ok normally before I run a cycle I try and do a few months to almost a year reasearch on it so I know what im dealing with and make sure i have everything on hand
just have a few questions with the IGF
1.I read a few posts a couple days ago somewhere when I searched that there is a way to reconstitute the IGF so it doesnt need to be stored in the fridge
how do I do this? it will be difficult to use my fridge as I have a public one because of many roomates
2. When using the BW to get the last bit of IGF out of the syringe, do you actually inject the entire syringe (all the BW and IGF) or is it really just used as a marking point to when the IGF is all the way out and you just stop when the bw starts?
3. Is there any pct for IGF like if I had ran test etc..?
4. How long is a beginer cycle normally ran, if I read correct Ive seen 4 weeks?
5. Last one, Ive read that the best point to take IGF is post workout and in the muscle you lifted with, now I realize this is true, but what happens if you were on a back day?
thanks guys I really appreciate the info and will continue to search and find some answers on my own