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Thread: spot injects vs glutes?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    spot injects vs glutes?

    Gonna start my test enth cycle tuesday and was wondering if anyone ever injected their delts for their first cycle? reason i'm sayin this is i think my delts wouldbe a much easier place to inject than say my buddy told me the best place to inject are the large muscles like glutes and quads cause they distribute the juice better than smaller ones what do u guys think? thanks!! 250x2 500mg total

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by reppedout1
    Gonna start my test enth cycle tuesday and was wondering if anyone ever injected their delts for their first cycle? reason i'm sayin this is i think my delts wouldbe a much easier place to inject than say my buddy told me the best place to inject are the large muscles like glutes and quads cause they distribute the juice better than smaller ones what do u guys think? thanks!! 250x2 500mg total
    The Gluets and Quads are the most common places to jab mate.

    But injecting into other small muscle groups are fine.

    Treating them as spot injections and make sure you rotate sites so you are only hitting one site once a week.
    Jabbing your delts,arms,chest,lats,traps, all these areas some better then others.
    So Glutes and Quads are most common
    Then it would be delts make sure its side delts
    Then Triceps/Biceps Triceps you have three heads you can shoot into two, and Bicep you can shoot into the two muscle groups however I prefer jabbing the peak it just give me a full on pump if I jab them the same day I train my arms.
    You will read about people shooting chest,lats,traps, chest can be fine for some, but i have heard alot of horror stories bout infrections .
    Lats is a strange one also, some people say its fine, but you have alot of nerv endings in your lats and vains so you would have to be carefull
    And traps, well I did it once, but so awkward to do myself, Just found it awkward to do it proper so I dont use this.

    go to google and search for **************, there is a website that shows u how to jab in everyone of these muscle groups.
    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Easy spot is the chest and its also barely hurts. You can also do quads. I like both those spots because you can use both hands.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by reppedout1
    Gonna start my test enth cycle tuesday and was wondering if anyone ever injected their delts for their first cycle? reason i'm sayin this is i think my delts wouldbe a much easier place to inject than say my buddy told me the best place to inject are the large muscles like glutes and quads cause they distribute the juice better than smaller ones what do u guys think? thanks!! 250x2 500mg total
    i've been shooting delts since my first cycle and they are by far my fav spot. easy to reach, easy to see yourself aspirate, and easy to keep your hand steady IMO.

    i use 23 gauge 1" pin & shoot up to 2.5ml with no issues in delts, but thats just me. you should be safely able to handle at least 1.5ml in your delts.

    but remember to rotate spots, dont want scar tissue building up. currently im only shooting twice a week so im just rotating left/right delts & glutes...occasional tri's

    good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    usa/east coast
    dont shoot the same spot too often you can get an oil abcess(large oil build up that becomes infected)like bighuman said tri delts bis ,i like chest ,calves are a bit painful easy to do though .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    ^glutes, quads, and i do tris. Reguardless the outcome will be the same.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    thanks fellas appreciate it

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