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Thread: What do you do when you just dont care anymore ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    What do you do when you just dont care anymore ?

    I get all my stuff done, go to school which I am finishing, work, getting good job when school is done and moving out at the same time and still attending the gym 5-6 days a week but ….. for some reason when it comes down to hanging out and “enjoying” life I just don’t Fcuking care anymore. My “cheat” day normally consist of drinking that night but still eating. I am not a big drinker and I only been doing it once a week but I know I sometimes do it for the wrong reasons, just to forget everything. I had to abandon half my friends because they are getting big time into drugs and have a few good friends/best friends I can hang with but it’s always drinking when I hang out with them. I just drink and drink till I can no longer control my actions and why? Because I just out right don’t care.

    I don’t know if it’s a mid-life crisis which I think I am a little young for but I just ask myself what do I do everything for ? why !? for happiness ? because i sometimes forget what that is. Like I said I still get everything I need to get done but I am losing motivation to keep going on.

    Maybe i just need to rant this out or something who knows. I am just downing some coffee waiting to get to the gym tonight for back. The gym makes me happy but i can't live at the gym

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    VA - Formerly OH
    sounds like you need some tail

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Masterbation is fun

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I'm with you there. I work 7 days a week and I'm about to open 2 more stores so I'm pretty busy. This is about the only free time I get and that is only when it's slow at the tanning salon I don't even want to go on dates because I just say fuk it and don't want the hassle and drama. Hell lately I don't even want to hit it no sex drive with all this shit I have to get done
    Then I am in the off season for about another week or 2 and not making shit, hell it cost me to work right now The peak season is right around the corner. I have fuking hives too, probably from stress but can't afford health insurance for a couple of more weeks! Now I'm depressed!

  5. #5
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    Jan 2005
    haha sex i am sure is a key factor but i no longer even try. I talk to people and i am social i guess but i just dont have that drive anymore.

    Masterbation is saved till bedtime

    Its just a really weird feeling. Feeling like a needle in a hay stack and i just dont matter. After this weekend i wouldn't be surprised if the cops showed up at my door and took me to jail !
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 11-21-2006 at 06:32 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Does this look like the psychiatric hour, WTF, suck it up and get laid bro!!!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    I get all my stuff done, go to school which I am finishing, work, getting good job when school is done and moving out at the same time and still attending the gym 5-6 days a week but ….. for some reason when it comes down to hanging out and “enjoying” life I just don’t Fcuking care anymore. My “cheat” day normally consist of drinking that night but still eating. I am not a big drinker and I only been doing it once a week but I know I sometimes do it for the wrong reasons, just to forget everything. I had to abandon half my friends because they are getting big time into drugs and have a few good friends/best friends I can hang with but it’s always drinking when I hang out with them. I just drink and drink till I can no longer control my actions and why? Because I just out right don’t care.

    I don’t know if it’s a mid-life crisis which I think I am a little young for but I just ask myself what do I do everything for ? why !? for happiness ? because i sometimes forget what that is. Like I said I still get everything I need to get done but I am losing motivation to keep going on.

    Maybe i just need to rant this out or something who knows. I am just downing some coffee waiting to get to the gym tonight for back. The gym makes me happy but i can't live at the gym

    i feel the exact same with you here

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    So Cali. Inland Empire
    I rent about 4 to 6 DVDs (drama, horror, action, porno, ect…) and sit on my big fat a$$ and grub and watch TV all day long... The next day I feel so guilty for being a sloth and glutton it puts me back in the game well rested and motivated

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Toronto Canada
    find a hobby.. maybe u have outgrown alot of aspects of your life and u need to get some new challenges..

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    find a hobby.. maybe u have outgrown alot of aspects of your life and u need to get some new challenges..
    i think i reached that stage in life, any one got any good ideas of hobbys? anything apreciated! what do u all do?

  11. #11
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    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    i think i reached that stage in life, any one got any good ideas of hobbys? anything apreciated! what do u all do?
    I shop

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    lol i eat.take a vaction

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    i think i reached that stage in life, any one got any good ideas of hobbys? anything apreciated! what do u all do?
    you seem to have a knack for hijacking threads huh?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2006
    i know how you feel. Im in the same situation as you exactly. I just cant wait for school to be over, i think i outgrew my college scene. To me chillin with my bros and getting drunk and going to the prowl is about as fun as staying in and messin around on the net or watching reruns of tv shows in my pc lol

    i think once school is over ill be happier. I will have more time to pick up hobbies and meet new people that dont want to get blackedout drunk 7days a week.

  15. #15
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    i started playing an instrument and looking into automotive paint/airbrushing...i try and stay busy so i can keep my mind off of other crap.

  16. #16
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    Maybe this is a turning point in your life. Your making the right decision by not hanging out with drug users etc. Perhaps finding people with your similiar interests and goals could help? Surrounding yourself with positive people who understands your dreams, goals, desires etc may help you find the path your looking for.

  17. #17
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    find a hobby.. maybe u have outgrown alot of aspects of your life and u need to get some new challenges..
    I use to work on import cars hence the name DSM Diamond Star Motors but i sold it. i put too much work into it and it was no longer a daily driver = SOLD

    I then got into bikes, GSXR750 and started working on that (i like going fast). Since i am getting ready to move out out i had to sell that so i could pay off all my bills while i am still at home.

    I have no hobbies right now

  18. #18
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    Maybe this is a turning point in your life. Your making the right decision by not hanging out with drug users etc. Perhaps finding people with your similiar interests and goals could help? Surrounding yourself with positive people who understands your dreams, goals, desires etc may help you find the path your looking for.
    Can't find anyone of them around here.

    Not even at work ! Thats why i can't wait ti change jobs in Jan, i really REALLY need a change before i snap.

  19. #19
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    North dakota
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    Can't find anyone of them around here.

    Not even at work ! Thats why i can't wait ti change jobs in Jan, i really REALLY need a change before i snap.
    Well Jan is not far away at all. Also just look for goal orientated people who are supportive of your goals. Some of my biggest supporters(besides family) have no interest in my goals but understand being goal orientated and are very supportive.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter
    Well Jan is not far away at all. Also just look for goal orientated people who are supportive of your goals. Some of my biggest supporters(besides family) have no interest in my goals but understand being goal orientated and are very supportive.
    Its not that far but i been like this for a while now which is why its starting to get to me. I guess i have my good days then bad. I think i really need a hobby.

    I need to go out tomorrow and at least buy another book. I just need to keep my mind off of stuff. Just sucks

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2006

    I'm actually going through the same thing... i work, workout and work on the weekends.. my diet gets in the way of my fun.. its pretty sad.. i dont feel motivated to go out and chill...just know that im in the same boat as u..

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez

    I'm actually going through the same thing... i work, workout and work on the weekends.. my diet gets in the way of my fun.. its pretty sad.. i dont feel motivated to go out and chill...just know that im in the same boat as u..
    Thanks man.

    Feels good seeing that others know where I am coming from. I have met A LOT of level-headed people on this board that I could 100 percent see myself being friends with off this board but you guys are scattered all over the *****ing map ! :lol

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Show Me State
    Alot of people deal with this or worse everyday..
    Be happy that your healthy and not starving some where..
    When your feeling this down, all you can do is go up..

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    Thanks man.

    Feels good seeing that others know where I am coming from. I have met A LOT of level-headed people on this board that I could 100 percent see myself being friends with off this board but you guys are scattered all over the *****ing map ! :lol
    send me a ticket

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    I have no hobbies right now
    i feel you on that, i really dont do shit. i ll usually drink 4 nights a week but that old. i used to be into the car tunning scene but i dont have money to tune and im sure u know its expensive. I wanna pick up snoboarding possibly, if i can afford a CBR in the spring maybe that but ill have no one to ride with lol. life is pretty boring now. Thats why im planning my vegas trip. I cant wait till school is over to meet new ppl.

  26. #26
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    May 2004
    I think i'm a similar boat to you.. but my perception is different.

    I don't think "my diet gets in the way of my fun".. i think my perception of 'fun' has changed.

    I outgrew the party scene years ago.

    I was in a club...and a guy i was standing behind got shot.

    When i got out of the club unscathed.. i re-evaluated the whole club/party scene. Assessing what it meant to me... if anything. What it 'did' for me.. if anything. Honestly.. it did nothing. I stopped and i don't miss it.

    Outside of school; running my business; chilling with my fiancee; and the gym.. i perform; write and arrange music; cook for the fiancee... and some other stuff. These are my hobbies.

    For 'fun' (whatever time is left over) i take drives; go to movies; and eat out basically.

    And i'm satisfied with that.

    imo, the prob starts when disatisfaction sets in.

    Not preaching at you in the least.. just saying, if you 'no longer care' about that scene.. you've obviously outgrown it.. and need to find something else that does it for you.


  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Frisco, TX
    Try placing some of your efforts on things that'll love you back. If it's done all for you and you only, then you'll need either more of it or something else to keep you striving for more.

  28. #28
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    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    Try placing some of your efforts on things that'll love you back. If it's done all for you and you only, then you'll need either more of it or something else to keep you striving for more.
    good post..

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Thanks for all the kind words. Honestly if i didn’t spend so much time on my diet and working out i think i would have hit rock bottom a while ago. I think i just need more things to occupy my time. Tomorrow I am going to pick up a new book just don’t have a clue what book.

    I did get some good news today. I got a letter from my school that made it official that with the completion of my current class I will graduate which felt good. I also beat my deadlift tonight by 20lbs

    Just wish i had more "good" friends around me that i could go to but like i said i was hanging around the wrong crowd and had to cut that kiddy stuff out.

    Feels good to get stuff off my chest even if its on the board.

    Nark your ticket is in the mail. I will buy you the best philly cheesesteak you will ever eat !

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2004
    OMG..he said the magic word


    I'll be there in 30!

    Hope you feel better bro

  31. #31
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    I did get some good news today. I got a letter from my school that made it official that with the completion of my current class I will graduate which felt good. I also beat my deadlift tonight by 20lbs

    Just wish i had more "good" friends around me that i could go to but like i said i was hanging around the wrong crowd and had to cut that kiddy stuff out.

    Feels good to get stuff off my chest even if its on the board.
    I know what you are talking about. What made it worse for me is when i was "on" i was 206lbs at my peak now i am flabby 176lbs with a beer belly and gyno lol. This is because a week after i was finished with my cycle I injured my chest and couldnt lift for a long time. i tried to pack the pounds back on but it wasnt working out. now my new goal is to get as cut as possible down to like 5percent body fat. this will inspire me for a while.

    i feel the same about the friends. I have two true friends i can rely on no matter what. besides that i have tons of friends in school ill probably see once a year after graduation. there cool peeps tho, there all gonna try to go corprate and im trying to travel and chill or do something different

    im sure shit will work out for me. Obviously you can see im bored tonight

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    you're too young to be thinking about all that I would say enjoy life and stop worrying about problems. go out pick up a girl and chill

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    DSM how old are you? Ya know, I think im experiencing exactly the same thing as you, like on a day off or spare time, I cant be arsed or motivated to do anything. It really, really sucks at the moment. Mizfit said something about maybe you've outgrown your normal aspects of life and need a new challenge, i think thats exactly what I need. New hobby, new challenge, new everything.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Front toward enemy
    I agree with nark as well, im so over the party/club scene now. I much prefer just finding a bar or pub with a late license and just chilling with friends there.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    In a bowl of rice
    Sounds like the end of your university life and beginning of your career is causing you some stress. You're about to undergo a huge step in your life and this is your natural psychological reaction. Don't worry about it, as this time will pass and soon enough, you'll be working and too busy to care. But absolutely get into more things that'll give back. Something like Big Brothers is a good way to help a kid who really needs it, and it'll help you as well. Who knows? You just might inspire a future Mr. O. Hang tough bro!!

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    Sounds like the end of your university life and beginning of your career is causing you some stress. You're about to undergo a huge step in your life and this is your natural psychological reaction. Don't worry about it, as this time will pass and soon enough, you'll be working and too busy to care. But absolutely get into more things that'll give back. Something like Big Brothers is a good way to help a kid who really needs it, and it'll help you as well. Who knows? You just might inspire a future Mr. O. Hang tough bro!!
    Flagg i am 2

    CSAR - Is there a site for big brother or other legit ones like it. Maybe i could spend some of my time helping others for the holidays. I did a google and only get that stuid TV show big brother

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    In a bowl of rice
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    CSAR - Is there a site for big brother or other legit ones like it. Maybe i could spend some of my time helping others for the holidays. I did a google and only get that stuid TV show big brother**B6/Home.htm

    There are all kinds of organizations like this, so if they don't have a bbbs in your area, try to find something else. You can volunteer at your local hospital, retirement home, etc., as well. Good on you for considering this!!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    Thanks man.

    Feels good seeing that others know where I am coming from. I have met A LOT of level-headed people on this board that I could 100 percent see myself being friends with off this board but you guys are scattered all over the *****ing map ! :lol
    I feel the same way, most of the people around me are focused on drinking to have fun. I don't drink and I don't want to sit with a load of loud drunk idiots in a smelly bar on my nights off. That is why I come on here, to speak and socialize with like minded people. Like you say it is just a shame that everyone is so far apart. I would happily go to a juice bar and hang out with any of the people from AR!

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
    you seem to have a knack for hijacking threads huh?
    LOL ask admin to change his name to hijakamink j/k

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    I know how you feel. I have not really been happy since I got out of the Marines. That is when I was the happiest. There I did fun things hung out with good people, got drunk in different countries, and had sex with foreign chicks. Now it just seems different. I have no friends at school, I am 24, and with everything I have been through I feel I can't relate to people. Living at home after 5 years sucks too. Not too mention I tried to get with the only girl I had really strong feelings for and that didn't work out. One of my favorite things to do was have cruise nights with my friends. We all had cobra's and a few ricers. Here there are nothing but ford escapes and toyota camary's. But I am confident that I will all come around, everything usually has a way of working out.

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