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Thread: IGF (sorry not good with math)

  1. #1

    IGF (sorry not good with math)

    I received my igf1 lr3 with my sodium chloride solution and i mixed 2 cc's with the igf. How many mcg's would there be on each tick of a 1cc insulin pin with a 2ml solution. I have 1mg of igf in the solution.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    so now you have 1mg on 2ml solution .
    => 1000mcg igf1 in 2ml.
    if you use 1cc syringe , so 1ml , you will have the half of the total igf1 , so 1000mcg/2 = 500mcg .
    if you have 10 divides in your syringe , 1 divide will be 50mcg .
    hope it will help

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Zelos
    so now you have 1mg on 2ml solution .
    => 1000mcg igf1 in 2ml.
    if you use 1cc syringe , so 1ml , you will have the half of the total igf1 , so 1000mcg/2 = 500mcg .
    if you have 10 divides in your syringe , 1 divide will be 50mcg .
    hope it will help


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