What is the optimal cycle in your experience for gaining considerable strength while keeping size gains at a minimum? I am wondering if this is even possible because in my logic strength gains lead to increased muscle mass leading to increased size.
What is the optimal cycle in your experience for gaining considerable strength while keeping size gains at a minimum? I am wondering if this is even possible because in my logic strength gains lead to increased muscle mass leading to increased size.
Awesome recommendation. It acts as an amp also...giving increased agression and increased fat loss. Recommend anything to stack it with (winstrol maybe)? I know its already hepatoxic so I don't want to overdo it.
Originally Posted by rukus43
Depends on your goals, but I would NOT do another oral with it. Injectable ony but I tend to go on the safe side as halo is supposed to be very toxic
Will do...when I do it I will run it a 30mg/day for 6 weeks (maybe less depending on the sides). Any other advice when on halo?
Halo's a beast as far as toxicity.
For strength only... Masteron worked well for me, and anavar.
No weight but solid, solid strength really hitting after week 3.
Your training/diet would come more into play for this IMO.
prop 25-50mg ED
tren 75-150mg ED depending on experience
halo 40-75mg ED once again experience
that should suffice by FAR for any str cycle i absolutly LOVE EXTREMELY high doses of halo/tren combos
BUT GET BLOOD WORK DONE righ tafter and 2 weeks after
Man you and your Halo......Originally Posted by taiboxa
Test E or CYP and Anadrol will give you everything you want with fewer sides then what TAI posted....
aye but to me he sounds like someone who might be competing in pl where weight class matters.. and for this he needs to stay dry and retain str while loosing water weight this is where hte high androgen of tren and anabolic rating of halo come inOriginally Posted by Surrender
btw i have ran up to 150mg halo ED .. wat went wrong? nothing had blood work done and liver enzymes were elevated but still lower then that of someone who drinks and partys on weekends.
tren? bad ? no actually its fine.. high doses play hell on kidneys but then again i have gone up to insane doses get blood work done monthly sometimes bi-weekly and still perfectly fine... anadrol raises my bp higher than tren and is more hepatoxic than halo mg/mg and since halo is not a dht like drol it dosent quite fvck up your hdl as muchwhich is good
Halo's liver toxicity is overrated. I know plenty of guys who have taken it up to 40mg ed for 4-6 weeks and had only mildly elevated liver enzyme levels post cycle.
halotestin. igf1, anavar, masteron.
so what about a cycle of:
test prop
tren acetate
and ? (winstrol, masteron, anadrol, anavar)
or is that last compound just overkill?
How long a cycle should I run? This would be a great strength/cutting cycle.
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