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Thread: went to hospital

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    went to hospital

    well i woke up this morning and went into the hospital. My injection site swelled up to be as big as both my hands put together and it was very hot. I also had blood clots in there also where you could see very dark red circles about the size of a golf ball where blood was just sitting there. The doctor was a dick about it and told me I had an infection and called it cellulitis and prescribed me keflex. I have no idea how I got it I do everything like I am supposed too. It took me 3 times of going in to get the shot in I kept getting blood in the needles from aspirating(i did change the needle tip everytime). I never had that happen to me before in the glute.Do you think it could be scar tissue buildup or what? It kinda worries me about my next injection today.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    How far are you in on this cycle?

    I do hope the gear is legit..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    i am 5 weeks into a 14 week cycle. The gear is legit it came from a hrt pharmacy and never had a problem with it before. Both me and my buddy order from the same pharmacy and never had a problem before. This is both our second cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Where exactly on your glute are you injecting? The ventral gluteal seems to be a safe spot for me. Not as much meat, but less nerve endings/blood vessels. I wouldn't reccomend injecting more than 2 cc's at a time in this area though.

    More than 3 cc's should never be injecting to any area of the body...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    in the future, if i ever see blood and obviously have to reinject with new pin...then i pick a new injection spot. after you noticed the blood the first time, you should have also switched to your other glute, and left this one for your next shot. no need to aggrivate it when its acting up. good luck with the recovery

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    thank you and i won't be using this spot for a while. i try to inject in the gluteus medias in the top outer corner of the the glute. the way I do it is flex and see where the muscle tenses up and hit that. I always shoot about as long as my middle finger from my buttcrack out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    hot ho capital
    way to pro active and getting to the doc, bro infections can be pretty nasty. good luck on the recovery. like i told u yesterday i went through the same thing this week and recovering quickly (also on keflex). have already taken 3 shot since. keep us updated

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    You can walk into any walk in clinic. Dont tell them anything as far as where or why. Tell them you have been feeling sick yada yada. They will give you a scirpt for antibiotics which will kill the infection. Your case. You hit the vein and caused it to swell. Very serouis. In bad case's if it doesn't go away they have to do surgery.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    yeah next time I will just go to a walk in clinic and do that. I hate hospitals and then have to tell some doctor who doesn't understand what you did.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    so ghoul in my case do you think i have an infection or do you think that I just made the vein swell? I just don't understand why there is that big splotch of blood buldup on top of the rash.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I'm in the hospital for cellultus as well as we speak i'm on vanko its the strongest antibiotic they have, the infection became reistant to the other weaker antibiotics, I need to get out of here soon they are trying to ruin my diet, some mother ****er stole my yams out of the fridge. I hope you feel beter makes you kind of think about injections though doesn't it, I thought my service was number 1 goes to show you though.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    speedtraining were you getting your gear thru an hrt lab or somewhere else?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    there is a sh!t load of guys getting infections lately.whats going on?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by NoFaith068
    Where exactly on your glute are you injecting? The ventral gluteal seems to be a safe spot for me. Not as much meat, but less nerve endings/blood vessels. I wouldn't reccomend injecting more than 2 cc's at a time in this area though.

    More than 3 cc's should never be injecting to any area of the body...
    why not?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Musclehead21
    well i woke up this morning and went into the hospital. My injection site swelled up to be as big as both my hands put together and it was very hot. I also had blood clots in there also where you could see very dark red circles about the size of a golf ball where blood was just sitting there. The doctor was a dick about it and told me I had an infection and called it cellulitis and prescribed me keflex. I have no idea how I got it I do everything like I am supposed too. It took me 3 times of going in to get the shot in I kept getting blood in the needles from aspirating(i did change the needle tip everytime). I never had that happen to me before in the glute.Do you think it could be scar tissue buildup or what? It kinda worries me about my next injection today.
    things some times just happen even doctors and nurses who will give injections perfectly will at times end with an infection, its rare but it happens

    Cellulitis (sel-u-LI-tis) is a potentially serious bacterial infection of your skin. Cellulitis appears as a swollen, red area of skin that feels hot and tender, and it may spread rapidly.
    Skin on the face or lower legs is most commonly affected by this infection, though cellulitis can occur on any part of your body. Cellulitis may be superficial — affecting only the surface of your skin — but cellulitis may also affect the tissues underlying your skin and can spread to your lymph nodes and bloodstream.
    Left untreated, the spreading bacterial infection may rapidly turn into a life-threatening condition. That's why it's important to recognize the signs and symptoms of cellulitis and to seek immediate medical attention if they occur.

    Signs and symptoms

    Cellulitis may result in skin that is:
    • Red
    • Swollen
    • Tender
    • Warm
    The changes in your skin may be accompanied by a fever. Over time, the area of redness tends to expand. Small red spots may appear on top of the reddened skin, and less commonly, small blisters may form and burst.

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