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Thread: First Cycle. Help to make better

  1. #1

    First Cycle. Help to make better

    8 weeks of 250 mg of Test E
    6 Weeks of 30mg/day of D-Bol

    Followed by 4 weeks of clomid. Tryin to keep what i got

    College football player who is looking to put on weight. Newcomer to anabolics

    6'0" 195lbs.
    Lift 4 times a week
    Day1-Chest and Tris
    Day5-Back and Bis

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!

    Test E would be best to run for at least 10-12 weeks as the long Enanthate ester can take up to 6-8 weeks just to fully kick in so you would be ending right at its peak, 250mgs/week is a rather low dose just so you know. Also, I would not run the dbol longer than 4 weeks.

    You may want an AI like arimidex or letro during the cycle to help with the water retention

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Cycle looks solid. I would drop the clomid and use nolvadex instead, clomid has some really nasty psychological effects.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Bump up the test to 500mg a week and like stated you need to run it longer, 12 weeks is good and drop the dbol down to 4 weeks.
    You need more than clomid for PCT, look in the PCT section of the forum to figure out whats best for ya.........remember PCT starts 2 weeks after you're last shot.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Why should he drop the dbol down to four weeks?

  6. #6
    So how about

    Test e 500mg/wk 2 shots mon. and thur. for 12 weeks
    Dbol at 30mg/day for 4 weeks

    There is much conflict on the times and type of anti-e product that should be used. What would be best for a novice like me after or during this cycle
    How long should i go until the next cycle

  7. #7
    I have always been told to only take orals for no more then four weeks, b/c as we all know orals hit your kidneys harder, so why strain them more then they need to be? its more of a "safty" issue then anything.

    As for the anti-e i would take it all the way through your cycle, take the most anti-e during your cycle, once the cycle is over cut it down to about 2/3 or even 2/4 of the anti-e u where taking so your body can start to balance your body out, and take it for about 5 weeks after your cycle.

    Thats just my 50 cents.
    Last edited by G0tMudd; 11-25-2006 at 09:44 AM.

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