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Thread: Writing debate articles? CSAR take a read

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up

    Writing debate articles? CSAR take a read

    I spend half my days nowdays writing debate articles to swedish newspaper in response to all the environmental garbage I read everyday.

    The problem is I have a tendency to get very long winded and trying to squeese in more than I should.

    I know we have one or two language professors around here. What is the main things to think about when writing a debate article?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I spend half my days nowdays writing debate articles to swedish newspaper in response to all the environmental garbage I read everyday.

    The problem is I have a tendency to get very long winded and trying to squeese in more than I should.

    I know we have one or two language professors around here. What is the main things to think about when writing a debate article?
    wish i had that problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    In a bowl of rice
    I think a journalism or literature professor could give you better advice. My area of expertise is applied linguistics specializing in phonology, motivation, and ultimate attainment.

    Johan, most of your posts that I have read are quite well written, so I'm not sure how to address your particular style of writing or your specific writing problem. If you want to PM me something, I'd be happy to take a look at it as long as it's in English. That said, I can give you some broad advice which may or may not be useful.

    1. Using a pencil & paper, list your main idea and supporting points in a bullet form.
    2. Eliminate the weakest points (i.e., those which are easily attacked or refuted).
    3. Look at the remaining points. Which of these points can be supported with evidence? Which of these do you have personal experience with? How will someone with the opposite view (an opponent) respond to these points?
    4. At this time, you should choose your strongest 3-4 points.
    5. Now compose your first draft using your normal method of writing.
    6. Look at your first draft. Replace any complex or compound sentences with smaller simple sentences. Can you say the same thing more concisely?
    7. Look at the lexis. Other than technical jargon or terms which are absolutely necessary, look for ways to use simple vocabulary instead of "ten dollar words".
    8. Look at the flow. Do your arguments tie in with one another with the overall goal of supporting your main idea?
    9. Do a single rewrite with this idea in mind - KISS. Keep It Short & Sweet.

    Again, not sure if any of this helps, but let me know if I can be of further assistance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Thanks bro that was more or less exactly what I was looking for.

    Unfortunaly I write the articles in swedish mostly.

    I guess 8 and 9 is where I usualy **** up. I also have a tendency to throw in those 10 dollar words

    Il defenetly write down that list and check it through from now on

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    all up in yo' buttho'
    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    8. Look at the flow. Do your arguments tie in with one another with the overall goal of supporting your main idea?
    9. Do a single rewrite with this idea in mind - KISS. Keep It Short & Sweet.

    Again, not sure if any of this helps, but let me know if I can be of further assistance.
    yesh exactly. those to points are the biggest reasons why a modern "conservative" standpoint has such mass appeal in america. you take an ultra complex issue such as global warming and "liberals" try to present it as such through speech, whereas "conservatives" will pull out an ultra simple rally point such "you know America is the greatest country because we're free and now they're trying to TAKE AWAY OUR SUV'S!!! THEY DON'T WANT FREEDOM!!!"

    it's non sequitur piled on non sequitur on top of... but a really simple black and white world view that carries resonance for stupid people.

    your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write short essays ending with you thesis (rally cry) but with information that is actually true.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Johan what is it exactly that thou art thinketh or arguments ye hast? Any hypothesis or theory or just simply debating based on proven facts?

    Just curious to know.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Prada
    Johan what is it exactly that thou art thinketh or arguments ye hast? Any hypothesis or theory or just simply debating based on proven facts?

    Just curious to know.

    Oh Im just debating that the only realistic alternative to fossile fuel that we have right now is nuclear.

    I am mainly shooting down the greens weet dreams about wind and sun. crushing the old fairytales like:
    "windpower is cheap",
    "nuclear power is expensive",
    "uranium will run out in 20 years",
    "we can dismantle nuclear power AND get rid of fossile fuel at the same time by energy savings"
    "it wont hurt our industries to cut down on energy consumption by 50%"
    "another chernobyl is just waiting to happen"
    "the entire nuclear fuel cycle relese more CO2 than a coal plant"

    and all the rest of the bullshit that greenpeace and the other ecofanatics like to claim. So its no hypothesis or theory of my own, just facts. Mostly economic facts. Im basicly sic of having those assholes spoil the environmental debate with all the lies and deceptions they, either intentionaly our out of ignorance, spread.

    Im also trying to get more involved in a rational environmental group here in sweden. Presenting a alternative to the regular lunacy.

  8. #8
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    Nov 2005
    Therefore the real ignorance lies within the masses. I mean the real reason nuclear energy hasnt gained any or not much ground it due to misinformation.
    I mean the commen citizens shudders at the slightest idea of nuclear energy, yes they are dimwitted but one must educate them. Perhaps you should commence your own organization with the mission of taking away nuclear misconception. Call it Clean Peace

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    all up in yo' buttho'
    i want more info on nuclear. i've hear it calimed to be cleaner than clean as well as dirtier than juliette lewis after a bukkake session.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    In a bowl of rice
    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    juliette lewis after a bukkake session.
    Now that's dirty!

    Johan, I wouldn't even pretend to have a fraction of your knowledge about nuclear energy. I can say that I'm for it and that's about it, but can't elucidate why...other than to say that I grew up less than 50 miles away from the nuclear power reactors and test reactors at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) and never had any complaints.

    I spoke with a colleague of mine who teaches basic debate to Japanese students who are going to study abroad for a year at one of our sister universities and he basically said the same things. However, he did make one interesting point - he said the best arguments are made against an opponent's strongest points and that weak points are almost a non-issue because most people can spot and ignore them.

    As you're writing these articles in your L1 (Swedish) I would be of little use, but I wish I could help more. If I can think of anything to assist you, I'll post it in this thread.

    Good luck and keep spreading the truth!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    Now that's dirty!

    Johan, I wouldn't even pretend to have a fraction of your knowledge about nuclear energy. I can say that I'm for it and that's about it, but can't elucidate why...other than to say that I grew up less than 50 miles away from the nuclear power reactors and test reactors at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) and never had any complaints.

    I spoke with a colleague of mine who teaches basic debate to Japanese students who are going to study abroad for a year at one of our sister universities and he basically said the same things. However, he did make one interesting point - he said the best arguments are made against an opponent's strongest points and that weak points are almost a non-issue because most people can spot and ignore them.

    As you're writing these articles in your L1 (Swedish) I would be of little use, but I wish I could help more. If I can think of anything to assist you, I'll post it in this thread.

    Good luck and keep spreading the truth!!
    Thanks mate. The input here has already been alot of help!

    The thing you mentioned, that I bolded, seems very usefull. I usualy go after ALL points the other make. I guess that is one of the reasons I can get long winded. Focusing on a few key point seems like a much better way to spend energy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Prada
    Therefore the real ignorance lies within the masses. I mean the real reason nuclear energy hasnt gained any or not much ground it due to misinformation.
    I mean the commen citizens shudders at the slightest idea of nuclear energy, yes they are dimwitted but one must educate them. Perhaps you should commence your own organization with the mission of taking away nuclear misconception. Call it Clean Peace
    clean peace. I like it but I am acctuay already involved with a organization like that.

    Chernobyl and how the environmentalist claim a chernobyl can happen anytime anywhere in any nuclear plant is probably the main reason people are scared. And Harrisburg aswell offcourse even though anyone that looks into harrisburg realise it was a tremendously succsesfull demonstration of how effectivly western reactors contain all radioactive materials in case of a disaster.
    Doesnt prevent the environmentalist to try and claim it is a proof of how unsafe nuclear power is though.

    We recently had a accident in a swedish plant where a electric transformer outside of the plant got on fire. offcourse the day after all the greens where writing in newspapers on how we should close all nuclear power plants because it isnt safe
    If a cow farts close to a plant and a environmentalist catch the smell they imidietly write in the newspaper about how nuclear power is poluting the air.

    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    i want more info on nuclear. i've hear it calimed to be cleaner than clean as well as dirtier than juliette lewis after a bukkake session.
    Not quite that dirty

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Chernobyl and how the environmentalist claim a chernobyl can happen anytime anywhere in any nuclear plant is probably the main reason people are scared. And Harrisburg aswell offcourse even though anyone that looks into harrisburg realise it was a tremendously succsesfull demonstration of how effectivly western reactors contain all radioactive materials in case of a disaster.
    Doesnt prevent the environmentalist to try and claim it is a proof of how unsafe nuclear power is though.

    We recently had a accident in a swedish plant where a electric transformer outside of the plant got on fire. offcourse the day after all the greens where writing in newspapers on how we should close all nuclear power plants because it isnt safe
    If a cow farts close to a plant and a environmentalist catch the smell they imidietly write in the newspaper about how nuclear power is poluting the air.
    I know those scroundrels of GP members would raid any minute event like ants on a drop of sugar. Go take a bath for christ's sake!!!
    They are doing more harm then good with their propoganda.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Great post CSAR

    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    1. Using a pencil & paper, list your main idea and supporting points in a bullet form.
    2. Eliminate the weakest points (i.e., those which are easily attacked or refuted).
    3. Look at the remaining points. Which of these points can be supported with evidence? Which of these do you have personal experience with? How will someone with the opposite view (an opponent) respond to these points?
    4. At this time, you should choose your strongest 3-4 points.
    5. Now compose your first draft using your normal method of writing.
    6. Look at your first draft. Replace any complex or compound sentences with smaller simple sentences. Can you say the same thing more concisely?
    7. Look at the lexis. Other than technical jargon or terms which are absolutely necessary, look for ways to use simple vocabulary instead of "ten dollar words".
    8. Look at the flow. Do your arguments tie in with one another with the overall goal of supporting your main idea?
    9. Do a single rewrite with this idea in mind - KISS. Keep It Short & Sweet.

    Again, not sure if any of this helps, but let me know if I can be of further assistance.

    Your opening paragraph should state definatively your opinion.

    Your reader should not have to go tru 3 other paragraphs of strong points before they can guess where you stand on the issue... as this isn't an attempt at fiction.. but rather a journalistic representation of your opinion (hopefully supported by facts).

    Your end paragraph should supply a clearly deliniated conclusion...which supports you opening paragraph... and flows with the 3-4 strong points you've made beforehand.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In a bowl of rice
    I'm wondering if English writing conventions are even useful for writing in Swedish. They don't work in Japanese, because they come off as being too direct and are perceived as rude.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    I'm wondering if English writing conventions are even useful for writing in Swedish. They don't work in Japanese, because they come off as being too direct and are perceived as rude.


    English and swedish are very related languages so I dont think that is a problem. I have never noticed it. Except from different sentance structure the general flow of the language seems the same.

    Far back when us vikings where conquering england, english and the nordic languages was the same language. Atleast I have been told so.

    Not to mention we are probably the least polite people in the world
    We never call anyone sir, students adress there professors on a first name basis from day one. We never bother with titles or anything like that.

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