Just started week 7 yesterday. So far I am up 16lbs and starting to see some incredible vascularity. Haven't noticed hardly any sides yet. Starting to get really hard to get full though. I love this shit. mexicali
Just started week 7 yesterday. So far I am up 16lbs and starting to see some incredible vascularity. Haven't noticed hardly any sides yet. Starting to get really hard to get full though. I love this shit. mexicali
Mexicali...what is your cycle looking like? Weeks, dosages, and all that jazzz??
1-14 tt EQ 400mg
1-2 tt winny 50mg
11-16 tt winny 50mg
trainig is 4 day split
diet is about 85% on
starting to notice big changes in the mirror
Good gains bro keep us posted on it.
in the middle of week 13 now, so far i'm up 30lbs in lbm. strength is through the roof. Bf % is about the same as when i started, maybe even down a few % . Since my last post my diet has really sucked, there was about a 3 week period where i was away from home and didnt eat near as much as i should of, and i gained VERY slowly. However, after i got back onto my diet, the scales started rising instantly again. Only got 3 more weeks to go.
I hate to say it because i'm gonna look like a dumbass but who cares, i've still got no clomid. SHould of listened to everyone who said not to start without it. SO if you are thinking of starting without EVERYTHING you need, dont do it!!!
30lbs! Great gains. You gotta get some Clomid though or you're gonna lose all those great gains![]()
Holly chit, I am starting a cycle just like this in 2 months, man I am all pumped now. I want to start NOW..
Great gains and thanks for pumping me up for nothing man.. LMAO.
I'm working on the clomid. Hopefully i'll get some in under 3 weeks!!!
yea bro get some of that clomid...it really makes ya or breaks ya...30lbs is outrageous bro! keep it up and ull be lookin thick and good luck
how much do you think he can keep with the clomid????
all of it
i'm looking to do the same cycle, can you tell me who makes the winny n Eq that you are using
I've finally found some clomid. I ordered some last week. My cycle has been over for a little over a week. Up until today I have been taking 10 mg winny in the morning . Should I still take the clomid if it comes in? It would be almost 2 or more weeks after my cycle? so far i'm still up 28-30lbs
my gear was tt eq and winny tabs
I'm thinking of doing the exact same cycle but contimplating throwing test in there, but my goal is to gain about 15 pounds of muscle by the end and look lean. Do you think this is possible with just running eq and winny and have u lost body fat ? Because if this is possible without the test it would be a relief due to the winny and eq being relatively safe and low on side effects unlike the test, but mostly i was wondering if u had any before or after pics?
is this your 1st cycle?
take the clomid as it is about 20 days after last shot of eq so you should have your clomid about the 20 day mark. def take it if you want to keep your gains
yes it is
I would definately throw some test in there.
i'm looking into trying this cycle or an primo/winny cycle. could you post more details about your dosage? how often did you do the eq/win per week? i know everyone recommends adding test to this stack but if one's not really looking to add any bulk can the test be left out?
What do you think of the way Mexicali kick started the winny at the begining? I just finished my second week of eq. I was going to run my winny for the whole 8 weeks at the end. Should I run it for 2 weeks now and then 6 at the end?
Wouldn't mind a kickstart.
30 lbs of just EQ and Winny, wtf!
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