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Thread: HGH/IGF Cycle

  1. #1

    HGH/IGF Cycle

    I need some advice. I'm not a kid and I take this stuff seriously and I rely heavily on my own research and advice from those with experience. I'm over 35 and have been working out for a long time. I've done 3 cycles and had no problems. I'm thinking about an HGH/Long IGF/Test cycle but info available is a little sketchy. I'm trying to get a RX from my Dr. for HGH and if he gives it I plan on an HGH/Long IGF/Test cycle and if he doesn't just a Long IGF/Test/? cycle. If you guys had the opportunity what would these two cycles look like? With HGH and without. I am definitely not interested in any Slin. Appreciate any input -- Thanks

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    The info available isn't sketcky at all. You are at the right place, at the right forum. All the info you need is right under your nose just use the search button.

    A combination of HGH, IGF1 LR3 and Test is certinly a great combination. However, if your doc don't come thought with the GH script, then a IGF1 LR3 + Test cycle is still a good combo.

    It's hard to lay out a cycle for you because I don't know what you want to achieve. With HGH, the doses depend on your goals and your age. I know your age so I could guess-timate a dose that would work well for you, but I don't know your goals therefore I can't excatly tell you what doses to take. Anyway, to give you an idea, with HGH lower doses are more so beneficial for fat loss purposes where as higher doses are good for muscle mass. Most will use around the 3IU mark to shed fat, and 5IU+ for muscle mass, I think those doses would suit you, now it's just up to you to decide what you want to do, shed fat or build muscle. When taking HGH, yo are best of having a shot in the AM upon waking up and early afternoon. If you are taking higher doses and need to split into more than 2 shots p/day, then you can certinly dose in the PM too.

    If this if you first run with IGF1 LR3, I suggest you start of using 40mcg p/day and increase the dose if necessary. Most are happy when taking between 60 - 80mcg p/day, but do start on a lower dose than that to see how your body reacts. Cycle IGF LR3 4 weeks ON/OFF while running your test cycle all throughout this time. Start of uisng it PWO only for now, and you can shoot your LR3 immidietly post training. Some dose in the AM too, this is acceptable also.

    We have a great sticky on HGH and IGF1 LR3 in the educational forum, do have a read at that.

    Good luck.


  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Click on this link and choose the stickies you are interested in.


  4. #4

    Hgh/igf Cycle

    Tks for the reply Gear. I have two options for getting HGH, I'd prefer to get it through a RX. Cost will determine. I asked him for somatotropin. I'd run 4IU, 5 on 2 off for 20 weeks 2 times per day SQ, with Long IGF-1 and test. Start IGF at 40mcg and go to 60mcg 2 times per day AM and PWO. In an HGH/IGF cycle, when would you start the IGF and for how long would you run it and the same for the test and would any test be okay, or would you have a preference? IGF and test both IM, but can they be combined into one inj.?

    IGF/test only cycle would be the same for IGF, start at 40 and up it to 60 per day. I'd split dose in AM and PWO. Understand 4weeks on/off, but is that the duration limit? Or could it be 4 on 4 off 4 on with test for the duration in both cases? I'd like to get at least 12 weeks in on test. Would you start the test the same time as the IGF? I don't see much benefit of running test only past however long you would run the IGF.

    In either case how many mgs. per week of test? What about PCT in either HGH/IGF/Test, or IGF/Test cycle?

    Thanks for your reply and advice -- I need to be precise about what I put in my body, so competent advice is much appreciated.

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I would start using the IGF right away, and I would run it 4 weeks ON/OFF until I run out. Same with the test, start that straight away, then about 8 - 12 weeks later start your HGH cycle. As for what type of test to use, well once again it depends on what you want to achieve. If you are looking at not gaining too much weight and if you are not after the "bloated look", then test propionate is a great option. However, if you don't mind a bit of water retention and want to gain as much weight as possible, then I would probably use something like test enanthate.

    IGF and test can not be mixed in the same syringe. When taking IGF, you need to use insulin needles. The U100 insulin needles is a good choice for IGF. When taking test, you need syringes that are marked in CC/ML. Most common test syringes are the 3CC/ML and the 5CC/ML syringes. Insulin syringes are different to test syringes. Insulin syringes are marked in IU, where as the test syringes are marked in CC/ML. It would be almost impossible to measure out insulin in a CC/ML syringe.

    As said above, I would run the IGF 4 weeks ON/OFF until I ran out. I am not going to say that it's good doing this for extended period of time because at the end of the day doing any of this isn't good in the first place, but I do believe having a 4 week break between IGF cycles is a good idea at least. Or, you can just run your IGF 4 ON/OFF for as long as your test cycles goes, up to you. As said above, you may start your IGF same time as the test, nothing wrong with that.

    As for test dosage p/week, IMO you want at least 500mgs p/week. If this is your first time with test, then try 500mgs p/week. If you have ran a test cycle before at a certain dose and were happy with the outcome, then try the same dose again. I personally have had great results when taking 750mgs - 1000mgs p/week, but I have done a few cycles in the past. I believe anything over 750mgs p/week is quiet a high dose for any average Joe.

    PCT is something you want to read about as well. This is a very important part of your cycle which happens at the end of your cycle. PCT start times are different depending on what kind of test you use. Go to the PCT forum and have a look at the PCT stickies there, it's all layed out for you, but here are the PCT start times for you just give you a head start:

    Anadrol/Anapolan: 24 hours after last administration
    Deca: 21 days after last injection
    Dianabol: 24 hours after last administration
    Equipoise: 21 days after last injection
    Fina: 3 days after last injection
    Primobolan depot: 14 days after last injection
    Sustanon: 18 days after last injection
    Testosterone Cypionate: 18 days after last injection
    Testosterone Enanthate: 14 days after last injection
    Testosterone Propionate: 3 days after last injection
    Testosterone Suspension: 24 hours after last administration
    Winstrol: 24 hours after last administration

    You will find the above information is in one of the PCT stickies in the PCT forum which was written by "Pheedno". So do go to the PCT forum and have a read at the stickies there.

    Furthermore, to enhance your PCT therapy, using IGF throughout PCT is a good idea. This will certinly help you keep what you have gained. So perhaps you can arrange your IGF cycle so the 4 weeks of IGF use lands around PCT time. Many use IGF throughout PCT and find it very benefiting.

    Good luck.


  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Here mate, click on this link:

    That is the PCT forum.


  7. #7

    Hgh/igf Cycles

    Gear, this post was great, exactly what I was looking for -- that's why I prefer this site and forum over all comers. Good bro's and no-nonsense replies. Compliments of the military and govt. stuff I've had multiple surgeries on my right shoulder and wrist so I can't do heavy lifting so I compensate with higher rep workouts. Therefore whatever I use for cycles can't be for mass, but more for strength and weight control. I've done 3 cycles, all with test and deca, with dbol and anavar on the last one. I might be a little gyno prone as 2nd cycle had some slight symptoms but took extra nolva and had no problems. This PCT I'm planning to use HCG with less nolva and with aromasin. I've seen postings where some claim that nolva will take away gains and I did experience that and didn't appreciate it.

    One last question though -- you say to use an insulin dart for IGF, then you recommend injecting SQ over IM?

    Many Thanks Bro. -- Ecivon

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
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    That's ok man, higher rep workouts is ok, you can still get great results training that way. But just be carefull you don't over train, I know when you have an injured shoulder it takes a while to heal up, so do be careful.

    You can still either use propionate or enanthate. Either of those will bring both muscle and strength gains.

    If you are gyno prone, I suggest you have some nolvadex on hand. Use this as soon as you start noticing/feeling gyno symptoms. Or, to be even safer, you can use it all throughout cycle. Many do believe that nolva will get in the way of gains, but I know so many people that use Nolvadex all throughout cycle and never had any problems, so I believe everybody is different when it comes to this.

    If you are using IGF, then you should be injecting IM. I know insulin needles are preety small and you are probably thinking how to inject IM with an insulin needle, well you just gotta have a shot in spots where there is very little skin and fat (like your bicpes), so this way when you inject in that area you can be sure the needle is in the actual muscle and not the skin or the fat. When I use insulin through an insulin pin, I usually shoot it in my bicep or tricep, it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it and it's very painless.


  9. #9

    Hgh/igf Cycle

    Thanks man, appreciate the feedback. I don't have a problem with my type of workouts, I'm okay with it. High reps. are okay with me regardless of injuries. I'm 5'8" so bulking up with mass isn't what I'd look for anyway. It wouldn't fit my frame very well. I respect those who do bulk up, but it isn't what I'm looking for. I do it for my health and to keep strong, but more importantly to keep my kids working out. I'm a single pops and I've got 3 boys 22, 21, and 15 and I've had all 3 working out for a loooong time, all natural. I don't have a moral issue with cycling as long as it is done smartly. My 22 y.o. will be starting his first cycle shortly and he is pumped. He's 6'1", 200 lbs., low BF and a pure athlete. He'll do well. My 21 y.o. is 6'0", 210 lbs. and benches close to 400 +. He's kind of a chicken shit and is a little scared of cycling and that's okay -- if he does fine, if he doesn't that's fine too. It's his decision. I just support them and make sure they do their homework. My 15 y.o. I wouldn't let near any kind of supplements/AAS. He is 6'0", 190 lbs. and is much stronger than his brothers ever were at the same age/stage. We all belong to a club and work out together along with about 8-10 of their friends and cousins -- it's great. Thanks for the info. Gear.

  10. #10
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hey man, sounds like you got some strong boys there with great genetics. I'm sure they will do well. Anyway man, good luck to you with all that and let me know if you need any further assistance.


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