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Thread: hgh

  1. #1


    hey im having a hard time finding any good examples of HGH cycles and how to run them. I myself do not plan to run one but have a friend who is determined so i figured id at least try to find how he should run it. Its only his second cycle hes got a great base 28 years old 6 flat 205 10 percent bf?? i know many of you will just say not yet or research but he's gonna do it either way figured it might as well be the right way. Plus i have been searching and having a hard time finding a good written out HGH plan. with PCT and such. He was also thinking of stacking EQ with it. I believe his previous cycle was of EQ as well. . Also from what i have read about others hgh logs is that HGH really doesnt help that much with their strength?? IS THIS TRUE?? or am i just missing something. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Maybe because you're in the AAS sections, try HGH/peptide section.

  3. #3
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    First of GH alone wont do much but maybe shave a bit of BF off. EQ only wont do much either, what results is he looking for is EQ the only thing he ran?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    Maybe because you're in the AAS sections, try HGH/peptide section.
    This is the Gh forum, (unless this was moved here)?

    Quote Originally Posted by brjrj0000
    hey im having a hard time finding any good examples of HGH cycles and how to run them.
    You're in the right place, try searching a bit more in this forum.. Try scrolling to the bottom of this page and onto next pages. Go to the search button and type in a few different key words and you'll find tons of threads.

    Difficult to give advice for your friend when we dont know all the details.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by brjrj0000
    hey im having a hard time finding any good examples of HGH cycles and how to run them. I myself do not plan to run one but have a friend who is determined so i figured id at least try to find how he should run it. Its only his second cycle hes got a great base 28 years old 6 flat 205 10 percent bf?? i know many of you will just say not yet or research but he's gonna do it either way figured it might as well be the right way. Plus i have been searching and having a hard time finding a good written out HGH plan. with PCT and such. He was also thinking of stacking EQ with it. I believe his previous cycle was of EQ as well. . Also from what i have read about others hgh logs is that HGH really doesnt help that much with their strength?? IS THIS TRUE?? or am i just missing something. Thanks in advance.
    I personally think that GH will be excellent for your friend. There are no
    iron clad rules. However, most would agree to start out with a small
    dose (2 iu's) 5 days on/ 2 days off. He can increase dosage gradually.
    (1 iu ) every 2-4 weeks. If sides become a problem, stop for a few
    days and start back at a slightly lower dose.

    There is no PCT for GH. additionally it will help your friend heal from
    lifting weithts, increase bone mass, there are books I wish he could
    read most are written by Dr. Ronald Klatz. I have never taken EQ
    but it will be fine. I have taken Deca, Anvar & test at the same
    time as taking GH. It was all good. Make sure your friend does not
    eat or drink any thing but water 1 hr before or after injection. Some
    say it is OK to drink protien. Definately don't eat starch or sugar.

    Best of luck.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    First of GH alone wont do much but maybe shave a bit of BF off. EQ only wont do much either, what results is he looking for is EQ the only thing he ran?
    I thought GH was suppose to give crazy strength gains as well? i just looked at the steroid effectiveness chart and it says gh is ranks higher than even test for strength and size is that false

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Quote Originally Posted by brjrj0000
    I thought GH was suppose to give crazy strength gains as well? i just looked at the steroid effectiveness chart and it says gh is ranks higher than even test for strength and size is that false

    You will not get crazey strength gains from it. You wil recover alot faster than normal thus giving your more energy/intensity in the gym.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by brjrj0000
    I thought GH was suppose to give crazy strength gains as well? i just looked at the steroid effectiveness chart and it says gh is ranks higher than even test for strength and size is that false
    Yeah that is total crap dude. At 2IU 5 on 2 off the best thing that happens is the fat loss. For muscle mass gains you need to be at around 8 IU or higher

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    albuquerque, nm
    Quote Originally Posted by brjrj0000
    I thought GH was suppose to give crazy strength gains as well? i just looked at the steroid effectiveness chart and it says gh is ranks higher than even test for strength and size is that false
    hgh is not a short term thing. for fast muscle gain try aas and igf in combo. 4weeks if igf in cycled during your test etc cycle is supposed to produce real good muscle gain. gh is not a cost effective bb drug. many of us take it for other reasons.

  10. #10
    thanks guys im gonna advise him not to take it because he is expecting to get bigger and a lot stronger

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    You will not get crazey strength gains from it. You wil recover alot faster than normal thus giving your more energy/intensity in the gym.
    GH gains are so slow that you won't even recognize them.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    did you find a cycle? if not I can email you something sizzlechest sent me.

  13. #13


    i cant seem to find the hgh forum or a search area to locate the "hgh sticky" i found the profile for it but thats it i have 700 iu's of jin and i may have made a mistake buying it i think i paid too much it was 450 per 100 iu's thats 4.50 per iu anyway i thought if i ran 1000mgs sust and 400 or so eq and 50-100 anadrol and the hgh i would get much bigger relatively fast but i ran the cycle for 8 weeks without the hgh and didnt bet much out of it a few lbs but my diet is shit im 30 5 9 or 5 10'' 13% or so bf i want to see results for the money i have spent so can anyone tell me what the max i should use of the gh and how to ramp up and or down as fast and effectively as possible im not concerned about fat realy just want to get big i have insulin also i have used it in moderation before i have done maybe 4 or 5 cycles and i got from 130lbs to 180 but when i come off i go back to 160 or so and stay there untill im back on then back up to 180 and no higher then back to 160 again very upsetting but im trying to learn and im new to you site so please if i have errored in a magor way posting this in the wrong area please tell me in detail how to do it right thanks any help would be wonderfull

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