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Thread: 50 mg Win tabs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Halifax, NS

    Question 50 mg Win tabs

    I bought 15 50 mg Win tabs, for $100 canandian, and i was just wondering if anyone can tell me if they are real?? they are yellow, 5 sided, and have a bevel on one side? i have taken 12 of them, one a day, and while I am not seeing any weight lose, I do get a wicked pump, and I am getting a bit bigger. could it be that i was taken them to close together?? I have taken some a-50 tabs before, and loved those things.
    Can anyone tell me if my win tabs are legit??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    It would be best if you could post a pic

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    well...a few things..
    1: like FI said we need a pic to give you a definit answer if you are legit, 2: 15 for $100 bucks..ouch bro..that is almost $7 a peice. WAYYYYYYYY too much..but it is too late for that.
    3: you are going to need a lot more then 15 pills
    4: you are doing it right by taking 50mg Every day
    5: Winny will not help you lose fat. Winny is not a fat burner like so many think. It will help you retain your lean body mass that you have when dieting down but like I said it will not burn fat.
    6: next time make sure you do some research before you buy something like this
    7: getting a pump is a good sign.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Halifax, NS
    I don't have a scanner, so the best i can do it describe what I got. I only got 15 to see how they work, didn't want to shell out a shit load of money for crap.\
    does the fact that I go about 340 have anything to do with it??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    North of Boston
    Well you shelled out 100 Canadian for 15 so imo you wasted your money.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Originally posted by Caper24
    I don't have a scanner, so the best i can do it describe what I got. I only got 15 to see how they work, didn't want to shell out a shit load of money for crap.\
    does the fact that I go about 340 have anything to do with it??
    do you have a web cam...I don't know why you would put them in your scanner but what ever works..

    like i already said and now so did already blew way to much already..hopefully you know a guy that isn't going to take advantage of you next time.

    does the fact that I go about 340 have anything to do with it...what are you asking?????????? not understanding what you are tryint to say???

    and one more thing. Just for a tip if you decide to put a cycle together one day...get all your gear before you start..what happens now if you don't mind shelling out more cash for more of these winnys and the guy doesn't have anymore..then what???? they you wasted the 15 you just took. Get you gear first bro

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey
    Always get all your gear first. No matter what. Ill tell you stories about my aborted half ass cycle that was going great but started way too early and couldnt get the rest. Do not do that to yourself. Secondly, do not take aas just to see if they were legit or good stuff. Why? What effect is that really gonna give you. This is not a flame bro, i just want u to succede and get the most from whatever you decide to do!. P.S. that is a shit load of moey for 15.

  8. #8
    Here is a crappy pic of what they look like. Basically like BD dbol but yellow(the old ones). You have to know your source though as there is no difference in the appearance of the 5mg and 50mg. Keep that in mind.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	win.jpg 
Views:	214 
Size:	5.8 KB 
ID:	13091  

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    when you say 340, are you talking about your weight?? cus if you are, i dont think 1000 winny pills will help you. are you talking about 340 pounds?? or what?? Slide!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I go with everything Shredz says here mate. PLus it sounds to me like you could have BD 5mg Stanozol, and I wouldn't trust any source who'd sell you ANY tabs at 7 bucks a pop. Here's a picture of 5mg Stanozol's. I'll leave this thread here in the anabolic questions board for more answers, but I think Shredz has them all covered.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	5mg thai stanozol.jpg 
Views:	242 
Size:	27.2 KB 
ID:	13101  

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Halifax, NS
    Well that is exactly what I got. Thanks guys.. I have done stuff before, i just like experimenting with new stuff. But I really like SUS 250 and A-50's. So I would like to get more of them
    Also when I say 340, I do mean lbs, as in weight. If I have any more questions or comments then I will be back. Thanks again.

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