jog a mile, and I haven't had that kinda fun in about 7 years (walk and bike for cardio).

    I still have a wierd sensation in my left quad that happend during week two, but I think I injected a nerve. It's getting better. I wanted to do this stuff by itself to see if it did anything for me, and it did. The relief of the chronic pain is like a morphine high.

    Good stuff.

    Now on to an AAS cycle.

  5. #5
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    BTW, if you are doing the site injections trying to make a certain muscle grow it wont happen. When IGF is injected it affects the entire body, not just the muscle injected.

  6. #6
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    Researching others posts that seemed to be pretty clear. I'm just going with alternate quadriceps.

  7. #7
    80mcgs to 120mcsg daily will do good, I think 40mcgs or 60mcgs may be too low for most.


  8. #8
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlito B
    80mcgs to 120mcsg daily will do good, I think 40mcgs or 60mcgs may be too low for most.

    I tried 40 mcg/day and didnt see much at all. Doubled it to 80mcg/day and did see some visible results.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dos
    OK, I'm 43 and have started my very first cycle. Only 40mg of lr3, from our sponsor.

    I've gotten minor numbness from sight injection.

    My goal is to start an AAS cycle after the LR3 cycle. From what I've read here, the LR3 will help the AAS cycle.

    Please stop calling yourself old. I'm 42 and you're starting to give me a complex!! Seriously though, I look better now than I ever have. My 42 y.o. body could kick my 24 y.o. body's ass any day.

    If you like the results you're having now, just wait till you add AAS! Also, be sure to time your LR3 so that you will be on when you start your PCT. It will help retain your gains and some say it helps bring your testicles back.
    Last edited by limpdin; 09-17-2006 at 06:20 AM.

  10. #10
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    At your age GH is the best bet, dont worry about running the LR at 40mcg's, give it a trial run first like you said for a month. Then run an AAS cycle like you plan and run the LR again during pct at a higher dosage. As I already stated above, if you havent already I recommend doing some research on GH.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    At your age GH is the best bet, dont worry about running the LR at 40mcg's, give it a trial run first like you said for a month. Then run an AAS cycle like you plan and run the LR again during pct at a higher dosage. As I already stated above, if you havent already I recommend doing some research on GH.
    I have to ease myself into this. Not so easy as to not get results, but using modern chemistry to stay healthy is something I would never have considered in earlier years.

    I did bump up my dosage to 60mg per day a little over a week ago and did start noticing the benefits right away. The only side I have is a tingling in my hands and just a general overall physical outlook.

    I'm ordering my AAS cycle this week and will start it as soon as it gets here.

    I'll probably try the GH at some point after my cycle. My intention is to do the different products individually to see how I react, rather than everything at once and not know what was producing results.

    I like the LR3 and highly recommend it.

  12. #12
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dos
    I have to ease myself into this. Not so easy as to not get results, but using modern chemistry to stay healthy is something I would never have considered in earlier years.

    I did bump up my dosage to 60mg per day a little over a week ago and did start noticing the benefits right away. The only side I have is a tingling in my hands and just a general overall physical outlook.

    I'm ordering my AAS cycle this week and will start it as soon as it gets here.

    I'll probably try the GH at some point after my cycle. My intention is to do the different products individually to see how I react, rather than everything at once and not know what was producing results.

    I like the LR3 and highly recommend it.
    Very good, do the research on GH, at your age it could be ran year round, yeilding you better general well being, skin tone and compliments AAS so much. Good luck.

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