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Thread: Need another compound to add to cycle

  1. #1
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    Need another compound to add to cycle

    I'm wanting input for adding another compound to my upcoming cycle. This will be my 5th cycle but I have been natty for about 2 years. This is what I'm going to run so far.

    Test E: weeks 1-14 @ 500mg/wk (might push it to 750mg)
    Deca: weeks 1-12 @ 500mg/wk
    Arimidex: weeks 1-19 @.25mg/day
    HCG: week 7@ 1500 I.U. (500mg every 3rd day)

    **Not including PCT in this post because it doesn't pertain.

  2. #2
    Masteron propionate @150mg EOD 1-10


    Dianabol 60mg ED 1-5

  3. #3
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    Las Vegas
    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Masteron propionate @150mg EOD 1-10


    Dianabol 60mg ED 1-5
    Don't want the D-bol

    If I added Masteron, should I switch the Deca to EQ?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    Don't want the D-bol

    If I added Masteron, should I switch the Deca to EQ?

    No, why would you ?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    No, why would you ?
    Masteron works quite well when combined with EQ.

    Plus, I think EQ may be a better choice than Deca

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    Masteron works quite well when combined with EQ.

    Plus, I think EQ may be a better choice than Deca

    How does masteron work well when combined with masteron ?

    Do whatever you choose.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    How does masteron work well when combined with masteron ?

    Do whatever you choose.
    Stacking Masteron? Well, I’d say that your best bet is with test, of course…but really, due to Masteron’s reasonable binding to the Androgen Receptors and its high androgenic properties, almost any cutting drug (Tren, Anavar, etc…) could be included in a cycle with it for an efficient stack. I have a feeling that due to Stanozolol’s (Winstrol) non-AR mediated effects, and it’s ability to reduce SHBG, a stack including both of these drugs would be very synergistic. However, don’t forget the Testosterone, as Masteron will reduce your own natural testosterone levels (9)…and since you are going to have to inject Masteron Every Other Day at least (100mgs EOD is the lowest dose of this stuff I’d consider using), you might as well stack it with Testosterone Propionate, and possibly injectable Winstrol (and/or maybe Tren Acetate…if you’re inclined to use a lot of compounds in the same cycle…and I know I am…). Eq is another popular choice to stack with Masteron.

    It don't see what you mean. EQ is more similar to Deca than Masteron
    Last edited by Triple X; 11-25-2006 at 03:05 PM.

  8. #8
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    my advice is to drop the deca, replace it with eq run eq at 600mg/wk and then you can add tren as well say about 100mg/ed or depending on your experience with tren you can adjust dosages

    reason for swapping deca for eq, you will get drier gains with eq, no water, and you will get quality muscle, also you can run tren alongside eq which is always a plus

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    It don't see what you mean. EQ is very similar to Deca, not Masteron

    Its popular, not "the best" combination.

    And EQ is nowhere near the same as deca, they are completely different. And where did I say EQ is similar to masteron ?

    I'm tryin to help you out but if you think you know whats best then go ahead and do whatever you want.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    I'm wanting input for adding another compound to my upcoming cycle. This will be my 5th cycle but I have been natty for about 2 years. This is what I'm going to run so far.

    Test E: weeks 1-14 @ 500mg/wk (might push it to 750mg)
    Deca: weeks 1-12 @ 500mg/wk
    Arimidex: weeks 1-19 @.25mg/day
    HCG: week 7@ 1500 I.U. (500mg every 3rd day)

    **Not including PCT in this post because it doesn't pertain.

    dude, what do you want out of this cycle? you want a bulker, or a clean bulker or what? you have to give this info so that we know what to recommend

  11. #11
    All this "drier gains" and "Quality muscle" is rediculous.

    Ask anyone what is better at BUILDING MUSCLE, boldenone or nandrolone, tell me what they say.

    You guys need to think for yourselfs and research more instead of relying on what you see parroted across the boards.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by std4
    dude, what do you want out of this cycle? you want a bulker, or a clean bulker or what? you have to give this info so that we know what to recommend
    Well if i wanted to cut then I wouldn't have Test and Deca listed now would I? I'm going for a bulk but I am leaving out the D-bol because I don't want the water retention.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    All this "drier gains" and "Quality muscle" is rediculous.

    Ask anyone what is better at BUILDING MUSCLE, boldenone or nandrolone, tell me what they say.

    You guys need to think for yourselfs and research more instead of relying on what you see parroted across the boards.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    Well if i wanted to cut then I wouldn't have Test and Deca listed now would I? I'm going for a bulk but I am leaving out the D-bol because I don't want the water retention.

    So you are bulking and think EQ is a good choice?

    This water weight bullshit is blown out of proportion. You wanna get huge or what? then deal with a little ****in water retention, big deal.

  15. #15
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    I agree.. I was gonna say masteron before I read skull's posts.

    Test, Deca, Masteron.. Sounds sweet. And then you shouldn't even need an AI, just keep it on hand.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    All this "drier gains" and "Quality muscle" is rediculous.

    Ask anyone what is better at BUILDING MUSCLE, boldenone or nandrolone, tell me what they say.

    You guys need to think for yourselfs and research more instead of relying on what you see parroted across the boards.

    You are right, Deca would be better for building muscle. BUT for strength gains and drier gains, EQ is better.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X

    Well ****, someone tries to help you and you say "No I dont wanna do that, this is better" then don't ask for help if you ****in know everything (Which BTW you don't)

    Have fun bulkin on yer masteron boldenone cycle. Should be great without water retention and quality dry gains since boldenone is simialr to deca.

  18. #18
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    Seems like YOU think you know everything so why ask for others opinion?

    Deca>EQ fo sho.

  19. #19
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    so when you want a bulker go with the deca. it will give you more mass than the eq. if you choose the eq you will have less gains, but you will be less bloated. in this sense the eq will be more apropriate for clean bulker and the deca for a bulker.

  20. #20
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    Drier gains?! lol.. Interesting concept.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by std4
    so when you want a bulker go with the deca. it will give you more mass than the eq. if you choose the eq you will have less gains, but you will be less bloated. in this sense the eq will be more apropriate for clean bulker and the deca for a bulker.
    What is this clean bulker shit?! It's just water!!!

  22. #22
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    hey bro ive treid both deca and eq in past cycles, and in my opinion eq gave me better results, because there was less water retention and as i said more drier gains in muscle mass when compared to deca, differnet bros will have different goals i myself dont like the bloat and all the water you will hold running deca and test so i choose to run eq instead

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by std4
    so when you want a bulker go with the deca. it will give you more mass than the eq. if you choose the eq you will have less gains, but you will be less bloated. in this sense the eq will be more apropriate for clean bulker and the deca for a bulker.

    I don't get why ppl say this. Clean bulker better with EQ? Deca does not give much bloat if your diet is clean, especially if your running an AI. Test bloats more IMO. You can cut on deca if you go about it correctly. More drier gains with deca, because after all, deca will give MORE MUSCLE GAINS then EQ.

  24. #24
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    ANYWAY, I do like your proposal of adding Masteron. I have never tried the compound but it seems quite popular. I will add it at around 400mg/wk, drop the Arimidex (most likely), Drop the Deca to 400mg as well.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Well ****, someone tries to help you and you say "No I dont wanna do that, this is better" then don't ask for help if you ****in know everything (Which BTW you don't)

    Have fun bulkin on yer masteron boldenone cycle. Should be great without water retention and quality dry gains since boldenone is simialr to deca.
    **** dude, give me a break. I said I didn't want to add D-Bol, THEN SIMPLY ASKED if I should switch Deca to EQ. Go back and re-read!

  26. #26
    Ok, forget it look

    I would run the masteron @ 4-500 and the deca 5-6OO adn the test @ whatever you liek but I personally wouldnt use more than 250mg a week.

    You don't have to drop the arimidex but the masteron willl help a lot with estrogen reduction. Maybe .25mg - .5mg adex ED to be safe since youre still using deca. Shit, you could KEEP the dbol in there too and get growth from another mechanism. That is actually the same exact cycle I am on, just fast esters.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Well ****, someone tries to help you and you say "No I dont wanna do that, this is better" then don't ask for help if you ****in know everything (Which BTW you don't)

    Have fun bulkin on yer masteron boldenone cycle. Should be great without water retention and quality dry gains since boldenone is simialr to deca.
    bro why are you freaking out on everyone, all the bro wanted was cycle advice not to be lectured and cussed out

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Ok, forget it look

    I would run the masteron @ 4-500 and the deca 5-6OO adn the test @ whatever you liek but I personally wouldnt use more than 250mg a week.

    You don't have to drop the arimidex but the masteron willl help a lot with estrogen reduction. Maybe .25mg - .5mg adex ED to be safe since youre still using deca. Shit, you could KEEP the dbol in there too and get growth from another mechanism. That is actually the same exact cycle I am on, just fast esters.
    O.K. just wondering why you suggest running Test at such a low dose?
    Thanks for the other info. I guess you are right, having dex can't hurt.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    bro why are you freaking out on everyone, all the bro wanted was cycle advice not to be lectured and cussed out

    Yea yea yea. Lets get over it.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    I don't get why ppl say this. Clean bulker better with EQ? Deca does not give much bloat if your diet is clean, especially if your running an AI. Test bloats more IMO. You can cut on deca if you go about it correctly. More drier gains with deca, because after all, deca will give MORE MUSCLE GAINS then EQ.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    O.K. just wondering why you suggest running Test at such a low dose?
    Thanks for the other info. I guess you are right, having dex can't hurt.

    Just because for me, personally, I don't like test that much. I like to save room for more useful compounds like nandrolone. Maybe test is great for you though so you will have to run a dose and see for yourself. And no, deca does not have to be lower than test.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Just because for me, personally, I don't like test that much. I like to save room for more useful compounds like nandrolone. Maybe test is great for you though so you will have to run a dose and see for yourself. And no, deca does not have to be lower than test.

    Cool, thanks

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Ok, forget it look

    I would run the masteron @ 4-500 and the deca 5-6OO adn the test @ whatever you liek but I personally wouldnt use more than 250mg a week.

    You don't have to drop the arimidex but the masteron willl help a lot with estrogen reduction. Maybe .25mg - .5mg adex ED to be safe since youre still using deca. Shit, you could KEEP the dbol in there too and get growth from another mechanism. That is actually the same exact cycle I am on, just fast esters.
    doesnt masteron and deca shut you down pretty hard, wouldnt you have to run test at a higher dosage than both masteron and deca

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T

    Diet is what its all about. People blow this "dry gains" and "water weight" shit way the **** out of proportion. Its a ****in steroid not a water injection.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    doesnt masteron and deca shut you down pretty hard, wouldnt you have to run test at a higher dosage than both masteron and deca

    See, this kinda shows what you really know man, not to be an asshole but seriously.

    A little bit more with both compounds ? Possbily, but I cant imagine having to run more than 2-300mg, it just wouldnt make sense.

  36. #36
    And furthermore, I am not even sure if there is varying degrees of which someone can be shutdown .........

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    I don't get why ppl say this. Clean bulker better with EQ? Deca does not give much bloat if your diet is clean, especially if your running an AI. Test bloats more IMO. You can cut on deca if you go about it correctly. More drier gains with deca, because after all, deca will give MORE MUSCLE GAINS then EQ.
    Sodium intake also is a major contributor to water retention and people dont worry much about that.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher

    Diet is what its all about. People blow this "dry gains" and "water weight" shit way the **** out of proportion. Its a ****in steroid not a water injection.
    i agree its all in the diet bro, just in my opinion deca works best in a bulker than a cutter, because deca works best when your cals are up than you will get full results from it, its pointless to me to run deca in a cutter when your cals are so low

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    i agree its all in the diet bro, just in my opinion deca works best in a bulker than a cutter, because deca works best when your cals are up than you will get full results from it, its pointless to me to run deca in a cutter when your cals are so low

    Can you explan why ?

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    Can you explan why ?
    bro you can run whatever aas you want, but IN MY OPINION deca is a better aas to use in a bulker than a cutter, again IN MY OPINION being the key words.

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