I'm preparing for a 12 week cycle and wanted to run it by you guys before starting. First off, I'm 6'2", 215 lbs., 27 yrs old. This will be my 3rd cycle (previously done deca, and test). My goal is to bulk up my legs, and strengthen my torso and back, then lean up and the end. I don't wish to overdo it, I need to maintain my flexibility beacause of heavy althetic activity. My last deca-test cycle (12 weeks Dec-Feb) netted me 18 lbs., of which 12 I have retained. For this cycle Deca will once again be my base throughout, I like it best and feel it's healthiest for me. Here we go:
Weeks 1-12 Deca at 400mg/wk to 600mg/wk
Weeks 1-5 Test Enanthate at 400mg/wk
Weeks 7-12 Winstrol at 200mg/wk.
Of course Proviron, Nolvaldex, Milk Thistle, Clomid will be included.
I'd like to acheive a similar gain as before, 18lbs. at the end, going down to 10-12lbs in the following months. What do you fellas think, have I structured this right? I figure I'll need the test to get the size increase I
'm looking for, but I'm not sure. Can I reach my goals if I take the test out og the cycle? As always guys, I appreciate the help!!