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Thread: Test Enth??? Or should I spring for SUST???

  1. #1

    Question Test Enth??? Or should I spring for SUST???

    Hey fellas-

    Good to see the site seems to be workin a bit better... Anyhow, plannin my upcomin bulker.. I am going to add 300 mg/wk DECA with the test, but I want to know whether to spring for the Sust @ like $15 a pop. My buddy is telling me to def. spring for it, because its DEFINATLY worth it.. But I AM scared of the sus flu!! Thanks


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I prefer test enanthate personally. All the esters in sus are just a pain in the ass to keep track of for me. If the enanthate is cheaper and you know it is real then go with that in my opinion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Well first of all, don't worry about the sust flu. It happens but it isn't a regular thing. If I were you, and I was going on a bulking cycle, I would definately go with the sust. Although, I have taken 2 bulking cycles, one with sust and one with test enthate, and i had better results with the est enthate cycle. But I think that was because that was my first cycle ever. If I were you I would go with the sust! Oh yah, the sust shouldn't be much more than the test enthate. Good luck! Later

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Actually I have the same question, I've done Sust. on a couple of occasions, last time I got Sus. flu real bad, trained hard through it, but am curious about Enanthate this time, I wanna prepare myself for a massive bult cycle for winther along with some EQ. Any suggestions on dosage?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Run test Enth. at 500-750 mgs a week. I use 750 mg/wk, but many people see good results with just 500mg/ do as little as you can if you can get good results. As for the will go great with the Enth. You can run it at 400-600 mg/wk. Most will tell you to run it at 600 mg/wk for at least 10 weeks....NO LESS!! You will see the best results if you can run it for a full 12 wks. Hope this info helps you latman....good luck on the bulker!!!
    P.S.......Fina also works great in a Test/EQ cycle. MAJOR MASS BABY!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    IMO i'd run the Enanthate at 400 to 600mg/week. A lot easier to keep track of

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    London Baby!
    Find a new source bro! 15 buck a pop, you are getting screwed! I get it for 5-6 bucks an amp! you can find a much better deal!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    London Baby!
    By the way, I use sust too, don't ask me for source info for to sell you any, I WON'T! If you cant find sust cheaper, go with enth.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by dansteelman
    By the way, I use sust too, don't ask me for source info for to sell you any, I WON'T! If you cant find sust cheaper, go with enth.
    Haha Don't worry bro I'm not- I'm not an idiot! Anyhow, he can get the Enth. real cheap, I guess his guys just gets Sust for real expensive.

    So I think I will go with the Enth. It is a TON cheaper, only once a week shots, don't have to worry about SUS FLU... Plus since its 250mg sust amps, I would run 500.... Since I am gonna use the enth, should i go with less- say 400 mgs?? I think im gonna run 300mg/wk Deca.... Thanks!!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    London Baby!
    Run 400 your first cycle, 500 your second, and 600 your third I'm running 750mg sust a week (Mon-Wed-fri) and i have never gotten the flu (even if you do, it only last about 4 days). I like the sust due to the fast acting prop (keeps me pumped until week 4) hope this helps! good luck bro!

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