Damn, I have to tell my people about my night. I always hang out with a bunch of chicks. We were all having a good time and partying. My gf and I were even taking this one girl home to tear up together. So, everything is going good until we are leaving the club's parking lot. I was talking with my gf and about 4 other girls when two guys start shit with me. Before I know it , I boxing it out with these two. Fuck, I did the best I could aginst two guys and I was stilll beating one of them as they were getting into the car. I hate fighting. Now I have a swollen left eye that is freakin' killin' me!!! Oh well, I hope those poor fucks never show up at that club again. The moral of the story, bangin' a bunch of chicks:good. When your getting ready to fight a couple of guys:bad
Peace out