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Thread: Depressing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    I dont know about you guys but here recently theres been a couple kids at my gym that are probably around 16-17 and are wicked strong.
    I'm pretty sure that they are on somthing because I saw them a few months back and they were pretty small. but I saw them again today and they were huge and doing DB with 175. I know alot of you guys probably dont think thats alot but for a 16/17 yo it is unless your on somthing.
    I think i'm just jealous cause I wish I could get that huge and strong. lol but then again I dont even like working out in the same gym with them because its depressing..

  2. #2
    dont know what to say. not ness gear. could still be natural.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    In this world you see a lot of incredible things. It's best to keep to your
    self and let the world go by. When you get older it's even worse. Hey!
    this has been going on for hundres of years.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    They could be natty. Going through puberty with naturally high test levels. If they are eating alot of callories, and training properly, they can make amazing gains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    are you saying db as in decline bench? with 175 cuz i could definately do that way before 16 years old

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    no flat dumbell bench my bad.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Guess?4 superbowls,0 wins
    dude who cares, theirs always goingbe someone stronger, bigger, faster than you...if you're constantly comparing yourself to others you'll never feel good...Working out is about comparing yourself to yourself...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    yea your right. I needed to hear that. its just somtimes I think they are laughing in their own head when they see what i'm lifting lol.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    No ones laughing at your lifting just like youre not laughing at people who lift less than you do. I used to think that too when I was young LOL.. People I used to know 20 yers ago who juiced when they were young as soon as they started lifting dont even lift anymore and are just big fat lazy old slobs. Theres plenty of time for juicing in the future for now just concentrate on good diet technique and regime. Youll be the one laughing in the long run.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    thanks I feel better already

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Frisco, TX
    I was walking out of the gym yesterday and saw a man in a wheelchair.

    Don't be depressed.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    so you mean 175 total between 2 dumbbells right? not 175 each hand right? cuz that seems crazy to me

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    175 in each hand. yea it is crazy but I saw it with my own 2 eyes lol

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    NOT not not

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by pwerfll1
    NOT not not

    as in....?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    175 in each hand! thats insane to me. that means they can bench close to 400 and they can barely drive. wow

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    yea 1 75 in each hand is crazy i'd have to see it. i can get 150s but im 20 and been at it for a while 175 is rediculous to me

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by hardgainer12
    175 in each hand! thats insane to me. that means they can bench close to 400 and they can barely drive. wow

    yea that is alot of weight

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I actually never even seen a db that size.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by NOREGRETS
    I actually never even seen a db that size.

    yea me neither, but technically, i could buy a few extra 50 pound plates and put them on my adjustable dumbell handles

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    yea me neither, but technically, i could buy a few extra 50 pound plates and put them on my adjustable dumbell handles
    LOL, I would shit myself if I seen someone with 50's on a DB.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by NOREGRETS
    LOL, I would shit myself if I seen someone with 50's on a DB.

    haha yea it does look kinda funny, but the 50s i got aren't olympic size, they're actually about the size of a typical 35 pound olympic plate

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    haha yea it does look kinda funny, but the 50s i got aren't olympic size, they're actually about the size of a typical 35 pound olympic plate

    That's still pretty big for a DB. You drop them the wrong way and you'll break your wrist.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Sorry but i,m calling this one bullshit. There is no way 16 year olds can dumbell press 175 pounds thats like 90 kilos each hand? I hate to say it but their not even done growing and their is no way they can get that strong in such a quick time without getting major injurys. Do you realise how strong your bones ligaments etc gotto be to support lifting that weight? Normally it would take years and years to even get strong enough bones/ligaments and everything else that is needed to lift something like that. Not only muscle. Even it where possible they would have to start lifting at a very young age and have extremely strong body naturally to support that kind of action at that young of a age. And even it where true they could prolly break world records in bench , deadlift , and squat for their age group. Beating kids their age that already have sick genetics and prolly are on juice and having bin working out much longer. Yah i,m defitenly calling bullshit on this one. Even some pro,s have trouble dumbell pressing 175 pounds let alone some 16 yr old kid. I know a 18 year old kid who is one of the strongest kid of his country. He can squat 850 pounds , Bench press 440 pounds , And deadlift 670 pounds. And he cant even dumbell press 175 pounds for reps. Now you guys wanna believe this guy go ahead. But if you have any expierence with lifting weights at all and how the human body works you know this is bullshit.
    Last edited by firedso; 12-31-2006 at 06:02 AM.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by firedso
    Sorry but i,m calling this one bullshit. There is no way 16 year olds can dumbell press 175 pounds thats like 90 kilos each hand? I hate to say it but their not even done growing and their is no way they can get that strong in such a quick time without getting major injurys. Do you realise how strong your bones ligaments etc gotto be to support lifting that weight? Normally it would take years and years to even get strong enough bones/ligaments and everything else that is needed to lift something like that. Not only muscle. Even it where possible they would have to start lifting at a very young age and have extremely strong body naturally to support that kind of action at that young of a age. And even it where true they could prolly break world records in bench , deadlift , and squat for their age group. Beating kids their age that already have sick genetics and prolly are on juice and having bin working out much longer. Yah i,m defitenly calling bullshit on this one. Even some pro,s have trouble dumbell pressing 175 pounds let alone some 16 yr old kid. I know a 18 year old kid who is one of the strongest kid of his country. He can squat 850 pounds , Bench press 440 pounds , And deadlift 670 pounds. And he cant even dumbell press 175 pounds for reps. Now you guys wanna believe this guy go ahead. But if you have any expierence with lifting weights at all and how the human body works you know this is bullshit.
    very true!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    okay you can call it bullshit if you want. but why the hell would I lie about somebody else? I can understand if I said I was dumbell pressing that much and you didnt beleive me. hell I'll take a picture of him doing it next time I see him if he lets me just to prove to you. and I cant beleive you guys never seen a 175lb dumbell they go all the way up to 250 at my gym. have you never seen ronnie colemans dumbells?

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by firedso
    Sorry but i,m calling this one bullshit. There is no way 16 year olds can dumbell press 175 pounds thats like 90 kilos each hand? I hate to say it but their not even done growing and their is no way they can get that strong in such a quick time without getting major injurys. Do you realise how strong your bones ligaments etc gotto be to support lifting that weight? Normally it would take years and years to even get strong enough bones/ligaments and everything else that is needed to lift something like that. Not only muscle. Even it where possible they would have to start lifting at a very young age and have extremely strong body naturally to support that kind of action at that young of a age. And even it where true they could prolly break world records in bench , deadlift , and squat for their age group. Beating kids their age that already have sick genetics and prolly are on juice and having bin working out much longer. Yah i,m defitenly calling bullshit on this one. Even some pro,s have trouble dumbell pressing 175 pounds let alone some 16 yr old kid. I know a 18 year old kid who is one of the strongest kid of his country. He can squat 850 pounds , Bench press 440 pounds , And deadlift 670 pounds. And he cant even dumbell press 175 pounds for reps. Now you guys wanna believe this guy go ahead. But if you have any expierence with lifting weights at all and how the human body works you know this is bullshit.
    Well the kid says theyre "prolly around 16-17" which could mean anything up to 19. Also its around 79.5 kilos not 90, Ive never seen it but I think its possible for 19 y/o that juices. So I wouldnt like to call BS on this one.
    Last edited by beuleux; 12-31-2006 at 09:36 AM.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by beatango2008
    okay you can call it bullshit if you want. but why the hell would I lie about somebody else? I can understand if I said I was dumbell pressing that much and you didnt beleive me. hell I'll take a picture of him doing it next time I see him if he lets me just to prove to you. and I cant beleive you guys never seen a 175lb dumbell they go all the way up to 250 at my gym. have you never seen ronnie colemans dumbells?

    Yes we have but the funny thing is ronnie coleman doesn,t even dumbell press much more then 175 lbs (i think it was 200 lbs). And most gyms dont have dumbells that go all the way to 250 lbs. And yes i do call you bullshit because you can find the strongest 16 year old kid in the world and he would still struggle getting up 175 lbs with dumbell presses (to be honost i dont even think a 16 year old excist that can do it for reps mabye 1 RM if your lucky). Do you even realise what weights your talking about here? Like i said before you have to have incredibly strong bones/ligaments etc not only muscles to lift those kind of weights. AND it is impossible yes IMPOSSIBLE for a 16 year old to have those kind of developed bones/ligaments/muscle. Their not even done growing! I have a personal buddy that is 18 years old who has crazy genetics and bin lifting for years and has the world record of age group. Like i said he benches 440 lbs and he cant even lflat dumbell press 175 lbs for reps. These kids are 2 years younger have less years of lifting and they can do it for reps? Have fun finding fake pics because if you have any understanding of the human body and lifting at all you know its impossible.
    Last edited by firedso; 12-31-2006 at 09:43 AM.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Well the kid says theyre "prolly around 16-17" which could mean anything up to 19. Also its around 79.5 kilos not 90, Ive never seen it but I think its possible for 19 y/o that juices. So I wouldnt like to call BS on this one.

    I dont think people realise what kind of weights were talking about here. You know these are weights pro actually train with? People that bin lifting for atleast 10 years and have taken steriods and others stuff for years and years. I dont care if its 80 kilos i dont like to compare but ronnie does dumbell presses with 200 pounds. If these kids can dumbell 175 pounds they should easily be able to dumbell press 200 pounds at the age of 17-18. Which is still impossible. It might be able for a 19 year old who juices to dumbell press 175 pounds for 1 REP. And he would still have to be a genetic freak.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I couldn't give a stuff what other people lift, or even what I can lift, as long as I can beat my own personal goals ( a little heavier or a couple more reps) each week thats all that matters.
    I hate it when ppl ask "whats do you bench" ect, I usually reply "whatever ammount of weight is needed to work the muscle for a set ammount of reps on that given day".
    They usually follow up with "what protein shake do you take" at this point I would quite like to headbutt them

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