After much thought, reading and asking as many questions as I can. I have come up with what I think is a killer first cycle. I would like to gain about 30lbs on this. My plan goes like this.. I am going to be eating A LOT, I would like to take in about 6000 cals ED I will be concentrating on protein using (Nuclear Nutrition Ultra-Pro 7 80g/serving). I would like to take in about 600g or protein ED. I will be eating alot of meat, chicken, pork and veggies and you cant forget potatoes.
As far as how my workout will change. I am not going to do the usual bulking routine where you drop to 6-8 reps a set with lots of weight. I plan on leeping my 10-15 reps per set, I feel that as I get stronger I will increase the weight but I like to feel that burn so droping the reps would be no fun.
Here is the cycle:
wks 1-16 iranian test enan 750mg/week
wks 1-14 QV eq 600mg/week
wks 1-4 d-bol thai 10mg blue hearts 40mg/ED
(I may use Viramone 150mg/ED rather then d-bol, if I use Viramone it would be run 1-6)
wks 1-15 liquidex .5mg ED
nolva and clomid will be on hand durring cycle along with liquidex
I will stop the EQ on week 14 so it gives it a chance to equal out with the test by the 16th week, on week 14 I will start my clomid/nolvadex theropy. Also I am thinking about introducing some HCG in here the last week of test injections.
wks 14-15 clomid 100mg ED
wks 14-15 nolva 100mg ED
wk 16 clomid 50mg ED
wk 16 nolva 50mg ED
Well let me know what you guy's think. This will be my first ever cycle so I would like it to be a real gainer. I plan on doing this, then a bridge into another cycle later.
Thanks for the input