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Thread: Help i need some input on this bro's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey

    Help i need some input on this bro's

    ok, i don't know if it's just me. if it's just the jitters of getting married this sunday are getting to me, or what. my fiance called me from work a little while ago, and she was talking to me from the women's locker room. i heard all her friends talking in the backround they were being real loud. i hear one of her friends that i know quite well ask her if "she has a boyfriend". so, i get real quiet stop talking, and turn the volume up on the phone. then my fiance says "no" to her in a real quiet voice, and her friend then says "that's not what i've been hearing around here from everyone". first off her friend knows us for a long time, and that we're getting married this weekend. so, why would she even ask in the first place if she has a boyfriend? then my fiance gets all quiet, and wont talk to me at all, and is in a rush to get off the phone now. she tells me not to get mad that she will explain everything to me when she gets home. WTF is this. this really fucking sucks i'm so fucking pissed off. does this sound like anything, or could it just be me being paranoid, or something..
    i mean fuck i can't take a walk down the isle if i'm not sure. i mean i'm 100% sure i love her, and she's the one i want to be with. this is just so F@cked up, and it couldn't of happened at a better time right. Shit, i feel like i'm f@cking perry mason now, and examining everything over.
    please give me any input you might have on this i'm freaking out here

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    As hard as this will be to do, just chill for now. I am sure you know her pretty well and you will be able to tell if she is telling the truth when she talks to you. More than likely some dork hit on her and her friend was making a joke about it. So don't stress about it right now. Just talk to her when she gets home and find out what the deal was. Now go do what Nathan does when he gets stressed, go take a bubble bath and relax.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Im with Jason maybe your friend was just playing around. Wait it out and her what she has to say.
    Nathan does the bubble bath with candles while listening to Michael Bolton (his idol) you forgot that Jason.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    your assumptions were correct i feel like such an @ss now. it freaked her out just as much as i did me cause she was upset of what i must have been thinking about her. she knew that it didn't sound good from where i was sitting. she explained everything to me. damn, it's just got to by nerves, or something that's why i'm always so paranoid about everything these days. on a lighter note my boys are throwing my bachelor party for me. they got that guy Beetlejuice from the Howard Stern's Show coming to the party. (if anyone here know's who he is i'm sure he'll good for a couple of laughs)

    thanks bro's after i'm done here i'm going to take that bubble bath you were talking about, but one thing is it ok to do it without michael bolton playing?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    glad to hear it worked out.

    bubble bath huh? sometimes when i get stressed i take a hot bath, jam some relaxin tunes and somoke a joint---just chillin in da tub. i never added bubbles though, but in the future i believe i will.

    have fun at your bachelor party bro! and congrats on the wedding

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Oh shit...Beeteljuice!! LOL.....he actually has a website with a number you can call...I actually called it and the recorded message is fucking hilarious....I'll see if I can find it and post it...

    here it much did it run your boys kreper?
    Last edited by Big Rush; 10-12-2002 at 01:27 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    thanks for that laugh bro i can't wait till tonight. waiting for the boys to call me up now. i don't know how much it ran them, but they were telling me about some of the surprises waiting for me tonight.
    they have a slip, and slide set up, and we're going to play bowling for thongs bro!!!! yeh they got some cool sh*t set up for me tonight. they said that beetlejuice is going to be a blast too.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    New Jersey
    ok bro's leaving for bachelor party now. just wanted to thank you all again for all advice. peace, and i'll see you all in a week, or 2.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Have a great wedding bro!
    Be safe

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Perry Mason, just marry her.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    what was her explination?

    dont worry bro if she had a boyfriend her friends would not say that--my friends do that all the time to me when i am on the phone with my wife,you would think they would find a new joke after all this time--i guess they just like to see me get my tail kicked.

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