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Thread: How should i take this d-bol cycle with 50mg capsules ???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    How should i take this d-bol cycle with 50mg capsules ???

    this is my first cycle to ever take ( Dbol 4-5weeks & liquid clen after dbol),i weigh 215pds, about 12%bf im 6'4 though,, my goal is to add 15pds of lean mass

    I have 30ct , 50mg d-bol capsules , that i plan on taking the next month but everyone seems to have a different idea on how to take them .
    the pain in the ass is theyre capsules at a high dosage .

    i have 1 person telling me just take 1 50mg pill a day in the morning n thats it
    another guy says split em up and take (25mg 1st week,50mg 2nd week,75mg 3rd week, 50mg 4th week , then 25mg 5th week

    is it ok to take the pill all at once or do i need to be splitting the pill up throughout the day ( every 3-5hrs)which is a hastle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    dbols has a very short half life so it should be split through the day (6-8hrs), 50 mg is kinda high for a first timer, itll be better if u get 5mg/pill or 10mg/pill and take 10mg's every 8 hours, and o ya that 15 lbs ur looking forward to add is gona go away if ur doing a dbol only cycle. dbol is all water, so not a good idea to take it on its own,,, do u have a pct planned ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I already bought them, it was dirt cheap from a friend so i grabbed them,

    i wish there was only 1 way to juice because everyone seems to think differently, about the water, i was told by several people i would definetly lose weight when i was off, but ill keep half my gains providing im still training hard .so i figured with that i could add 10-15pds

    as far as pct i was also told that it wasn't necessary , but if it is he always has that handy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Many will disagree with your choice of drugs and your proposed "cycle", however if there is one thing that everyone will agree on is that you must do PCT.

    Clomid and Nolva should work...or even Arimidex and nolva...And get it before you start.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by chaznad
    I already bought them, it was dirt cheap from a friend so i grabbed them,

    i wish there was only 1 way to juice because everyone seems to think differently, about the water, i was told by several people i would definetly lose weight when i was off, but ill keep half my gains providing im still training hard .so i figured with that i could add 10-15pds

    as far as pct i was also told that it wasn't necessary , but if it is he always has that handy
    The people telling you this garbage should get hit by a bus before they drag everyone down with them... they obviously have no education on the subject. dbol only cycles suck... yes you might gain 10-15lbs while on your dbol only cycle all of which will be water except maybe 2-3 pounds... and yes you are goign to need a PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) if you want any chance in hell of keeping your gains... you also seem very old are you? How tall are you? how much do you weigh? what's your training experience?

    EDIT: also i'd plan on getting every single one of the side effects since youre blood levels won't be very stable unless you take dbols every 6ish hours.

    trash these pills and get them in 5-10mg doses and a pct if yo u insist on taking something...
    Last edited by Slowhand; 11-12-2006 at 12:27 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    wow , is dbol on its own that bad of a choice, i thought it was pretty common, i will definetly get the clomid though

    can you let me know why no one recommends taking it on its own

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    slowhand take it easy , why so fired up ,,im 27, 215 , 6'4 , ive been working out for over 5 years , im sure you have a lot of ignorant 16 year olds coming in here eating and shooting pills left and right, its a different situation here, i have been told to take different well constructed cycles to start , the problem is i DO NOT do needles period, so these people know my goals and recomended a cycle of dbol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    those people recommended u to do a dbol only cycle and without a pct.. im speechless to be honest

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    50mg caps ..... uhh its a real short half life.... your gonna get tits and you NEEED PCT regardless.... you need to research this board alot ... your "buddies" have no clue what they are talking about

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    new york city
    my first cycle was dbol and decca.....week 1-8 dbol - 50mg/day ...started decca in the 6th week...continued taking it for 8 more weeks...tottal of 16 weeks lol. i gained a good amount of weight on it...about 24 lbs ....back then i wasnt aware of PCT and that i even needed it...luckily a friend suggestd i use clomid after the cycle was up. i kept maybe 8~ish pounds of that cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    ok, im going to hold off and add something w the dbol , what would be the recommended choice including needles ( maybe ill suck it up)
    also how would i cycle it

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    new york city
    i was told on here to use test E with dbol ...use dbol as a 4 week kickstarter...then come of it..and just use test E

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    needles arent that bad....use 500mg of Test E (1 per week for 10 weeks) with the Dbol (since they are 50mg = 1 per day)

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