Does anyone know what the sleeping aid drug is called what is prescribe in America for night-shift workers??
Does anyone know what the sleeping aid drug is called what is prescribe in America for night-shift workers??
narcotic or non-narcotic?
I dont know, why is there 2 different kinds they prescribe to shift workers?Originally Posted by rafael
it can depend on the severity of the sleep aid needed. for a mild to moderate sleed aid diphenyhydramine @50mg dosage is given. for moderate to strong i suppose a benzodiazepine is prescribed.
I heard they give them provigil (modafinil) to keep them awake and alert!!
ambien cr....maybe?
ambiem, seraquil
Tylenol PM works, ambien, those all help with sleeping. However it seems that I need mroe sleep when using meds for some reason. Maybe because it is almost "fake sleep" in a sense ?
To be alert I would use coffee etc etc.
Trazodone 50mg and Seroquel 50mg is a knockout combo...I promise you will sleep at least 8 hours solid with this combo and neither are considered habit-forming as opposed to benzos or sedative/hypnotics such as ambien and others of the sort.
Why is this question in the steroids forum?
Shit, Trazodone alone will knock you out. I take anywhere from 25-100mg, depending on aniexty levels. This drug is very strong!!!Originally Posted by shrpskn
trazadone ...beign a tricyclic will have similar side effects and contradictions as any anti hystamine ...such as diphenyhydramine ( benadryl) yeah..its a good sleep aid. But dont forget its also a powerfull psychotropic medication ...along with its own side effects and long term effects. And btw ...Seroquel is prescribed for patients in the psych ward. lol
Originally Posted by rafael
Trazadone was used to sadate suicidal patients in large doses. I can easly see this, if i wake in the middle of the night on this shit, its hard walk to the bathroom.
This is quite a blatant statement...Originally Posted by rafael
I've seen people prescribed Seroquel to combat insomnia and/or depression as well, not just nutcases that are locked up in a mental hospital.
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