Just wondering how long people stay off before they go on cycle again.
If you have a different patern than the options, explain.
Time on juice = Time off
Time on juice + clomid therapy = Time off
Time on x 2 = Time off
Time on x 3 = Time off
I never go off
I bridge between cycles
Just wondering how long people stay off before they go on cycle again.
If you have a different patern than the options, explain.
It varys from cycle to cycle for me. If I attain goals I set before cycle, I stay off longer. If not, I'll stay off for about 1/2 the time on.
i stay off time on + clomid therapy
In a perfect world time on + clomid therapy but i am in the middle of my cycle and i think if i could afford it i would stay on longer, now i can see how people don't want to stop at all. Its a pretty awesome feeling being on.
I´ll bump this - only 9 votes, is this a theme people dont want to talk about? There must be more people doing juice...
I think one of the reasons you are not getting as many answers is that the question is flawed. There are many factors that go into recovery including Drugs used on cycle, Dosages used, age, and good old genetics. The answer to the question is you need to take as much time off as it takes YOU to recover from your last cycle. How do you know? Get an endo screen done and see if HPTA is functioning "normally" for you and other indicators (BP, liver values, Cholesterol, etc...) have returned to pre cycle levels or at least acceptable ranges. Recovery from a cycle does not get the respect it deserves but it is good to see you are trying to understand it better.
Some say Clomid for 2 weeks, some say take it for 1 month...Any suggestions?
i agree with rickson 100%.do we like what he says no the reason is bc most of us are greedy we want as little time as possible betwen cycles
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