Stacking Masteron? Well, I’d say that your best bet is with test, of course…but really, due to Masteron’s reasonable binding to the Androgen Receptors and its high androgenic properties, almost any cutting drug (Tren, Anavar, etc…) could be included in a cycle with it for an efficient stack. I have a feeling that due to Stanozolol’s (Winstrol) non-AR mediated effects, and it’s ability to reduce SHBG, a stack including both of these drugs would be very synergistic. However, don’t forget the Testosterone, as Masteron will reduce your own natural testosterone levels (9)…and since you are going to have to inject Masteron Every Other Day at least (100mgs EOD is the lowest dose of this stuff I’d consider using), you might as well stack it with Testosterone Propionate, and possibly injectable Winstrol (and/or maybe Tren Acetate…if you’re inclined to use a lot of compounds in the same cycle…and I know I am…).
Eq is another popular choice to stack with Masteron.