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Thread: IGFLR3 Usage Pre-bone-Plate-Fusal

  1. #1

    IGFLR3 Usage Pre-bone-Plate-Fusal

    What would be a good dose of LR3 to promote height growth in a 17 year old whose using aromatase inhibitors to promote height growth.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by RileyASON
    What would be a good dose of LR3 to promote height growth in a 17 year old whose using aromatase inhibitors to promote height growth.

    Your Epiphyseal plates are quite likely to be already fused to a certain degree!!

    Taking IGF may not increase your height at all. Are you suffering from poor growth??

  3. #3
    I'm 5 ft 11 and i've grown 2 inches in the past year, should i super dose this stuff or go for a low dose?
    I'm not sure if igf has any effect on the maturation rate, if not thne i guess the higher the dose the better, but i'm not sure what a safe dose would be, i'm only 16 i'm 17 in a month.
    Any ideas?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by RileyASON
    I'm 5 ft 11 and i've grown 2 inches in the past year, should i super dose this stuff or go for a low dose?
    I'm not sure if igf has any effect on the maturation rate, if not thne i guess the higher the dose the better, but i'm not sure what a safe dose would be, i'm only 16 i'm 17 in a month.
    Any ideas?

    Dont take IGF, why are you trying to grow taller. You're only 16 and you're 5'11 which is above the average height for a male in the USA and above average for the world!!

    Playing with your body in this way at a young age can have very serious consequences. If you were 4'11 I could see your point, but as it is you are WAY too immature to be using powerful hormone injections!!

  5. #5
    I see your point mate, but i'm pretty ambitious, i live in the UK if that makes a difference to you. My goal is to be atleast 6 ft and 7 ft if i can, anywhere between there i'm ok with. Dunno about age realted sides with this thing, one concern i've had is ending up with low GH, but i know thye prescibe this stuff to short folks and they live a happy life after. I'm staying away from anabolics until i'm atleast 18 so i'm showing some common sense, i'm making nice natural gains and am sitting pretty at about 220lbs 10% bf. I dead set on using this stuff however, if people are all that opposed then i guess i should keep it quiet. If anyones got any horror stories for me it'd be well considered in my usage, and if anyone has soem dosage/risk ideas it would also be well considered. Cheers ace for your help mate.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by RileyASON
    I see your point mate, but i'm pretty ambitious, i live in the UK if that makes a difference to you. My goal is to be atleast 6 ft and 7 ft if i can, anywhere between there i'm ok with. Dunno about age realted sides with this thing, one concern i've had is ending up with low GH, but i know thye prescibe this stuff to short folks and they live a happy life after. I'm staying away from anabolics until i'm atleast 18 so i'm showing some common sense, i'm making nice natural gains and am sitting pretty at about 220lbs 10% bf. I dead set on using this stuff however, if people are all that opposed then i guess i should keep it quiet. If anyones got any horror stories for me it'd be well considered in my usage, and if anyone has soem dosage/risk ideas it would also be well considered. Cheers ace for your help mate.

    ok what I've read - you are 16, 17 in a month you are 5'11" 220lbs 10%bf.

    First I'm 31, 6'1" 208 14%bf. YOU ARE ONLY 2" SHORTER THAN ME, 12lbs HEAVIER AND 4% LESS BF @ 16!!!! I did not grow this tall at 16, I had my final growth spurt after I was 23, most males do not fully mature until they are 25-26.

    Your age and immaturity are showing and it is sad because you could potentially reach 6'3"-6" naturally, but yet you want to try and rush this, just a stupid fukin thought process - because of your age and immaturity.

    Next you say that you want to wait until you are 18 to start steroids so that is showing some common sense - ummm no it is not - again males do not reach their natural growth/size until they are 25-26 - ask your practioner if you don't believe me. ESPECIALLY when every respected member on here will tell you to wait until you are at least 23. But you are showing common sense, MY ASS bro. Common sense would be following what those respected members on here say.

    Take this as you want, but you are not showing common sense - what you are really showing how immature you truely are. SAD SAD SAD!!!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    why do you want to be 6-7ft tall??? Im hoping this is a joke?

  8. #8
    I was wishing this thread could have stayed clamer m8 tbh. I can't rely on having another growth spurt as i look really mature as i am(some say about 20). I've been trainign for the past year hard and on and off the year before that. I would have had 3 years training by the time i decide to take up gear, i'll only take it up when my natural gains slow alot more. Ive already plateaued about 5 months ago and overcome that. Like i said i want to be atleast 6 ft, and it won't happen overnight so if i get too tall for me likes then i'll run a cycle of aas to finish sealing up the bone plates. This isn't an immature attitude it's just self manipulation, i'm sure alot of people would like to be an inch or 2 taller. Keep this thread clam please i don't want tit locked or me banned.

  9. #9
    Oh and mate alot of respected people in the UK are in fulll agreement of what i'm doing and respect that i'm staying of aas for a while longer. You know something like 5 % of kids are on roids, i doubt any of them actually have a clue about them. For my age i'm not in a bad place to consider usage.
    Cheers, Again

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I still dont understand why you want to be 6-7ft tall? Are you a baller? Steroids aint gonna make you tall and neither will IGF. You are stuck with the genetics god gave you and from the sound of it your doing quite well. Stay off the gear and keep training hard. If "respected" ppl in the UK are telling you this is a good idea i would seriously question there integrity. All the "respected" guys I have spoken with would tell you your ideas are not feasible.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    All you're lookin at gettin is Acr*****ly,diabitis,heart probs and premature death if you **** around wiv this stuff..Do it and end up like me with a pituitary tumor..Do as you like mate,but imo i would listen to the advice given you..I am naturally 6'4 280lbs at 28yrs old..You cannot go beyond your natural genetics and you haven't even gottenthere yet! Give it time

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I still dont understand why you want to be 6-7ft tall? Are you a baller? Steroids aint gonna make you tall and neither will IGF. You are stuck with the genetics god gave you and from the sound of it your doing quite well. Stay off the gear and keep training hard. If "respected" ppl in the UK are telling you this is a good idea i would seriously question there integrity. All the "respected" guys I have spoken with would tell you your ideas are not feasible.
    No i'm a heavy weight boxer and most guys in my class are taller, longer stroke and just seem to have me at a disadvantage through height. Though all are older than me too. IGF is used to treat short stature in GH non-respondants(that's regular IGF used) IGF LR3 is alot more potent supposedly.
    I'd rather not deny myself the chance to be taller at this stage in my life, it's worth the chance and whatever inches i gain, got to act before it's too late.
    I'm not being told this is a good idea, more told "it's up to you mate, can't see any reason not to try".

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by simm
    All you're lookin at gettin is Acr*****ly,diabitis,heart probs and premature death if you **** around wiv this stuff..Do it and end up like me with a pituitary tumor..Do as you like mate,but imo i would listen to the advice given you..I am naturally 6'4 280lbs at 28yrs old..You cannot go beyond your natural genetics and you haven't even gottenthere yet! Give it time

    Hey I'm not trying to Hijack this thread that for real?(pituitary tumor)...this is the first I have heard of this side effect on someone.

    Did you abuse IGF when you were younger?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by simm
    All you're lookin at gettin is Acr*****ly,diabitis,heart probs and premature death if you **** around wiv this stuff..Do it and end up like me with a pituitary tumor..Do as you like mate,but imo i would listen to the advice given you..I am naturally 6'4 280lbs at 28yrs old..You cannot go beyond your natural genetics and you haven't even gottenthere yet! Give it time
    Bruv how many people are using this stuff? If there was one single report of someone getting any of those problems from igf usage in modern bodybuilding community, there would be an explosion of doubt and critism towards the use of IGF. They use it in medicine on pubertal teens to promote height growth. I've read studies on it's long term effect, so i certainly wouldn't cycle it regulary for more than a year or two and probably wouldn't touch it after i'm done promoting my height to my desired level. What i said was i'm not taking a chance, if i don't act now i may end up this height for the rest of my life, and it's not working for me in sports performance and social aspects of my life.
    Still i may be making wrongful aassumptions about ti's safety.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7
    Hey I'm not trying to Hijack this thread that for real?(pituitary tumor)...this is the first I have heard of this side effect on someone.

    Did you abuse IGF when you were younger?
    I've read soem on them, he should be really ****ed up if he has one, IGF does promote some kinds of tumour growth if you already have one, but then again so do roids...
    Using IGF at a young age can't really increase your chance of getting tumours in later life if you don't cycle it regulary through life.
    TBH there's too much scary stuff out their about IGF use to cycle that through life.
    Possibly because we're dosing about 50-100mcg when our bodies produce less than 1 mcg.
    I might use GH, more powerful, but keep pysiological levels in check.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Yeah i do have a pit tumor which my endo said may be caused by my hgh usage when i was 24yrs old/28 now..I have severe vision probs which i am hoping will be sorted out soon..I take 50mg Dosulepin every night as i awake with severe headaches.. There is a risk to everything yet if you are dead set in taking the IGF route at your age,please be careful and try to consider using more skill to beat the taller and older boxers..I compete in MMA and there are guys bigger than me too..Doesn't mean to say i wanna get my legs and arms broke and reset surgically to become as big as these guys...Most top 10 world heavyweight boxers are in a shorter height range now with the exception of Wladimir klitschko and Nikolai valuev,yet they are naturally tall...IMO you are what you are.....

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    You have to 18 to join here.

    Please read the rules.

    Your so young,you have your life in front of you.Please think about this.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by simm
    Yeah i do have a pit tumor which my endo said may be caused by my hgh usage when i was 24yrs old/28 now..I have severe vision probs which i am hoping will be sorted out soon..I take 50mg Dosulepin every night as i awake with severe headaches.. There is a risk to everything yet if you are dead set in taking the IGF route at your age,please be careful and try to consider using more skill to beat the taller and older boxers..I compete in MMA and there are guys bigger than me too..Doesn't mean to say i wanna get my legs and arms broke and reset surgically to become as big as these guys...Most top 10 world heavyweight boxers are in a shorter height range now with the exception of Wladimir klitschko and Nikolai valuev,yet they are naturally tall...IMO you are what you are.....
    Wow, mate good luck, hope you get well.
    I'm training harder than i ever have in my life so i should get better.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    You have to 18 to join here.

    Please read the rules.

    Your so young,you have your life in front of you.Please think about this.
    I know mate i'm sorry, but i think that i can contribute and we'll say for the record i'm 18(off-record maybe different*wink*).

    I am thinking hard about all this, i've ready got the IGF if i wasn't think i would already be dosing.
    I'm considering GH as an alternative, but i can't see how that could make much difference other than the fact GH is actualy used in medicine.
    Seems like whether your taking any kind of anabolic agent, gear or Grwoth Hormones, your going to increase your chances of getting an abnormal growth. It's playing the numbers and keeping dosage/ cycling sane.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Thanks bro....Concentrate on the boxing,great sport!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    You'e already aused yourself problems by training hard when young, I've read and taken part in studies which have proven that strength training below the age of 18 and evn more so below 16 has a 70-80% chance of causing early epiphyseal plate closure and stunted growth.

    In fact by upping your blood levels of HGH you are at a significant risk of accelerating the closure if it has alreday begun.

    I know this because I started heavy training when I was 13rs old and haven't grown an inch since the age of 14. I took part in various studies as examinations revealed that my natural genetic height should have been 6ft - 6ft3. I was 2nd tallest lad in my year at school when I started high school, when I left I was in the bottom 40 of 300!! I'm 5ft8 now, at 13 I was 5ft7!!

    If you want a life of regrets go ahead, but I cannot express deeply enough the depression of not growing when i know that my body would have if I had not been so stupid when I was young.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace
    You'e already aused yourself problems by training hard when young, I've read and taken part in studies which have proven that strength training below the age of 18 and evn more so below 16 has a 70-80% chance of causing early epiphyseal plate closure and stunted growth.

    In fact by upping your blood levels of HGH you are at a significant risk of accelerating the closure if it has alreday begun.

    I know this because I started heavy training when I was 13rs old and haven't grown an inch since the age of 14. I took part in various studies as examinations revealed that my natural genetic height should have been 6ft - 6ft3. I was 2nd tallest lad in my year at school when I started high school, when I left I was in the bottom 40 of 300!! I'm 5ft8 now, at 13 I was 5ft7!!

    If you want a life of regrets go ahead, but I cannot express deeply enough the depression of not growing when i know that my body would have if I had not been so stupid when I was young.
    I have been weight training seriously since i was 14 and followed a bodybuiling diet since i started and have grown a good few inces in height although i wish i had not! LOL

    Unlucky for me i was in that 20 - 30%


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