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Thread: Just a theory

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada

    Just a theory

    Now when we've hit a plateau, we usually take a break or change things up. But there comes a time when everyone needs a break, just to the let muscles relax for a bit. Then when you come back you can build all over again. Now heres my question. Assuming you have been working out for years, (doing the odd cycle here and there) and that you hit a plateau. Instead of taking a break and just going back and hitting the weights, would it be beneficial to start a cycle as soon as you get back? What I am thinking is that when you get back you want the biggest possible shock you can give your body. Hence the cycle would help with tissue repair and creating a bigger shock on the body then what you could do naturally? any thoughts?

    .....just a theory

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I guess it'll depend on the length of the break. If the break is in months, I think you'll do your body better by introducing the regiment, (which includes training, dieting, resting, and of ourse the AAS), slowly. I think with long lay-over, we need to build our bodies back up to certain level. Also, psychologically it'll be better. I got into an accident while back and could not hit the weights for 8 weeks (broken arm). I got used to the idea of not working out and took me a while before hitting the gym like I wanted to. Your body takes awhile to catch up with what your mind wants to do after a long break. But that's just me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    Yeah, I was thinking of a break more along the lines of a couple weeks not months. If you're off for months then I agree that you have to get back into the routine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    If you are taking of break of week or two, your idea is valid one. Although for me it may be difficult. I pulled my back few days bback and could not work out for 3 days. It feel pretty good to not work out, although I feel guilty as shit. I feel fine today but still contemplating an extra day off. I could get soooo lazy sometimes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    I was also going to mention the length of the has already been stated if the break gets into say a month or so...i wouldn't hit the AAS when you started right back..but say you took a week or so off..I don't see why that wouldn't be beneficial to someone who has hit a true plateau

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    IMO If you take a break of more than a Month, get back into a Routine of resistance training and cardio for at least 3 weeks before starting a cycle, that way you are over the initial soreness and your muscles are somewhat trained. This will allow you to get the most out of your cycle.

    Provided you have been off cycle an adequate amount of time, I would agree a cycle shortly after taking a break is a good idea because psychologically a cycle can be very motivational

    Last edited by ripped4fsu; 10-04-2002 at 09:04 AM.

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