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Thread: Question About Grad School...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Question About Grad School...


    For those of you who are in University, or are familiar with the post-secondary process, I had a question.

    If you get your (H)B.A. or a (H)B.Sc. from college/university, and then which to go to graduate school, can you actually apply to any program in graduate school? Does it have to be exactly the same field? Like if you majored in Psychology at University, then you can only study Psyc. in graduate school?

    I had heard of people getting a B.A. and then going into MEDICAL SCHOOL, even though they did not major in Biology or some sh#t like that.

    Could someone please clear this up, I looked online for some info, but it's more vague, and talks mainly about HOW to get into grad school, but nothing about what you're allowed to take and how the system itself works in terms of admissions.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    wow you've been here for a while!
    I am majoring with a B.S. in business and getting my chemistry minor. Plans are pre-dent.
    Depending on the school, check to see the class requirements etc. and talk to your advisor.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    So Cali. Inland Empire
    You can get a BA/ BS in anything you want and then you can go to any kind graduate program you would like as long as you have all the prerequisite requirements fulfilled. I know of many people who received there BA in one thing and did post graduate work in another. For example one of my bosses had a BA in Political Science, MA in Business (MBA) and a PhD. in Education.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In a bowl of rice
    My B.S. was pre M.A. and Ph.D. were both in applied linguistics. It depends on the program requirements. Some will require that certain prereq's have been met, but a lot of programs will let you make up those prereq's after you've been accepted. Just do your research into the program which you're interested in. If possible, physically visit their office and introduce yourself. You can ask questions then and get direct feedback. A smiling face is ALWAYS remembered over a phone call IMO.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    My B.S. was pre M.A. and Ph.D. were both in applied linguistics. It depends on the program requirements. Some will require that certain prereq's have been met, but a lot of programs will let you make up those prereq's after you've been accepted. Just do your research into the program which you're interested in. If possible, physically visit their office and introduce yourself. You can ask questions then and get direct feedback. A smiling face is ALWAYS remembered over a phone call IMO.
    what are you doing now with that Ph.D.? just wondering

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In a bowl of rice
    Quote Originally Posted by salmon1
    what are you doing now with that Ph.D.? just wondering
    Teaching at a Japanese university in Tokyo. Work for 6 months, get paid for 12!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa
    Thats awsome man, how is life over there in Japan. I wish I still had my old sneaker hobby as sneakers in Japan are huge.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Yeah you don't need to go into the field you have your BA in. My best friend majored in journalism, and is grad school for buisness (he had to take some extra classes though). I am in med school, and some of my classmates majored in things other then biology, chemistry, biochem, etc. I think one girl was a music major, and one guy was a history major. If you are going to go to gradschool you have to take certain prereq classes to be accepted. Like for med school you had to bio, chem, organic, physics, and english. If you take thoes courses, no matter what your major is, you can apply to med school.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In a bowl of rice
    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyTampa09
    Thats awsome man, how is life over there in Japan. I wish I still had my old sneaker hobby as sneakers in Japan are huge.
    Well, I can't say it's all bad, but it ain't like life in the States. For all their talk about being "International", Tokyo is anything but.

    Sneakers aren't "in" right now, but the Japanese change their tastes every month or so. Should come back around though, so keep those sneakers handy on ebay!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Okay guys, thanks for the help and advice and clearing that up for me.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    toronto, canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Terinox

    For those of you who are in University, or are familiar with the post-secondary process, I had a question.

    If you get your (H)B.A. or a (H)B.Sc. from college/university, and then which to go to graduate school, can you actually apply to any program in graduate school? Does it have to be exactly the same field? Like if you majored in Psychology at University, then you can only study Psyc. in graduate school?

    I had heard of people getting a B.A. and then going into MEDICAL SCHOOL, even though they did not major in Biology or some sh#t like that.

    Could someone please clear this up, I looked online for some info, but it's more vague, and talks mainly about HOW to get into grad school, but nothing about what you're allowed to take and how the system itself works in terms of admissions.


    i think it is very dependant on the type of program you are doing.

    like say you wanted to do a grad program on physics then you would need the proper prerequisities

    but i think other fields may not need prereqs

  12. #12
    My undergrad is a BS in sociology. I went on to earn an MBA. Like the others said, as long as you have your pre-requisites, you're good.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    My undergrad as off may 07' will be sports medicine and REHAB

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Every school has different prerequisites, also will have to mass a GMAT exam for graduate business school. Yes, it is proven getting your degree in a better schoolwill lead to a higher mean salary

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Prada
    Every school has different prerequisites, also will have to mass a GMAT exam for graduate business school. Yes, it is proven getting your degree in a better schoolwill lead to a higher mean salary
    100% agree.... funny thing is most people, even the CEOs etc equate "better school" with better football programs (I know it sounds like BS but ask yourself how many schools you know of besides the Ivy leagues or the schools where you know someone other then the schools with awesome ball programs). Not saying you should pick one based on that but I figured that I'd share something a human resources guy told me once.

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